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34. Then, Mankind being thus feparated into Two forts, He as a Just and Impartial Judge shall pass Sentence upon both, declaring at the fame time the Reason and Equity of his Sentence. And first, turning himself to the Good on his Right-hand, he shall fay; Come, ye Bleffed Children of God: Enter now into the Poffeffion of that Heavenly Kingdom, which God, who foreknoweth all things, defigned and provided for you from the beginning of the World.

35 & 36. For whereas, when I was in want and neceffity, ye liberally communicated to me in all the Offices of Charity and Kindness; God has in recompence appointed, that I should now communicate to you of all the Glory and Happiness of my Kingdom.

37, 38 & 39. Then the Righteous shall answer; Lord, we never faw thee in want or neceffity, nor ever had opportunity of miniftring to thee in any of the Offices of Charity and Kindness, that thou shouldest now recompence it with fuch a Reward.

40. But Christ will reply, saying: 'Tis true, ye never had opportunity of doing these things to me in my own Person: Nevertheless since ye have done it to fome of these my Servants, in Obedience to my Commands; I judge it as done to my felf, and will reward you accordingly.

40 And the King shall answer, and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, In as much as ye have done it unto one of the leaft of these my brethren, ye have

done it unto me.

41. After

41. After this, turning himself to the Bad on his Left-hand, he shall pass Sentence likewise on them, saying; Depart from me, ye Cursed, into that unquenchable Fire, which being at first prepared for the punishment of Apoftate Angels, is now allotted to you also, because ye have chosen to comply with their Temptations, in Opposition to the Commands of God.

41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into


lafting fire, prepared for the devil and his


42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was

42 & 43. For when I was in neceffity and in want, ye refused to assist me with any charitable Offices; and pursu- thirsty, and ye gave ed only the Vanity and Pleasures of the World, without regard to the End and Design for which God endued you with feveral Gifts and Abilities.

44. Then the Wicked likewise shall answer; Lord, we never saw thee in Want or Neceffity, nor ever had opportunity of ministring to thee in any Office of Charity, that thou, shouldest now punish our Neglect of this Duty with fo fevere a Sentence.

45. But Chrift will reply, saying; 'Tis true, ye never did indeed any uncharitable Action to me in my own Person, because ye never saw me: Nevertheless since ye have been cruel and uncharitable to fome of these my Servants, in Disobedience to the Commands of God; I look upon it as if you had been so to my felf, and will punish you accordingly,

46. Then in pursuance of this irreverfible Sentence, the Wicked shall depart into everlasting Punishment; but the Righteous shall inherit eternal Happinefs.

me no drink:

43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: fick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

44 Then shall they also answer him,

saying, Lord, when faw we thee an hungred, or a thirst, or a stranger, or naked, or fick, or in prison, and did not minifter unto thee?

45 Then shall he answer them, faying, Verily I fay unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye

did it not to me.

46 And these shall go away into everlafting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.




The Jews Conspiracy against Christ, ver. 1. Christ's Feet anointed, ver. 6. Judas bribed to betray Christ, ver. 14. Christ's Passover-Supper, ver. 17. The Institution of the Lord's-Supper, ver. 26. Christ foretells his Disciples flight, and Peter's denial, ver. 31. Chrift's Prayer and Paffion, ver. 36. Christ betrayed by Judas, and apprehended, ver. 47. Chrift's Trial before Caiaphas, ver. 57. Peter's denial, ver. 69.

1 AND it came to pass, when Jesus had finished all these sayings, he faid unto his disciples,

2 Ye know that

after two days is the feaft of the paffover,

and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified.

3 Then afsembled together the chief priests, and the

fcribes, and the elders of the people unto the palace of the high-prieft, who was called Caiaphas.

4 And they confulted that they might take Jesus by fubtilty, and kill him.

5 But they faid, Not on the feaft-day,

left there be an uproar among the people.

1 & 2.


HEN Jefus had finished all these Difcourses,

he began again to put his Disciples in mind, that at the approaching Paflover, which was to be celebrated within two

days, he should be betrayed into the hands of his Enemies, and delivered

over to the Roman Soldiers to be crucified.

