| Biography - 1784 - 552 pages
...the Archbp. to remoye him to fome quieter fituation in the foU lowing letter. " My lord, When I loft the freedom of my cell, which " was my college, yet I found fome degree of it in my quiet " country parfonage. But I am weary of the noife and op*' pofitions of... | |
| Richard Hooker - Church polity - 1793 - 528 pages
...therefore folicited the Archbifhop for a remove, to whom he fpake to this purpofe; My Lord, when I loft the freedom of my cell, which was my College ; yet, I found fome degree of it 'in my quiet country Parfonage : but I am weary of the noife and oppofttions of this... | |
| Izaak Walton, Thomas Zouch - Authors, English - 1796 - 640 pages
...folicited •the archbifhop for a remove, to whom he fpake to this purpofe : " My " Lord, when I loft the freedom of my cell, which was my college, yet I " found fome degree of it in my quiet country parfonage ; but I am weary " of the noife and oppofitions of... | |
| Izaak Walton - 1805 - 438 pages
...Archbifhop for a remove from that place ; to whom he fpake to this purpofe : " My " Lord, when I loft the freedom of my " cell, which was my college, yet I " found " found fome degree of it in my quiet " country parfbnage : but I am weary of " the noife and oppofitions... | |
| 1864 - 868 pages
...behold God's blessing spring out of my mother-earth, and eat my own bread without opposition ; for, indeed, God and nature did not intend me for contentions, but for study and quietness." Such pleading as this for a lower place could scarcely be denied, and the Archbishop was the more disposed... | |
| Christian biography - 1810 - 594 pages
...earnestly solicited the Archbishop for a remove from that place, to whom he spake to this purpose. , " My Lord, When I lost the freedom of my cell, which...intend me for contentions, but for study and quietness. My Lord, my particular contests with Mr. Travers here have proved the more unpleasant to me, because... | |
| Erasmus Middleton - 1810 - 556 pages
...situation in the following letter. " MY LORD, " "When I ]o..t the freedom of my cell, which was my f college, yet I found some degree of it in my quiet...•' did not intend me for contentions, but for study aud " quietness. And, my lord, my particular contests here " with Mr Travers have proved the more ur.plea««... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - Biography - 1814 - 540 pages
...therefore intreated the archhishop to remove him to some quieter situation in the following letter: " My lord, When I lost the freedom of my cell, which...of this place ; and indeed God and nature did not iutend me for contentions, but for study and quietness. And, my lord, my particular contests here with... | |
| Erasmus Middleton - Christian biography - 1816 - 584 pages
...the archbishop to j-emove him to some quieter situation in the following letter. «« MY Loun, «« When I lost the freedom of my cell, which was my «...contests here « with Mr Travers have proved the more unplea« sant to me, because I believe him to be a good cc man ; and that belief hath occasioned me... | |
| Erasmus Middleton - 1816 - 554 pages
...intreated the archbishop to remove him to some quieter situation in the following letter. " MY LOUD, " "When I lost the freedom of my cell, which was my ?' college, yet I tound some degree of it in my quiet " country parsonage. But I am weary of the noise and " oppositions... | |
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