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I understand that his majesty hath been pleased to refer a suit unto him by two of his servants, Robert Maxwell and John Hunt, for the making of sheriffs and escheators' patents, to your lordship's consideration. My desire unto your lordship on their behalf is, that you would show them thus much favour for my sake, as with as much expedition as may be, and your lordship's other occasions may permit, to certify your opinion thereof unto his majesty; which I will be ready to acknowledge, and ever rest

Your lordship's faithful servant,

Newmarket, the 4th day of February, 1617.



Though I had resolved not to write to your lordship in any matter between party and party; yet, at the earnest request of my noble friend, the Lord Norris, to whom I account myself much beholden, I could not but recommend unto your lordship's favour a special friend of his, Sir Thomas Monk, who hath a suit before your lordship in the Chancery with Sir Robert Bassett; which, upon the report made unto me thereof, seemeth so reasonable, that I doubt not but the cause itself will move your lordship to favour him, if, upon the hearing thereof, it shall appear the same unto your lordship, as at the first sight it doth unto me. I therefore desire your lordship to show in this particular what favour you lawfully may, for my sake, who will account it as done unto myself; and will ever rest

Your lordship's faithful servant,

Newmarket, the 4th day of Feb. 1617.



I have sent enclosed a letter to his majesty about the public charge I am to give the last Star Chamber day, which is this day sevennight, to the judges and justices before the circuits. I pray deliver it to his majesty with speed. I send also some papers appertaining to that business, which I pray your lordship to have in readiness, if his majesty call for them. I ever rest Your lordship's true friend and devoted servant, . FR. BACON, Canc.

February 6, 1617.

Harl. MSS. vol. 7006.

+ Lord Bacon was afterwards accused by the House of Commons of having received of Sir Thomas Monk one hundred pieces; which he did not deny, but alleged, that it was after the suit was ended.


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the deputy I approve and commend; for I ever
loved entire and good compositions, which was
the old physic, better than fine separations.
Your friendly attributes I take as effects of
affection; which must be causes of any good
offices, wherewith I can requite you.
We conceive that kingdom is in growth. God
send soundness to the increase; wherein I doubt
not but your lordship will do your part. God
keep you.

Your lordship's very loving friend,

York House, April 15, 1618.


I thank you for your letter, and assure you, that you are not deceived, neither in the care I have of the public in that state, nor in my good wishes, and the effects thereof, when it shall lie in my power towards yourself.

I am glad to receive your testimony of my lord deputy, both because I esteem your judgment, and because it concurreth with my own.

The materials of that kingdom, which is trade and wealth, grow on apace. I hope the form, which giveth the best living of religion and justice, will not be behind, the rather by you, as a good instrument. I rest

Your lordship's assured friend,
FR. BACON, Canc.

York House, ** of April, 1618.



Whereas it hath pleased his majesty to recom mend unto your consideration a petition exhibited by Mr. Fowle, together with the grievances and request for the rectifying of the work of gold and silver thread; and now understandeth that your lordship hath called unto you the other commissioners in that case, and spent some time to hear what the opposers could object, and perceiveth by a relation of a good entrance you have made into the business; and is now informed, that there remaineth great store of gold and silver thread in the merchants' hands, brought from foreign parts, besides that which is brought in daily by stealth, and wrought here by underhand workers; so that the agents want vent, with which inconveniences it seemeth the ordinary course of law cannot so well meet; and yet they are enforced, for freeing of clamour, to set great numbers of people on work; so that the commodity lying dead in their hands, will in a very short time grow to a very great sum of money. To the end, therefore, that the undertakers may not be disheartened by these wrongs and losses, his majesty hath commanded me to write unto your lordship, to the end you might bestow more time this vacation in prosecuting the course you have so worthily begun, that all differences being reconciled, the defects of the commission may be also amended, for prevention of farther abuses therein; so as the agents may receive encouragement to go on quietly in the work without disturbance. And I rest

Your lordship's faithful friend and servant,

From Bewly, the 20th day of Aug., 1618.



