Philosophy, superficial knowledge of, inclines to atheism, 13. and arms, examples of concurrence in, 15, 17, 64. division of rational and moral, 124. advantages resulting to, from registry of doubts, 149. difference between moral and civil, 256. See also Divine philosophy. Human philosophy. Moral philosophy. Phocion, an example against obstinacy, 19. Physicians, judged by events, 160. addict themselves to studies, out of their profession, 161. duty of, to mitigate pains of death, 165. why at times less successful than emperics, 166. predictions of, 171. Physiognomy, 155. worthy of trust, 272. Pius Quintus, a learned pope, 17. Hatform of good, 221. ato, his opinion of knowledge, 4. his pertinent answer respecting Socrates, 31. errour of, in mixing philosophy with theology, 49. his metaphysics, 136. his fiction of the cave, 192. his erroneous hostility to rhetoric, 210. Pleasures of the affections and the senses, 85. those of knowledge the greatest, 85. Poesy, referrable to the imagination, 100. nature and object of, 119. division of, 120. no deficience in, 123. Poets, best doctors in the knowledge of the affections, 246. L'oliticians, disgraces to learning received from, 14. judged by events, 160. predictions of, 171. Popes, the most learned the most ascendant, 17. ular errours, 150. wer and Wisdom, difference between, exemplified in the creation, 54. edicaments, cautions against ambiguity of speech, 189. re-notion and emblem, memory built upon, 195. Private good, 228 to 232. Professions, universities too exclusively dedicated to, 92. supplied from philosophy and universality, 93. policy in election of, 277. Proofs, different kinds of, 193. deficiency in, 194. Prophecy, history of, 117. Public good, 226. Putrefaction, more contagious before maturity than after, 57. Pygmalions Phrenzy, an emblem of vanity in learning, 37. Reason, philosophy applicable to, 101. its authority over the imagination, 174. and imagination, office of rhetoric to unite, 209, GG Reason, limits of, as regards religion, 301. Registers, 107. Registry of doubts, 149. Regiment of the mind, 221, 247. Relations. See "narrations." Religion, advantages of philosophy to, 61. (revealed,) 299 to 316. Limits of reason in regard to, 301. Representative Poetry, 121. Revelation, 299 to 516. nature of, 305. Revelation of a man's self, 278. Rhetoric, 208 to 214. nature and office of, 209. excellent examples of, 209. subdues the affections to the reason, 211. its difference from logic, 212. too early taught at universities, 96. Rome, the best emperors were the most learned, 6. application of his learning, 59. Science, its confederation with the imagination, 43. authors in, should be consuls not dictators, 44. growth of, checked by dedication of colleges to professions, 93. Scotland, obliquity in history of, 110. Scriptures, their exhortations to study the works of God, 61. revelation contained in, 306. interpretation of, 306 to 311. no deficience in exposition of, 312. Scylla, fable of, an emblem of contentious learning, 40. Self-advancement, 267 to 292. Self-declaration, 284. Self-interest, wisdom of, 267. Self-knowledge, 276 to 278. Self-love, limits of, 29. has triple desires, 230. Self-preservation, and multiplication, laws of nature, 228. Self-revelation, 278. Seneca, his companion between false logic and juggling, 188. Senses, reporters to the mind of man, 9. Sextus Quintus, a learned pope, 17. Sinew of wisdom is slowness of belief, 325. Socrates, accusation of Anytus, against, 15. accusation against, under the basest of tyrants, 22. Solomon, exemplification of wisdom in, 58. wisdom and policy of his aphorisms, 260. specimens of his precepts, 261, 265. Sophisms, specimens of, 213. Sophists, Aristotles derision of, 183. Soul knowledge, concerning, 170. Speculative men, incompetent to write on practical matters, 234. Speculative natural philosophy, 131. Speech, invention of, 183. nature of, 129. States of the mind, 251. Statesmen, government most prosperous under learned, 17. Strength of body, 168. Style, its importance, 201. for assent or investigation, 202. concealed and open, 203. by assertion or interrogation, 204. as to propositions, 206. Supreme good, disputes respecting, 221. Syllogysm, insufficiency of, 181. judgment by, 186. Sympathy between mind and body, 156. between good of body and good of mind, 255. Tacitus, his observation respecting Augustus Cæsar, 4. his character of Nerva, 65. Terms of Argument, necessity for strict definition of, 193. Theology, 299, to 316. Time, its resemblance to a stream, 48. Times, history of, 109. ancient and modern, 109. Tongues, vehicula scientiæ, 59. Tradition, 196 to 200. method in, 201. errours in delivery of, 202. magistral, and not ingenuous, 50. Trajan, a learned prince, 65. honour attributed to, by Plinius Secundus, 253. Truth and Falsehood, connection between, 44. Understanding, division of learning among the three parts of, 100. Understanding, 175. Unity, Assent to, 139. Universities, their use, 9.1. too generally dedicated to professions, 92. necessity of lectures in, 94. want of experiments in, 95. defects in the system of, 96. want of mutual intelligence between, 98. want of enquiry in, as to what knowledge is laboured and what omitted, 98. removal of defects from, 99. Value of things, estimate of, 286. in the studies of the learned, 34. Velleius, his ironical propensity to be avoided, 50. Vice avowed and concealed, relative sense of, 57. punished in itself, 350. Vicious men, less dangerous than the half corrupt, 57. Virgil, erroneous distinction by, as to government and the liberal arts, 15. relates to society, 233. description, without love of, is as a shadow, 239. more potent in clearing doubts, than attaining ends, 231. consists in habit, 248. different sorts of, seldom united, 256. aspirers to elegance of manners, seldom aim at, 258. commendations of, 280. rewarded in itself, 291. Wealth, when to be sought, 287. Will of man, 219. Wisdom, true knowledge consists in, 53. and power, difference between exemplified in the creation, 54. Words, false appearances in, pervert the judgment, 192. images of cogitations, 196. how far to be relied on, 273. Xenophon, an example of excellence in learning and arms, 15. END OF THE SECOND VOLUME. Thomas White, Printer, |