do what you could, by improvements, retrenchments, and the like, to set the ordinary in good frame and establishment. That you are in the same mind in matter of reformation of justice, and grievance, to assist yourself with the advice and authority of parliament at times; but mean while to go on with the same intentions, by your own regal power and care. That it doth well in church-music when the greatest part of the hymn is sung by one voice, and then the choir at all times falls in sweetly and solemnly, and that the same harmony sorteth well in monarchy between the king and his parliament. That all great reformations are best brought to perfection by a good correspondence between the king and his parliament, and by well sorting the matters and the times; for in that which the king doth in his ordinary administration, and proceedings, neither can the information be so universal, nor the complaint so well encouraged, nor the references so many times free from private affection, as when the king proceedeth by parliament; on the other side, that the parliament wanteth time to go through with many things; besides, some things are of that nature, as they are better discerned and resolved by a few than by many. Again, some things are so merely regal, as it is not fit to transfer them; and many things, whereof it is fit for the king to have the principal honour and thanks. Therefore, that according to these differences and distributions, your majesty meaneth to go on, where the parliament hath left, and to call for the memorials, and inchoations of those things, which have passed in both houses, and to have them pass the file of your council, and such other assistance as shall be thought fit to be called respectively, according to the nature of the business, and to have your learned counsel search precedents what the king hath done for matter of reformation, as the parliament hath informed themselves by precedents what the parliament hath done: and thereupon that the clock be set, and resolutions taken, what is to be holpen by commission, what by act of council, second col what by proclamation, what to be prepared for parliament, what to be left wholly for parliament. That if your majesty had done this before a parliament, it might have been thought to be done to prevent a parliament, whereas, now it is to pursue a parliament; and that by this means many grievances shall be answered by deed, and not by word; and your majesty's care shall be better than any standing committee in this interim between the meetings of parlia ment.. For the particulars, your majesty in your grace and wisdom will consider, how unproper and how unwarranted a thing it is for me, as I now stand, to send for entries of parliament, or for searchers for precedents, whereupon to ground an advice; and besides what I should now say may be thought by your majesty (how good an opinion soever you have of me) much more by others, to be busy or officious, or relating to my present fortunes. 1 Stephens's CCLXIII. To the Marquis of BUCKINGHAM. Jection, My very good Lord, p. 150. YOUR lordship, I know, and the king both, mought think me very unworthy of that I have been, or that I am, if I should not by all means desire to be freed from the restraint which debarreth me from approach to his majesty's person, which I ever so much loved, and admired; and severeth me likewise from all conference with your lordship, which is my second comfort. Nevertheless, if it be conceived that it may be matter of inconvenience, or envy, my particular respects must give place: only in regard of my present urgent occasions, to take some present order for the debts that press me most, I have petitioned his majesty to give me leave to stay at London till the last of July, and then I will dispose of my abode according to the sentence. I have sent to the prince to join with you in it, for though the matter seem small, yet it importeth me much. God prosper you. 20 June, 1621. Your lordship's true servant, CCLXIV. To the Marquis of BUCKINGHAM Stephens's My very good Lord, I HUMBLY thank your lordship for the grace and favour you did both to the message and messenger, in bringing Mr. Meautys to kiss his majesty's hands, and to receive his pleasure from himself. My riches in my adversity have been, that I have had a good master, a good friend, and a good servant. I perceive by Mr. Meautys his majesty's inclination, that I should go first to Gorhambury; and his majesty's inclinations have ever been with me instead of directions. Wherefore I purpose, God willing, to go thither forthwith, humbly thanking his majesty, nevertheless, that he meant to have put my desire, in my petition contained, into a way, if I had insisted upon it; but I will accommodate my present occasions as I may, and leave the times, and seasons, and ways to his majesty's grace and choice. Only I desire his majesty to bear with me if I have pressed unseasonably. My letters out of the Tower were de profundis; and the world is a prison, if I may not approach his majesty, finding in my heart as I do. God preserve and prosper his majesty and your lordship. Your lordship's faithful and bounden servant, 22 June, 1621. FR. ST. ALBAN. second collection, p. 151. CCLXV. To the Marquis of BUCKINGHAM. Ibid.p.152. My very good Lord, I THANK God I am come very well to Gorhambury, whereof I thought your lordship would be glad to hear sometimes; my lord, I wish myself by you in this stirring world, not for any love to place or business, for that is almost gone with me, but for my love to yourself, which can never cease in Your lordship's most obliged friend FR. ST. ALBAN. Stephens's second col. lection, p.152. Being now out of use and out of sight, I recommend myself to your lordship's love and favour, to maintain me in his majesty's grace and good intention. CCLXVI. To the KING. It may please your most excellent Majesty, I PERCEIVE by my noble and constant friend the marquis, that your majesty hath a gracious inclination towards me, and taketh care of me, for fifteen years the subject of your favour, now of your compassion; for which I most humbly thank your majesty. This same nova creatura is the work of God's pardon and the king's; and since I have the inward seal of the one, I hope well of the other. Utar, saith Seneca to his master, magnis exemplis ; nec meæ fortunæ sed tuæ. Demosthenes was banished for bribery of the highest nature, yet was recalled with honour; Marcus Livius was condemned for exactions, yet afterwards made consul and censor. Seneca banished for divers corruptions, yet was afterwards restored, and an instrument of that memorable Quinquennium Neronis. Many more. This, if it please your majesty, I do not say for appetite of employment, but for hope that if I do by myself as is fit, your majesty will never suffer me to die in want or dishonour. I do now feed myself upon remembrance, how when your majesty used to go a progress, what loving and confident charges you were wont to give me touching your business. For as Aristotle saith, young men may be happy by hope, so why should not old men, and sequestered men, by remembrance? God ever prosper and preserve your majesty. Your majesty's most bounden and devoted servant, FR. ST. ALBAN. 16 July, 1621. CCLXVII. To the Lord ST. ALBAN. My honourable Lord, I HAVE delivered your lordship's letter of thanks to his majesty, who accepted it very graciously, and will be glad to see your book, which you promised to send very shortly, as soon as it cometh. I send your lordship his majesty's warrant for your pardon, as you desired it; but am sorry, that in the current of my service to your lordship there should be the least stop of any thing; yet having moved his majesty, upon your servant's intimation, for your stay in London till Christmas, I found his majesty, who hath in all other occasions, and even in that particular already, to the dislike of many of your own friends, shewed with great forwardness his gracious favour towards you, very unwilling to grant you any longer liberty to abide there: which being but a small advantage to you, would be a great and general distaste, as you cannot but easily conceive, to the whole state. And I am the more sorry for this refusal of his majesty's falling in a time when I was a suitor to your lordship in a particular concerning myself, wherein though your servant insisted farther than, I am sure, would ever enter into your thoughts, I cannot but take it as a part of a faithful servant in him. But if your lordship, or your lady, find it inconvenient for you to part with the house, I would rather provide myself otherwise, than any way incommodate you, but will never slack any thing of my affection to do you service; whereof if I have not given you good proof, I will desire nothing more, than the fittest occasion to shew how much I am Your lordship's faithful servant, Octob. 1621. Stephens's second collection, p. 153. CCLXVIII. To the Marquis of BUCKINGHAM. Ibid. 154. My very good Lord, An unexpected accident maketh me hasten this letter to your lordship, before I could dispatch Mr. Meautys; |