I will not go about to excuse mine own fault, by making you believe his majesty was backward in your business; but upon the first motion he gave me directions for it, which it was my negligence, as I freely confess, that I have no sooner performed, having not been slack in moving his majesty, but in despatching your man. All is done which your lordship desired; and I will give order, according to his majesty's directions, so that your lordship shall not need to trouble yourself any farther, but only to expect the speedy performance of his majesty's gracious pleasure.

I will take the first opportunity to acquaint his majesty with the other business, and will

ever rest,

Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, G. BUCKINGHAM. Theobalds, the 8th of May, [1618.]

"Sir William Jones, to whom, upon his being called to that post, the lord keeper made a speech, printed in his works. Harl. MSS. vol. 7006.



Herewithal, I presumed to send a note enclosed, both of my business in Chancery, and with my Lord Roos, which it pleased your lordship to demand of me, that so you might better do me good in utroque genere. It may please your lordship, after having perused it, to commend it over to the care of Mr. Meautys for better custody.

At my parting last from your lordship, the grief I had to leave your lordship's presence, though but for a little time, was such, as that being accompanied with some small corporal indisposition that I was in, made me forgetful to say that, which now for his majesty's service I thought myself bound not to silence. I was credibly informed and assured, when the Spanish ambassador went away, that howsoever Ralegh and the prentices† should fall out to be proceeded

Earl. MSS. vol. 7006.

Who, on the 12th of July, 1618, had insulted Gondomar,

withal, no more instances would be made hereafter on the part of Spain for justice to be done ever in these particulars: but that if slackness were used here, they would be laid up in the deck, and would serve for materials (this was the very word) of future and final discontentments. Now, as the humour and design of some may carry them towards troubling of the waters, so I know your lordship's both nature and great place require an appeasing them at your hands. And I have not presumed to say this little out of any mind at all, that I may have, to meddle with matters so far above me, but out of a thought I had, that I was tied in duty to lay thus much under your lordship's eye; because I know and consider of whom I heard that speech, and with how grave circumstances it was delivered.

I beseech Jesus to give continuance and increase to your lordship's happiness; and that, if it may stand with his will, myself may one day have the honour of casting some small mite into that rich treasury. So I humbly do your lordship reverence, and continue

The most obliged of your lordship's many faithful servants,


Nottingham, this 21st of August, 1618.



thread business; as also of the profit that shall any way accrue unto him thereby. Wherefore his pleasure is, that you shall, with all convenient speed, call unto you the Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench,* the attorney-general, and the solicitor, and consider with them of every of the said particulars, and return them to his majesty, that thereupon he may resolve what present course to take for the advancement of the execution thereof. And so I rest

Your lordship's faithful servant,

Theobalds, the 4th of Oct., 1618.



I send the commission for making Lincoln's
Inn Fields into walks, for his majesty's signature.
It is without charge to his majesty.

We have had my Lord of Ormondes before us. We could not yet get him to answer directly, whether he would obey the king's award or no. After we had endured his importunity and impertinences, and yet let him down to this, that his majesty's award was not only just and within his submission, but in his favour; we concluded in few words, that the award must be obeyed, and if he did refuse or impugn the execution of it in MR. WAKE,-I have received some letters from Ireland, he was to be punished by the justice of you; and hearing from my Lord Cavendish* Ireland: if he did murmur or scandalize it here, how well he affects you, and taking notice also or trouble his majesty any more, he was to be of your good abilities and services in his majesty's punished in England. Then he asked, whether affairs, and not forgetting the knowledge I had, he might be gone. For that, we told him, his when young, of your good father, I thought my-majesty's pleasure was to be known. self in some measure tied not to keep from you my Sir Robert Mansell hath promised to bring his good opinion of you, and my desire to give you summer account this day sevennight. God preany furtherance in your fortunes and occasions, whereof you may take knowledge and liberty to use me for your good. Fare you well. Your very loving friend,


York House, this 1st of Sept., 1618.



