THE NONCONFORMIST'S MEMORIAL: BEING AN ACCOUNT OF THE MINISTERS, Who were EJECTED or SILENCED after the RESTORATION, Containing a concife VIEW of THEIR LIVES AND CHARACTERS, THEIR PRINCIPLES, SUFFERINGS, and PRINTED WORKS. By the Reverend and Learned EDMUND CALAMY, D. D. By SAMUEL PALMER. то WHICH 1 S PREFIXED An INTRODUCTION, containing a brief HISTORY Embellished with the HEADS of many of thofe venerable Divines. VOLUME II. For the Levites left their Suburbs, and their Poffeffion, and came to LONDON: Printed for W. HARRIS, No. 70, St. Paul's Church-Yard. THE Nonconformift's MEMORIAL. . MINISTERS Ejected or Silenced IN HAMPSHIRE. LRESFORD, [R.] Mr. Taylor. BADDESLEY, [2 places of this name.] Mr. Lancaster. A person of eminent skill in the Oriental languages. WORKS. Vindiciæ Evangelicæ ; or a Vindication of the Golpel, yet with the Establishment of the Law, &c. BEADLEY. Mr. Samuel Jefferson. BINSTED, [Chap, to Alton.] Mr. John Yates. BISHOPS-STOKE, [R. 2001.] Mr. Henry Coxe. Of Pemb. Col. Oxford. He was cast out to make way for Mr. T. Gawen, who is owned, by Dr. Walker, to have been a Papist; (Att. part ii. p. 77.) Tho' whether it was in 1660 or 1662, the Dr. and Mr. Wood are not agreed. Mr. Coxe, after his ejectment, removed to a farm-house called Boyett Farm, in the parifh of South Stoneham near Stoke, where his old friends and hearers reforted to him, and preached there fome years. Upon the 5 mile-act, he removed to Botly, and afterwards to Southampton. While he lived in this latter place, he preached about a mile out of town, towards Stoke, and many of his old people reforted to him; and he continued his labours to his death. He was buried at Stoke church, where he has a grave-stone, from whence it appears that he died June 13, 1679, aged 56. He |