FROM THE COPY PREPARED BY THE AUTHOR FOR REPUBLICATION: PRINTED BY RICHARD TAYLOR, red LION COURT, FLEET STREET; FOR THOMAS TEGG, CHEAPSIDE: JOHN CUMMING, DUBLIN; AND R. GRIFfin and co., GLASGOW. 1829. 736 THE EDITOR'S PREFACE. N preparing for the press and printing this enlarged ition of Mr. Horne Tooke's Diversions of Purley, an dertaking assigned to me by the Publisher, on his coming possessed, by assignment from the Author's presentatives, of the copy containing his last corctions and additions, it has been my endeavour in e first place to remove the many inaccuracies of the rmer Edition by a collation of the citations in which e work abounds with the originals so far as they were ithin my reach: and, next, to incorporate in it, as ell as I was able, the new materials in such a manner should not interfere with the integrity of the former xt. As these additions, written in the Author's inrleaved copy, and which especially in the Second art are very abundant, were wholly without any rerences connecting them with the text, and sometimes ritten at a distance of several pages from the passages which they seemed to belong, I must beg the Reader's dulgence if I should at any time have failed in this art of my task; reminding him that, all the new matter a 2 |