will be meet to impart them to you, who are Strangers and Gentiles. 28. The Woman answered: 'Tis true, Lord; and I acknowledge my own Unworthiness: Yet as the Dogs are always allowed to pick up the Crumbs which fall from the Childrens Table; so I hope you may grant this one small Favour to me, who am a poor Stranger, without diminishing your Bounty to the Jews. 29. At this Answer, Jefus as it were surprized with the Woman's Faith, and vanquished by her modest Importunity, yielded to grant her Request, faying, O Woman, your extraordinary Faith and Patience shall not go unrewarded; your Daughter's Disease is removed. 30. Whereupon the Woman, believing what was faid, and joyful at her Success, went Home and found her Daughter perfectly well. 31. Then Jefus returning from the Coafts of Tyre and Sidon, came through the Borders of Decapolis to the Lake of Galilee. 32. And as he was in the Way, the People brought to him a Man that was both Deaf, and had also a very great Impediment in his Speech: and they defired him to lay his Hand upon him, as they had known him do upon several others, and cure him. 33. Jefus, though he could easily have cured him with only a Word speaking, or laying his Hand upon him, as he had often done to others; yet chusing sometimes to reprefent the invisible Efficacy of his Power by outward Signs, he took the Man a little afide out of the Road, and put his Fingers into his Ears, and with a lit 28 And she answered and said unto him, Yes, Lord: yet the dogs under the table eat of the childrens crumbs. 29 And he faid unto her, For this saying, go thy way, the devil is gone out of thy daughter. 30 And when the was come to her house, she found the devil gone out, and her daughter laid up on the bed. 31 And again departing from the coaits of Tyre and Sidon, he came unto the fea of Galilee, through the midst of the coafts of Deca polis. 32 And they bring unto him one that was deaf, and had an impediment in his speech: and they besecch him to put his hand upon him. 33 And he took him afide from the multitude, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spit, and touched his tongue. 34 And tle Spittle upon his Finger touched his Tongue. 34. Then looking up to Heaven, to show the Man from whence he ought to acknowledge that all Benefits proceed, he groaned within himfelf, and faid to the Man: All the Causes of your Infirmity are removed; Receive your Hearing, and the Power of Speech. 35. Upon which words, the Man's Hearing immediately came to him, and the Impediment in his Speech totally ceased, and he spake from thenceforward plainly and diftinctly. 36. Then Jefus commanded those that were present, not to report this Thing publickly abroad: But they published it, notwithstanding his Command to the contrary; and even fo much the more, because they saw that he himself was not defirous to receive the Glory of so great a Miracle. 37. And they were aftonished more than at all the things they had ever seen or heard before; And they praised Jesus greatly, faying, that he did all things for the Good and Benefit of Mankind, healing their Diseases, and relieving their Infirmities. Jesus feedeth four Thousand with seven Loaves, ver. 1. Refuses to give the Pharisees a Sign from Heaven, ver. II. Advises his Disciples to beware of the Hypocrifie of the Pharisees, and reproves them for not understanding an easie Figure of Speech, ver. 14. Restores to a blind Man his Sight, ver. 22. Asks his Disciples their own and other Mens Opinion concerning him, and foretels to them his Sufferings, ver. 27. Exhorts to Perseverance and Patience under Afflictions and Perfecutions, ver. 34. I. a very great I ABOUT this Time Multitude being gathered together after Jefus, intent upon hearing his Doctrine, and defirous to have all their Sick cured, so that they continued long with him in a Place where they could have nothing to eat; Jefus called to him his Disciples, and said: 2. I pity these poor People, who have followed me now these Three Days together in the Desarts, where there is no manner of Suftenance or Provision for them. 3. And if I should dismiss them, without giving them any Refreshment to support them by the Way; many of them, who are come from a great Distance, would certainly faint before they could get home. 4. The Disciples, not confidering Jesus's former Miracles, faid; How is it possible for us to provide Victuals in a defart Place for such a vast Number of People as this? 5. However, Jefus bad them go fee how much Bread they had with them; and they brought him word IN those days the multitude being very great, and having nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples unto him, and faith unto them, 2 I have compaffion on the multi tude, because they have now been with me three days, and have nothing to eat. 3 And if I fend them away fafting to their own houses, they will faint by the way: for divers of them came from far. 4 And his disciples answered him, From whence can a man fatisfie these men with bread here in the wilderneís ? 5 And he asked them, How many loaves have ye ? And they faid, Se ven, 6 And he com that they had only seven Loaves, which they thought could do nothing towards fatisfying such a Multitude. 6. But Jesus wondring that they should manded the people yet be so dull and flow of Belief, bad them order the People to fit down upon the Ground. Then taking the Bread in his Hands, he gave Thanks, and brake it, and delivered it to his Difciples, and bad them diftribute it to all the People. to fit down on the ground: and he took the seven loaves, and gave thanks, and brake, and gave to his disciples to set before them: and they did fet them before the people. 7 And they had a few small fishes: and he blessed, and commanded to fet them alfo before them. 8 So they did eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left, seven baskets. 9 And they that had eaten were about four thousand; and he sent them away. 109 And straightway he entred into a ship with his difciples, and came into the parts of Dal manutha. 7. They had also a few small Fishes, which Jefus took in like manner, and having given Thanks, he bad his Difciples divide them also, and give every one of the Company a piece. 8. And thus all the People did eat, and had not only enough to fatisfie them, but, when they had done, the Disciples gathered up moreover Seven Baskets full of Scraps. 9. Yet the Number of those who were thus fed, was not less than Four Thousand Men. Then Jefus difmifsed them and sent them home. 10. And when the Multitude was gone, Jefus went by Boat with his Disciples over the Lake, and landed on the Coast of Dalmanutha, or Magdala. 11. Where presently some of the Pharifees came about him, and began to dispute with him about his Miracles; contending, since they could not deny the Matter of Fact, that his Miracles, being all worked upon Things here below, were not fufficient Evidence of a Divine and Heavenly Power: Wherefore, if he would con vince Them, and not be thought to impose upon the Credulity of the meaner fort of People, they defired he would call for fome visible and undeniable Sign immediately from Heaven. And this they did, not that they defired to be informed in the Truth, and convinced of his Divine Power; but only in Hopes to find some Occafion of accusing and reviling him. 12. Jefus therefore knowing their incurable Hypocrifie and Malice, fighed and faid: What a perverfe Generation of Men is this, that after so many Miracles as I have worked among them, they will yet believe nothing unless they may fee a Sign from Heaven of their own chusing! No, there shall no Sign be granted them, to satisfie their unreafonable and perverse Curofity. 13. And with this Answer turning away from the Pharisees, he went back to the Boat, and returned over the Lake again. 14. Now as they were going, the Disciples found that they had forgotten to furnish themselves with Bread; having no more than one Loaf with them in the Boat. 15. About which, while they were follicitous; Jesus began to admonish them to beware of the Leaven of the Pharifees and of Herod, meaning their false and wicked Doctrine, which was as apt to corrupt Mens Minds and Manners, as Leaven to make Bread fowre. 16. But the Disciples, whose Minds were taken up about their Want of Bread, hearing him mention Leaven, fancied presently that he said this to reprove their Negligence in forgetting to bring Bread. 13 And he left them, and entring into the ship again, departed to the other fide. 14 Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread, neither had they in the ship with them more then one loaf. 15 And he charged them, faying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod. 16 And they reafoned among themfelves, faying, It is because we have no bread. |