3. According to which Prediction, the Chief Priefts, and Teachers, and Elders of the People, who had all along resolved to take the first opportunity of destroying Jesus, met together about this time, in Caiaphas's Palace, who was High-Priest this Year, to confult which way they might best accomplish their Design.

4 & 5. In this Consultation they refolved, not to apprehend Jefus openly and by force, but to get him fome way betrayed privately into their Hands, and then to put him to Death. Yet fome advised, not to undertake this at the time of the feast, when so great a Multitude of People was gathered together; left the People who looked on him as a great Prophet, should raise a VOL. I.



Tumult and rescue him. But the Zeal of others prevailed to have him seized as foon as poffibly they could. And fo they accomplished the Will of God, that he who was to be the true Paschal Lamb, should fuffer at the time of the Paffover; and that he who was to fuffer for the Sins of the whole World, might do it at fuch a time, when there should be most Witnefles present at his Death.

6 & 7. In the mean time Jefus, being shortly to fuffer, continued in the Villages near about Jerufalem. And as he was fitting at Meat at Bethany, in the House of one Simon, who had formerly been a Leper, and had been cured by Jefus; there came behind him a Woman having a Box of precious Ointment, with which she anointed his Feet and Head.

8 & 9. Which when Judas, * one of his Difciples, faw, he was angry, and faid; Wherefore doth this Woman spend so much good Ointment to no purpose, which might have been fold for a great deal of Money, enough to have relieved abundance of Poor People?

10. But Jefus, knowing that Judas fspake this not out of Charity but Covetousness, faid: Do not chide the Woman; For That which she has now done is a very good Work; being a Teftimony of her great Love and Honour

for me.

11. And as to what you say about the Poor; I tell you, ye have them al

69 Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper,

7 There came unto him a woman having an alabafter box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he fat at meat.

8 But when his disciples faw it, they had indignation, saying, To what purpose is this waste?

9 For this ointment might have been fold for much, and given to the

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* Οἱ μαθηταὶ feems here to be put for εἷς τῶν μαθητῶνν, ας δι λησαὶ for εἷς τῶν λῃςῶν, chap. xxvii. 44. and ἐπεκάθισαν ἐπάνω αὐτῶν, for ἐπάνω ἑνὸς ἐξ αὐτῶν, chap. xxi. 7. and τεθνήκασι,for τέθνηκε, chap. ii. 20. and the like in many other places.


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ways with you; so that ye can never
want Opportunities of relieving them,
if ye be charitably difpofed. But I
shall continue with you but a little
while; so that ye need not grudge
what is laid out upon me during this
short time.

12. For within a very few days I shall
be dead and buried. And therefore
there is one good thing further in what

this Woman has done, that you are

not aware of; and that is, that she has
anointed me before-hand against my
Burial, and only spent that Ointment
upon me yet alive, which you would
not have grudged to have embalmed me
with, when Dead.

13. Affuredly I tell you, in every
part of the World where the Gospel
shall be preached, and the Hiftory of my
Life and Death preserved; this thing
also, which this Woman has now done,
shall be kept in memory, to the Praise
of her extraordinary Faith and Love.

14 & 15.

After this, the same
of the Twelve

the twelve, called Ju- Judas Iscariot, one

das Iscariot, went un-
to the chief priests,

15 And faid unto
them, What will ye
give me, and I will

whom Jesus had chosen to be his nearest Companions and Apostles, ungratefully and covetoufly refolving to betray his Master, went to the Chief Priests (whose intentions and difpofitions he well knew,) to see how much Money they would give him to deliver for thirty pieces of Jesus into their hands; and they a

deliver him unto

you? And they co-
venanted with him


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greed to give him † Thirty Pieces of t A very Silver. Small Sum: 16. And from that time forward, The Price of Judas watched all Opportunities of dif- a Slave: And the covering to them Jesus's private RetireRansom of ments, that they might send and appre- aServant's hend him in the absence of the multi- Life. Exc tude.

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