His majesty is desirous to be satisfied of the fitness and conveniency of the gold and silver the Spanish ambassador, on account of a boy's being hurt by him as he was riding. [Camdeni Annales Regis Jacobi I., p. 33.] They were proceeded against by commissioners, at Guildhall, on Wednesday, the 12th of August following; seven being found guilty, and adjudged to six months' imprisonment, and to pay five hundred pounds apiece. Two others were acquitted. MS. letter of Mr. Chamberlain to Sir Dudley Carleton, London, August 15, 1618.

* William Cavendish, son and heir of William, created Baron Cavendish Hardwicke in Derbyshire, in May, 1605, and Earl of Devonshire, July 12, 1618.

+ Arthur Wake, rector of Billing in Northamptonshire, master of the hospital of St. John in Northampton, and canon of Christ Church, Oxford.

serve and

prosper you.

Your lordship's most obliged
friend and faithful servant,

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* Sir Henry Montagu.

+ Sir Henry Yelverton. Sir Thomas Coventry Walter, Earl of Ormonde, grandfather of James, the first This earl, upon the death of Thomas, Duke of Ormonde. Earl of Ormonde and Ossory, succeeding to those honours, should have inherited likewise the greatest part of the estate but his right was contested by Sir Richard Preston, Lord Dingwell, supported by the favour of King James I., who made an award, which Walter, Earl of Ormonde, conceiving to be unjust, refused to submit to, and was, by the king's order, committed to the Fleet, where he remained eight years before the death of that king; but in 1625 recovered his

He had been created Lord Verulam on the 12th of July, 1618. liberty.
Harl. MSS. vol. 7006.

|| Harl. MSS. vol. 7006.

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Having formerly moved your lordship in the business of this bearer, Mr. Wyche, of whom, as I understand, your lordship hath had a special care to do him favour, according to the equity of his cause; now, seeing that the cause is shortly to be heard, I have thought fit to continue my recommendation of the business unto you, desiring your lordship to show what favour you lawfully may unto Mr. Wyche, according as the justness of the cause shall require: which I will acknowledge as a courtesy from your lordship, and ever rest

Your lordship's faithful friend and servant,
Newmarket, the 18th of November, 1618.




I have written a letter unto your lordship, which will be delivered unto you in behalf of Dr. Steward; and, besides, have thought fit to use all freedom with you in that, as in other things; and, there fore, have thought fit to tell you, that he being a man of very good reputation, and a stout man, that will not yield to any thing, wherein he conceiveth any hard course against him, I should be sorry he should make any complaint against you. And, therefore, if you can advise of any course, how you may be eased of that burden, and freed from his complaint, without show of any fear of him, or any thing he can say, I will be ready to join with you for the accomplishment thereof: and so, desiring you to excuse the long stay of your man, I rest

Your lordship's faithful friend and servant,
From Newmarket, 3d of December, 1618.


Yesternight we despatched the Lord Ridge-
way's account. Good service is done. Seven
or eight thousand pounds are coming to the king,
and a good precedent set for accounts.

There came to the seal about a fortnight since a strange book passed by Mr. Attorney to one Mr. Hall; and it is to make subjects, (for so is denization,) and this to go to a private use, till some thousand pounds be made of it. The number one hundred denizens. And, whereas, all books of that nature had an exception of merchants, (which importeth the king not much in his customs only, for that is provided for in the book, but many other ways,) this takes in merchants and all. I acquainted the commissioners with it, and by one consent it is stayed. But let me counsel his majesty to grant forth a commission I send your lordship the bill of the sheriff of Hereford and Leicester, pricked and signed by of this nature, so to raise money for himself, being his majesty, who hath likewise commanded me to a flower of the crown: and Hall may be rewarded send unto your lordship these additions of instruc-out of it; and it would be to principal persons, tions, sent unto him by the surveyor and receiver that it may be carried with election and discretion, of the Court of Wards; wherein, because he whom to admit to denization, and whom not. knoweth not what to prescribe without under- God ever bless and prosper you. standing what objections can be made, his pleasure is, that your lordship advise and consider of them, and send him your opinion of them, that he nay then take such course therein, as shall be fit. His majesty commanded me to give you thanks for your care of his service; and so I rest Your lordship's faithful servant, G. BUCKINGHAM.

