4. The mind is brought to any thing with more sweetness; if that whereunto we pretend be not first in the intention, but tanquam aliud agendo. 14. Of the powers of books and studies upon the mind. Is not the opinion of Aristotle worthy to be regarded, wherein he saith, "That young men are no fit auditors of moral philosophy, because they are not settled from the boiling heat of their affections, nor attempered with time and experience?" But is it not true also, that much less young men are fit auditors of matters of policy, till they have been thoroughly seasoned in religion and morality; lest their judgments be corrupted, and made upt to think that there are no true differences of things, but according to utility and fortune.* 15. There should be caution lest moral instruction make men 16. The minds of all men are at some times in a more perfect, and at other times in a more depraved state. 17. The fixation of good times 252 18. The obliteration of bad times 252 19. The golden rule of life is to chuse right ends of life, and agreeing to virtue, and such as may be, in a reasonable sort, within our compass to attain. As when a carver makes an image, he shapes only that part whereupon he worketh, (as if he be upon the face, that part which shall be the body is but a rude stone still, till such time as he comes to it ;) but, contrariwise, when nature makes a flower or living creature, she formeth rudiments of all the parts at one time: so in obtaining virtue by habit, while a man practiseth temperance, he doth not profit much to fortitude, nor the like; but when he dedicateth and applieth himself to good ends, look, what virtue soever the pursuit and passage towards those ends doth commend unto * What says the morality of our universities, to this opinion? i : him, he is invested of a precedent disposition to conform himself thereunto. 20. There is a sympathy between the good of the body and of the mind. As we divided the good of the body into health, beauty, strength, and pleasure; so the good of the mind, inquired in rational and moral knowledges, tendeth to this, to make the mind sound, and without perturbation; beautiful, and graced with decency; and strong and agile for all duties of life. MAN IN SOCIETY. 1. Reasons why ethics are in some respects more difficult than . . 256 politics Cato the censor said, " that the Romans were like sheep, for that a man might better drive a flock of them, than one of them; for in a flock, if you could get but some few to go right, the rest would follow." 2. The object of morals is internal good; for policy external sufficeth. . States are not so suddenly subverted as individuals 257 States, as great engines, move slowly, and are not so soon put out of frame: for as in Egypt the seven good years sustained the seven bad, so governments, for a time well grounded, do bear out errours following. 2. Division of civil knowledge. 1. Conversation for comfort. 2. Negociation for use. 3. Government for protection. 257 CONVERSATION 8. Wisdom of_conversation ought not to be too much affected, much less despised. 4. Of behaviour. The sum of behaviour is to retain a man's own dignity, without intruding upon the liberty of others. Behaviour seemeth to me as a garment of the mind, and to have the conditions of a garment. For it ought to be made in fashion; it ought not to be too curious; it ought to be shaped so as to set forth any good making of the mind, and hide any deformity; and above all, it ought not to be too strait, or restrained for exercise or motion. 5. Evils of too much attention to behaviour. 1. The danger of affectation. 2. Waste of time. 3. Waste of mind, and checking aspirings to higher 1. This knowledge to the derogation of learning hath not been collected into writing. Of the three wisdoms which we have set down to pertain to civil life, for wisdom of behaviour, it is by learned men for the most part despised, as an inferior to virtue, and an enemy to meditation; for wisdom of government, they acquit themselves well when they are called to it, but that happeneth to few; but for the wisdom of business, wherein man's life is most conversant, there be no books of it, except some few scattered advertisements, that have no proportion to the magnitude of this subject.. 2. This knowledge is reducible to precept, illustrated by the 261 proverbs of Solomon 3. Antient fables and parables contain information upon this subject 266 4. The proper form of writing upon this subject is discourse upon history or examples. 5. Of discourses upon history of times, and upon lives, and upon letters 267 KNOWLEDGE OF THE ADVANCEMENT OF LIFE 6. Preliminary observations. 267 1. This is the wisdom of pressing a man's own fortune. 2. Many are wise for themselves, yet weak for the public. Livy attributeth it to Cato the first, " in hoc viro tanto vis animi et ingenii inerat, ut quocunque loco natus esset, sibi ipse fortunam facturus videretur." The open declaration of this is impolitic, being taken and used as spurs to industry, and not as stirrups to insolency, rather for resolution than for presumption or outward declaration, have been ever thought sound and good; and are, no question, imprinted in the greatest minds, who are so sensible of this opinion, as they can scarce contain it within. 2. The knowledge of the advancement of life is deficient 269 3. The investigation of this subject concerns learning, both in honour and in substance. Pragmatical men should not go away with an opinion that learning is like a lark, that can mount, and sing, and please herself, and nothing else; but may know that she holdeth as well of the hawk, that can soar aloft, and can also descend and strike upon the prey. It is the perfect law of inquiry of truth, "that nothing be in the globe of matter, which should not be likewise in the globe of chrystal, or form;" that is that there be not any thing in being and action, which should not be drawn and collected into contemplation and doctrine. 4. Learning esteems the architecture of fortune as of an inferior work 5. This doctrine is reducible to science. 6. Precepts respecting this knowledge.. 270 7. The fundamental precept is to acquire knowledge of the particular motives by which those with whom we have to deal are actuated 270 Obtain that window which Momus did require: who seeing in the frame of man's heart such angles and recesses, found fault that there was not a window to look into them. 8. The sinews of wisdom are slowness of belief. 275 1. A general acquaintance with knowing men. 3. A watchful and serene habit of observing when 10. Modes by which the knowledge of man is acquired. 1. By their faces. 2. By words. 3. By deeds. 4. By their natures. 5. By their ends. 6. By the relations of others. 11. More trust is to be given to countenances and deeds, than to words The Faces. 12. Much reliance cannot be placed upon the face at rest. 13. The face in motion cannot deceive a vigilant observer. It is animi janua. 271 273 274 15. Modes in which words disclose character 1. When sudden. vino tortus et irâ. 2. From affections. 3. From counter simulation. |