Divine influxions, 172. Philosophy, 124. Divines, objections to learning, by, 7. their objections answered, 8. Divinity, 299 to 316. the best body of, 312. or philosophy cannot be pursued too far, 13. Domitian, his happy reign, 64. Doubts, registry of, 149. Dreams, exposition of, 155. Duty, 233. of a king, 235. of professions, 236. of affections, 237. cases of doubt respecting, 238. Ecclesiastical history, 116. Education, importance of, 26. Elenches, doctrine of, 188. used by Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, 188. Elizabeth, (Queen), an instance of, in favour of learned princes, 23. eulogy upon the learning of, 69. Eloquence, the affections subdued to reason by, 211. when injurious to the possessor, 220. Emblem and prenotion, memory built upon, 195. Empirics, why sometimes more successful than physicians, 166. England, deficiency in history of, 110. and Scotland, blessed union of, 111. Epaminondas, an example of excellence in learning and arms, 15. Epictetus, his reflection on death, 81. errour in the philosophy of, 226. Epicureans, their doctrine concerning good, 226. Errours of learned men. See Learned Men. Evil, knowledge of, necessary to protection of virtue, 237. Examples, tendency of, to mislead, 278. Experientia literata, 182. Experiments, want of, in universities, 95. Faber quisque fortunæ suæ, 268. Fables of the ancients, exposition of, 122. valuable observations treasured up by the ancients in, 266. Fall of man, kind of knowledge which induced, 55. Falsehood, a disease of learning, 41. Fascination, 172. Fathers of the church, their learning, 59. Final causes, inquiry into, a part of metaphisique, 140. Flattery of great men by philosophers, 32. nature of, 236. Forms, discovery of, 136. Fortune of learned men, discredit to learning from, 23. impolicy of denying its share in our successes, 268. advancement of, 267 to 292. fixedness in pursuit of, 288. precepts for improving, 289. not to be too much wooed, 292. Friars, observation of Machiavel respecting, 24. Friends, choice of, 277. Friendship, laws of, 238. conduct in, 289. Frivolous learning, 34. Games of recreation, 169. most prosperous under learned governours, 17. wisdom of, learned men will acquit themselves in, 259. Governours, dignity of, depends on dignity of the governed, 83, should be candid to the governed, 234. Grammar, 198. Gratitude, laws of, 238. Græcia, the best princes of, were the most learned, 6. Gregory I. (Pope), censure against, for obliterating the memory of heathen authors, 60. Habit and custom, 249. Happiness, theories as to what it depends on, 225. Health, 158. Heresy, produced by misdirected aims at knowledge, 12. Hieroglyphics and gestures, 197. Hippius, his dispute with Socrates, 104. Hippocrates, his custom of narrating special cases, 163. History, its relation to memory, 100. division of, 101. deficiencies in, 109. appendices to, 118. Homer, Alexander's love of, 71. Honours among the ancients, human, heroical, and divine, 62. Hope, the portion of great men, 75. Human philosophy, 153. division of, 153. Humanity. See "Human philosophy." Husband and wife, duties of, 237. Idols of the mind, 191. makes men churlish and mutinous, 21. Ignorance, our Saviour's first excuse of power in subduing, 59. Ill-nature or malignity, 243. Imagination, confederation of the sciences with, 43. poesy referable to, 100. fascination an art of, 172. raising and fortifying of, 173. the commandment of reason over, 174. and reason, office of rhetoric to unite, 209. Immortality insured by knowledge, 86. Imposture and credulity, connection between, 42. Induction, in logic, errours of, 179. Intellectualists, errours of, 49. Interpretatio naturæ, 182. Interrogating, art of, 185. Invention, 176. of arts and sciences, deficient, 176. Inventors, how honoured by the ancients, 178. Ixion, the fable of, an example against imaginativeness, 19. Jesuits, service rendered to learning by, 60. Job, book of, pregnant with natural philosophy, 57. Journals. See "Annals." Judgment, art of, 186. Judgment, perverted by false appearance of words, 192. Julianus, edict of, against the Christians, 59. Julius Cæsar, an example of excellence in learning and arms, 15, 75 Kings, advantages of learning in, 15, 17, 64. duty of, 233. Knowledge. See "Learning." when a source of vexation, 11. produced by contemplation of God's creatures, 12. scriptural exhortations in favour of, 61. mitigates fear of death, 81. general advantages to the possessor, 82. pleasures derived from, 85. it insures immortality, 86. delivery of, 196. difference between civil and moral, 256. " pabulum animi," 175. of others, 271 to 276. of ourselves, 276 to 278. (moral) division of, 221. Laws, defects in, 295. of England, more applicable to their purposes than the Civil Law, 297. Lawyers, not the best