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18. Jefus, according to their Defire, returned into the Boat to cross over the Lake again. And the Man who had been poffefs'd, feeing his Deliverer departing, and perhaps fearing that he was not secure from a Return of his Calamity, defired to go along with Jefus.

19. But Jesus, to show that he could perserve him as well abfent as present, and knowing that it would tend more to the Glory of God to leave him in that Country as a standing Proof of his Power and Authority; would not take him with him, but bad him go home to his Friends and Country-Men, and report what a great and miraculous Mercy God had vouchsafed unto him.

20. And accordingly the Man went home, and reported in all the Cities of Decapolis what a great Miracle Jefus had worked for him: And all the People of that Country, well knowing the Man's former Condition, and seeing the Certainty of his present Cure, were convinced of the Power of Jefus with Astonishment and Admi

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22 And behold, there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by


name, and when he faw him, he fell at his feet,

23 And befought him greatly, faying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death, I pray thee come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed,

and the shall live.

24 And Jesus went with him, and much people followed him, and thronged him.

25 And a certain woman which had an iffue of blood twelve years,

26 And had fuffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had,and was nothing bettered, but rather

grew worse,

27 When she had heard of Jesus, came in the Preis press behind, and touched his gar


28 For the faid, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.

29. And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried

Jews, kneeled down before Jefus in the Posture of greatest Humility and Veneration;

23. And entreated him, saying: Lord, I have heard of your many wonderful Works, and am fully convinced of your Power and Goodness; I have a Daughter in my House now lying at the very Point of Death, I beseech you come and touch her, and I am confident she will recover.

24. Jefus, pleased with the Man's Faith and Humility, went along with him to his House; and the Multitude, eager to fee the Event, pressed after them in great Crouds.

25 & 26. Now as they were going, there was in the Throng a Woman who had been Twelve Years troubled with an incurable bloody Flux, and had used all the Remedies which Physicians could prescribe, with great Charge, and without any Suc


27. This Woman, hearing of the Fame of Jefus, had thrust her self into the Croud which followed him; hoping to find relief, as others in like defperate Cafes had done, from his miraculous Power. But being afraid and afhamed to confefs her Disease publickly, the came behind him privately, and touched his Cloaths:

28. Thinking within her self, that furely he who had done so many and great Miracles with only a Word speaking, could not but heal her Difease even with the leaft Touch of his Cloaths.

29. And her Expectation did not deceive her. For as foon as she touched him, she found evidently such a Change


Change within her felf, and such a
sudden Restoration of Strength and Vi-
gour of Body, as fatisfied her that her
Disease was entirely cured.

30. Thus the Woman thought she
had fecretly gained a Cure, without
being taken Notice of. But Jesus
knowing by his Divine Power what
was done, and that it would be more
for the Glory of God, and the com-
mendation of the Woman's Faith,
to discover the Matter than to con-
ceal it; turned himself about to his
Disciples, and asked who touched his

31. The Disciples wondring what he meant, to ask who touched him when the People pressed and crouded him on every fide, were surprized and knew not what to answer.

32. But Jefus continued looking about him, as it were to discover who had touch'd him, and as if he expected that fome Body should confefs what

had been done.

33. Whereupon the Woman, conscious what the had done, and perceiving that she should be discovered, came in great Fear and kneeled down before Jefus, and openly confefsed the whole Truth of the Matter.

34. Then Jefus spoke comfortably to her, faying; Be not afraid; your great Faith has purchased you this Cure; Go home in Peace, and your Disease shall return upon you no more. 35. While Jefus was thus talking * Ver. 24. with the Woman in the * Way, there & 25. came Messengers from the House whither Jesus was going, to tell Fairus that his Daughter was dead, and that therefore he need not now give Jesus

up: and she felt in her body that the

was healed of that plague.

30 And Jesus immediately knowing in himself, that vertue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and faid, Who touched my clothes ?

31 And his disciples faid unto him,

Thou feeft the multitude thronging thee, and fayest thou, Who touched me?

32 And he looked round about to fee her that had done this thing.

33 But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down

before him, and told

him all the truth.

34 And he faid unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee thee whole: go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.


35 While he yet spake, there from the ruler of the synagogues house,

certain which faid, Thydaughteris dead, Why troublest thou


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37 And he suffered no man to follow him, save Peter, and James, and John the brother of James. **38 And he cometh to the house of

the ruler of the sy. nagogue, and seeth the tumult, and them that wept and wailed greatly.

39 And when he was come in, he faith unto them, Why make ye this ado, and weep? the damfel is not dead, but fleepeth.

40 And they laughed him to scorn: but when he had

put them all out, he taketh the father

and the mother of the damfel, and them that were with him, and entreth in where

the damsel was lying.

41 And he took the damsel by the hand, and faith unto her, Talitha cumi, which is, being interpreted, Damfel (I say unto thee)arise.

the Trouble of going down to the House.

36. Jefus, hearing this Account, and seeing the young Woman's Father begin to defpair, bad him not be terrified at this News, but believe earnestly that God was even yet able to restore his Daughter, and he should quickly fee the Reward of his Faith.

37. Then putting back all the Multitude, and even his Disciples themselves, excepting only Peter, James and John; he went attended by these Three into the House with Jairus.

38. Where, as foon as he entred, he found a great Rout of Relations and Mourners, weeping and making Lamentation for the untimely Death of the young Woman.

39. But Jefus, knowing that this her Death was permitted only that he might have Occasion of shewing forth the Power of God, bad them forbear their exceffive and unreafonable Mourning: For the young Woman, faith he, is not dead, but afleep.

40. At this they all laughed, and derided him; being well assured that she was really dead. But Jefus, having ordered them to be all put out, went into the Room where the young Woman lay, with only her Father and Mother and the Three fore-mentioned Disciples.

41. And he took hold of her Hand: and with a Voice of Power and Authority, bad her rife up.

42. Upon

42. Upon this she immediately not only returned to Life, but recovering also her Health and Strength, rose up and walked; for she was about twelve Years old. And her Parents were amazed to the last Degree, at the Greatness and Strangeness of the Miracle.

43. Then Jefus ordered that somewhat should be given her to eat; and bad her Parents not report abroad what he had done.

42 And straightway the damsel arose, and walked, for the was of the age of twelve years; and they were aftonished with great aftonish


43 And he charged them straitly, that

no man should know it: and commanded thatsomething should be given her to eat.


Jesus despised by his Countrymen for the Meanness of his Parentage, ver. 1. And therefore worked but few Miracles among them, ver. 5. He fends forth his Twelve Apostles to preach, ver. 7. The Opinion of Herod and Others concerning Jesus, ver. 14. The Cause and Manner of John Baptist's Death, ver. 17. The Apostles give an Account of the Success of their Preaching, ver. 30. Jefus feeds five Thousand with five Loaves and two Fishes, ver. 35. Walketh on the Water, ver. 45. and healeth many Sick, ver. 55.

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AND he went out from thence,

and came into his own countrey, and his difciples followed him.


2 And when the fabbath-day come, he began to teach in the synagogue: and many hearing him, were aftonished, faying,

From whence hath


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