THE PROSE WORKS OF JOHN MILTON; WITH A LIFE OF THE AUTHOR, INTERSPERSED WITH TRANSLATIONS AND CRITICAL REMARKS, BY CHARLES SYMMONS, D. D. OF JESUS COLLEGE, OXFORD. IN SEVEN VOLUMES. dic LONDON: PRINTED BY T. BENSLEY, BOLT COURT, FLEET STREET, FOR J. JOHNSON; NICHOLS AND SON; F. AND C. RIVINGTON; AND LEIGH. THE LIFE OF JOHN MILTON. Si tyrannos insector, quid hoc ad reges? quos ego a tyrannis longissimè sejungo Defen. secund. Nunc sub fæderibus coeant felicibus unà DR. GEORGE, To the memory of my most dear and accomplished Son, CHARLES SYMMONS, by the co-operation of whose fine mind and perfect taste I have been largely benefitted as a writer, and to the contemplation of whose piety and virtues, the sources of much of my past happiness, I am indebted for all my present consolation, I inscribe THIS LIFE OF MILTON; which, as it grew under his eye, and was favoured with his regard, cannot be without value in my partial estimation. On the 23d of May, 1805, before he had completed his twenty-second year, he was torn from my affection and my hopes, experiencing from his God, in requital of a pure life, the mercy of an early death. CHARLES SYMMONS. a |