Law-makers, 295. why not the best Statesmen, 16. not judged by issues of their causes, 159. Learned kings, advantages of, 15, 17, 64. Learned men, discredit to learning from the errours of, 23. imputations against them for their meanness of Employment, 26. errours in the studies of, 33. Learning, the various enemies of, 7. objections to by Divines, 7. disgraces received from Politicians, 14. discredit to, from the errours of the learned, 23. discredit to, from employment of learned men, 26. and arms, concurrence of excellence in, 15, 17,64. does not undermine reverence for the laws, 21. erroneous, kinds of errours in, 34. peccant humours of, 46. relics of, preserved by the Christians, 60. Scriptural exhortations in favour of, 61, Fable of Orpheus, in illustration of the effects of, 63. Military power enlarged by, 71. humanizes men's manners, 80. destroys levity, temerity, and vain admiration, 80. improves morals, 81. mitigates fear of death, 81. and arms, comparison between, in respect of advancing men, 84. pleasures of, 85. ensures immortality, 86. rewards for, 94. Leprosy, more contagious before maturity than after, 57. Letters, images of words, 196. Letters, appendixes to History, 118. Levant, moral of their behaviour towards princes, 30. Liberal Arts, when they most flourish, 169. Libraries, 92. Light, the first of created forms, 54. Liturgy, 315. Lives, a component of history, 108. deficiency in, 111. Logic, too early taught at Universities, 96. Lucretius, his praise of knowledge, 85. Lumen siccum and Lumen madidum, 12. Machiavel, his observations touching the poverty of friars, 24. Magic, 147. Man, as an individual, 154. in society, 256. Manners, utter corruption in, less dangerous than those half evil, 57. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, a learned prince, 68. Marvails, 103. Mathematics, branch of Metaphysique, 143. division-geometry and arithmetic, 144. laboured, from man's love of generalities, 144. to what applicable, 144. no deficience in, 144. benefits to the mind, 144. utility of, in fixing attention, 216. Mechanical history, 105. Medicinal history, deficient, 163. Medicine, separated from natural philosophy, mere empirical practice, 153. action of, upon the mind, 156. office of, 159. more laboured than advanced, 162. and cures, found out before the reasons, 177. Memory, 194. Metaphysique, 132. definition of, 134. built upon pre-notion and emblem, 195. history, the division of learning applicable to, 100. Metellus, the answer of Cæsar to, 78. Methods and Arts, errour of reducing knowledge into, 48. Methods, (in Logic) contains the rules of judgment, 201. magistral and probational, 201. various diversities of, 203 to 208. Microcosms, ancient theory of man being, 158. Midas, judgment of, 88. Military Arts, when they most flourish, 169. Military Power enlarged by learning, 70. Military Excellence, accompanied by excellence in learning, 15, 17, 64. Mind of man, 170. Modern History, 110. Monsters, want of a history of, 102. Moral knowledge, division of, 221. Moral philosophy and civil knowledge, difference between, 256. Morality promoted by learning, 81. Moses, God's first pen, 56. Wisdom of the ceremonial law of, 56. Music and Medicine conjoined in Apollo, 159. Names of creatures-the first effort of knowledge; 55. Narrations, component of history, 108, 113. Narrative Poetry, 121. Nature and ends of men, 275. Natural History mixed with fable, 42. division of, 102. Natural Magic, true sense of, 131. assistance derived by science from, 44. Natural Philosophy, 131. division-physique and metaphysique, 132. Mechanical history, a principal support of, 105. advantages resulting to, from registry of doubts to, 149. Natural Prudence, the operative part of natural philosophy, 145. Natural Religion, 128. Natural Theology-See Divine Philosophy. Negotiation, a part of civil knowledge, 259 to 268. Wisdom of the aphorisms of Solomon for, 260. Neptune, reply of Diagoras respecting the offerings to, 190. Nerva, a learned prince, 65. Novelty, overweening affection for, 46. Objects of pursuit, 253. Occasions, policy of yielding to, 283. Orations, appendices to history, 118. Orpheus, the fable of, illustrative of the effect of learning, 63. Others, knowledge of, 271 to 276. Ourselves, knowledge of, 276, 278. Parables, valuable observations treasured up by the ancients in, 266. Parabolical Poetry, 122. Paracelsus, his School of natural magic, 172. Paris, judgment of, 88. Passive Good, 229. Patience, 169. Peccant humours of learning, 46. Pedantical Knowledge, 216. Perfect History, 107. Philosophia prima, 48, 124. deficient, 127. parent of sciences, 128. not the same as metaphysique, 134. Philosophers, not the best law authors, 295. Philosophers' heaven, 222. Philosophy, or divinity cannot be pursued too far, 13. |