Ne market, 22d of November.

Endorsed, 1618.

Harl. MSS. vol. 7006.

Your lordship's most faithful
and obliged friend and servant,

December 8, 1618.



I thank your lordship for the favour, which I understand Sir Francis Engelfyld hath received

Harl. MSS. vol. 7006.

+ Ibid.

from your lordship upon my last letter, whereunto I desire your lordship to add this one favour more, (which is the same that I understand your lordship granted him at Christmas last,) to give him liberty for the space of a fortnight, to follow his business in his own person; whereby he may bring it to the more speedy end, putting in security according to the ordinary course, to render himself prisoner again as soon as that time is expired: which is all that I desire for him, and in which I will acknowledge your lordship's favour towards him; and ever rest

Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, G. BUCKINGHAM.

Newmarket, the 10th of December, 1618.

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We have appointed Monday morning for these mint businesses, referred by his majesty to certain commissioners, and we will carry it sine strepitu. The patent touching Guinea and Bynny for the trade of gold, stayed first by myself, and after by his majesty's commandment, we have now settled by consent of all parties.

Mr. Attorney, by my direction, hath made, upon his information exhibited into the Star Chamber, a thundering motion against the transportation of gold by the Dutch; which all the town is glad of; and I have granted divers writs of ne exeat regnum, according to his majesty's warrant.

Sir Edward Coke keeps in still, and we have miss of him; but I supply it as I may by my farther diligence. God ever bless you and keep

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upon the reason you allege, whereof his majesty will speak farther with you at his return.

The letter, which you sent me about my Lord of Ormonde's son, is not according to his majes ty's meaning; but I would have you frame another to my lord deputy to this purpose: "That his majesty having seen a letter of his to Sir Francis Blundell, advertising, that the Earl of Ormonde's son, and some other of his kindred, did victual and fortify their houses; his majesty hath thereupon commanded you to write unto him, that if the ground of information be true, (which he may best know,) that then he send for the said earl's son, and the principal of his kindred to appear before him: and if they appear, and give him satisfaction, it is well; but if they refuse to appear, or give him not satisfaction, though they appear; that then he assemble what forces he can, be they never so few, and go against them, that he may crush the rebellion in the egg."

I have remembered his majesty, as I promised your lordship, about the naming you for a commissioner to treat with the Hollanders: but, besides that you have so many businesses, both of the Star Chamber, and others in the term time, when this must be attended as well as in the vacation, whereby this would be either too great a toil to you, or a hindrance to his majesty's service; he thinketh it could not stand with the honour of your place to be balanced with those that are sent from the state, so far unequal to his majesty, and being themselves none of the greatest of the state. Therefore, his majesty holdeth it not fit or worthy of you to put you into such an employment, in which none of your predecessors, or any of the chief counsellors, have been ever used in this kind, but only in a treaty of marriage or conclusion of a peace; as when the Constable of Castile was here, when the commissioners on both sides had their authority under the great seal of either kingdom, with direct relation to their sovereigns, far differing from this commission, which is now given to these men, and whereunto his majesty is to frame the course of his. As for the part which concerneth Scotland, the choice hath not been made of the chancellor or Archbishop of St. Andrew's, but of men nearer the rank of those that come hither to treat. As yet his majesty delayeth to give any commission at all, because he would first be informed from the lords, both of the points and form of their commission, which his majesty hitherto understandeth to be, with authority to overrule and direct their merchants in what they shall think fit; which, if it be so, then his majesty holdeth it fit for his part, to appoint the whole body of the council with like power over his merchants. As for me, I shall be ever ready upon any occasion to show myself

Your lordship's faithful friend and servant,

Newmarket, the 14th of December, 1618

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