| William Collins - English poetry - 1848 - 158 pages
...skirts, With braid ethereal wove, O'erhang his wavy bed : Now air is hush'd, save where the weak-ey'd bat, With short shrill shriek, flits by on leathern...'midst the twilight path, Against the pilgrim borne in heedless hum : Now teach me, maid compos'd, To breathe some soften'd strain, Whose numbers, stealing... | |
| E. A. ANSLEY - English language - 1849 - 288 pages
...solemn springs, Thy springs, and dying gales; " O nymph reserved ! while now the bright-haired sun Sits in yon western tent, whose cloudy skirts, With...'midst the twilight path, Against the pilgrim borne in heedless hum : Now teach me, maid composed, To breathe some softened strain, "Whose numbers, stealing... | |
| Questions and answers - 1900 - 676 pages
...has expressed himself somewhat so ; but the likeness is not very strong, and Gray has done best :— Now air is hushed, save where the weak-eyed bat With...where the beetle winds His small but sullen horn. ' Ode to Evening.' The flight of the bat and the beetle " with his drowsy hums " indicates the approach... | |
| Electronic journals - 1900 - 614 pages
...somewhat so ; but the likeness is not very strong, and Gray has done best : — Vow air is hushed, gave where the weak-eyed bat With short, shrill shriek...where the beetle winds His small but sullen horn. ' Ode to Evening.' The flight of the bat and the beetle " with his drowsy hums " indicates the approach... | |
| Frederick Charles Cook - 1849 - 144 pages
...brawling springs, Thy springs, and dying gales : O nymph reserv'd, while now the bright-hair'd sun Sits in yon western tent, whose cloudy skirts, With...brede ethereal wove, O'erhang his wavy bed: Now air is hush'd, save where the weak-ey'd bat, With short, shrill shriek flits by on leathern wing, Or where... | |
| George Croly - English poetry - 1850 - 442 pages
...own modest springs, Thy springs, and dying gales ; O nymph reserved, while now the bright-haired sun Sits in yon western tent, whose cloudy skirts, With...midst the twilight path, Against the pilgrim borne in heedless hum ; Now tench me, maid composed, To breathe some softened strain, Whose numbers stealing... | |
| Daniel Scrymgeour - English poetry - 1850 - 596 pages
...skirts, With brede1 ethereal wove, O'erhang his wavy bed : Now air is hnsh'd, save where the weak-ey'd bat, With short shrill shriek flits by on leathern...wing ; Or where the beetle winds His small but sullen horn,2 As oft he rises 'midst the twilight path. Against the pilgrim borne in heedless hum ; ' '. e.... | |
| Lady Morgan (Sydney) - British - 1850 - 476 pages
...seized it in that happy moment so exquisitely described by Collins : -" While now the bright hair'd sun Sits in yon western tent, whose cloudy skirts, With brede ethereal wove, O'erhang his wavy bed." " Oh ! that beautiful Ode !" exclaimed Glorvina, with all her wildest enthusiasm—" never can I read... | |
| John Coleman (of Dover.) - Europe - 1851 - 892 pages
...western tent, whose cloudy skirts, With brede etherial wove, O'erhang his wavy bed : Now air is hush'd, save where the weak-eyed bat With short shrill shriek...'midst the twilight path, Against the pilgrim borne in heedless hum : Now teach me maid composed, To breathe some softened strain, Whose numbers stealing... | |
| Robert Chambers - English literature - 1851 - 764 pages
...bright-haired sun Sits in yon western tent, whose cloudy skirts, With brede ethereal wove, O'erhang hie s more violent than any of them : Francesco prefers...we have not rain soon, we shall certainly have mo hum, As oft he rises midst the twilight path, Against the pilgrim borne in heedless hum : Now teach... | |
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