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28. Foretells his own Death, ver. 32. Reproves his Difciples ambitious and worldly Thoughts, ver. 35. Cures a blind Man, ver. 46.


Jesus rideth into Jerufalem, ver. 8. Curseth the Fig-Tree, ver. 13. Casteth the Traders out of the Temple, ver. 15. Of the Difpofition of Mind necessary to Prayer, ver. 24, 25. Jesus confoundeth the Jews with a Question about John's Baptism, ver. 27.


The Parable of the Vineyard let out to wicked Husbandmen, ver. I. applied to fignifie the casting off the Jews, and receiving the Gentiles, ver. 10. Jesus answers the Pharifees, about paying Tribute to Cæfar, ver. 14. And the Sadducees, about the Resurrection, ver. 18. And the Scribe, upon a Question, Which was the chief and most necessary Part of the Law, ver. 28. And shames them all, with a Question about the Messiah being David's both Son and Lord, ver. 35. He warns his Disciples against Ambition and Hypocrifie, ver. 38. And shows from the Example of a poor Widow, that Piety and Charity is not to be measured by the outward Act, but by the Intention and Zeal of the Mind, ver. 41.


Jesus foretels the Destruction of Jerufalem; and warns all Men to watch, that they may not be surprized with Judgment temporal or eternal.


The Jews confpire to apprehend Jesus, ver. 1. The Occafion of Judas's refolving to betray him, ver. 3. Jesus eat the Passover with his Disciples, and foretells who should betray him, ver. 12. Providence brings Good out of the evil Actions of bad Men, ver. 21. Jesus institutes the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, ver. 22. Foretells Peter's He is betrayed

Denial, ver. 27. His Agony, ver. 32.


by Judas, ver. 43. and apprehended, ver. 46. and tried by the High-Priest, ver 53. and condemned, ver. 64. Peter's Denial, ver. 66. and Repentance, ver. 72.


Jesus is brought before Pilate, ver. 1. Pilate, contrary to his own Judgment delivers him, upon the clamorous and tumultuous Demand of the Jews, to be crucified, ver. 15. He is mocked and abused by the Soldiers, ver. 16. and crucified, ver. 20. and derided by the Jews, ver. 29. Prodigies happen at his Death, ver. 33. of which many were Witnesses, ver. 39. Jesus buried by Joseph of Arimathæa, ver. 42.


Women coming to anoint the Body, are told by an Angel, that Jesus is risen, ver. I. Jesus himself appears to Mary Magdalene, ver. 9. and to Two of the Disciples, ver. 12. and to the Eleven, ver. 14. He gives them Instructions to Preach, ver. 15. and ascends into Heaven, ver. 19.


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John the Baptift's Office, ver. I. Jefus baptized, ver. 9. Tempted, ver. 12. Jesus begins to preach, and describes the Doctrine of the Gospel fummarily, ver. 14. Chufes Apostles, ver. 16. How he gain'd Respect among the People, ver.22. Heals a Man poffefsed, ver.23. and Peter's Motherin-law, and others, ver. 29. And heals a Leper, ver. 40.

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4 John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptifm of repentance for the remiffion of



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ER E beginneth the History of the Life and Doctrine of Jefus Christ, the Son of God, and

Saviour of Mankind.

2. Whose Appearance in the Flesh was ushered in by the Preaching of John

the Baptist, as the Prophets had in old Time foretold concerning him. For so the Prophet Malachi, (Mal. iii. 1.) Behold I will fend my Messenger, or Forerunner, and he shall prepare the Way before me.

3. And fo likewise the Prophet Ifaiah, (Ifa. xl. 3.) The Voice of him that crieth in the Wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the Defart a High-way for our God.

4. According to these Predictions, when the Time drew near that the Son of God was to be manifested in the Flesh, John the Baptist appeared in the Wilderness of Judea, preaching to all the People the Neceffity of Repentance, of forsaking their Sins, and reforming their Lives; and fignifying this to them by

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