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Judgment, perverted by false appearance of words, 192.
Julianus, edict of, against the Christians, 59.

Julius Cæsar, an example of excellence in learning and arms, 15, 7

Kings, advantages of learning in, 15, 17, 64.

duty of, 233.

Knowledge. See " Learning."

when a source of vexation, 11.

produced by contemplation of God's creatures, 12.
heresy produced uced by by misdirected aims after, 12.
tradition of, magistral and not ingenuous, 50.
erroneous motives for the acquisition of, 51.
dignity of, where to be sought, 53.
kind of, which induced the fall, 55.

scriptural exhortations in favour of, 61.
improves morals, 81.

mitigates fear of death, 81.

general advantages to the possessor, 82.
increases power, 83.

pleasures derived from, 85.

it insures immortality, 86.

delivery of, 196.

difference between civil and moral, 256.

" pabulum animi," 175.

of others, 271 to 276.

of ourselves, 276 to 278.

(moral) division of, 221.

Laws, defects in, 295.

of England, more applicable to their purposes than the Civil Law, 297.

Lawyers, not the best Law-makers, 295.

why not the best Statesmen, 16.

not judged by issues of their causes, 159.

Learned kings, advantages of, 15, 17, 64.

Learned men, discredit to learning from the errours of, 23.

imputations against them for their meanness of Employment,


errours in the studies of, 33.

Learning, the various enemies of, 7.

objections to by Divines, 7.

disgraces received from Politicians, 14.

discredit to, from the errours of the learned, 23.

discredit to, from employment of learned men, 26.
discredit, from the manners of learned men, 27..
in princes, &c. edvantages of, 15, 17, 64.

and arms, concurrence of excellence in, 15, 17, 64.
causes strength rather than infirmity, 18.
does not dispose men to slothfulness, 19.
does not undermine reverence for the laws, 21.

erroneous, kinds of errours in, 34.

peccant humours of, 46.

relics of, preserved by the Christians, 60.

Scriptural exhortations in favour of, 61,

Fable of Orpheus, in illustration of the effects of, 63.

Military power enlarged by, 71.

humanizes men's manners, 80.

destroys levity, temerity, and vain admiration, 80.

improves morals, 81.

mitigates fear of death, 81.

and arms, comparison between, in respect of advancing men, 84.

pleasures of, 85.

ensures immortality, 86.

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Logic, too early taught at Universities, 96.
its difference from rhetoric, 212.
Logicians, their erroneous inductions, 179.
Lucius Commodus Verus, a learned prince, 68.
Lucretius, his praise of knowledge, 85.
Lumen siccum and Lumen madidum, 12.

"ofession, 161.



Machiavel, his observations touching the poverty of friars, 24,

Magic, 147.

Man, as an individual, 154.

in society, 256.

Manners, utter corruption in, less dangerous than those half evil, 57,

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, a learned prince, 68,

Marvails, 103.

Mathematics, branch of Metaphysique, 148.

division-geometry and arithmetic, 144.

laboured, from man's love of generalities, 114.

to what applicable, 144.

no deficience in, 144.

benefits to the mind, 144.

utility of, in fixing attention, 216.

Mechanical history, 105.

Medicinal history, deficient, 163.

Medicine, separated from natural philosophy, mere empirical practice, 153,

action of, upon the mind, 156.

office of, 159.

more laboured than advanced, 162.

and cures, found out before the reasons, 177.

Memorials, component part of civil history, 106.

division of, 106.

built upon pre-notion and emblem, 195.

history, the division of learning applicable to, 100.

Memory, 194.

Metaphysique, 132.

definition of, 134.

Metellus, the answer of Cæsar to, 78.

Methods and Arts, errour of reducing knowledge into, 48,

Methods, (in Logic) contains the rules of judgment, 201.

magistral and probational, 201.

various diversities of, 208 to 208.

Microcosms, ancient theory of man being, 158.

Midas, judgment of, 88.

Military Arts, when they most flourish, 169.

Military Power enlarged by learning, 70.

Military Excellence, accompanied by excellence in learning, 15, 17, 04

Mind of man, 170.

[blocks in formation]

Modern History, 110.

Monsters, want of a history of, 102.

Moral knowledge, division of, 221.

Moral philosophy and civil knowledge, difference between, 256.

Morality promoted by learning, 81.

Moses, God's first pen, 56.

Wisdom of the ceremonial law of, 56.

Music and Medicine conjoined in Apollo, 159.

Names of creatures-the first effort of knowledge, 55.

Narrations, component of history, 108, 118.

Narrative Poetry, 121.

Nature and ends of men, 275.

Natural History mixed with fable, 42.

division of, 102.

Natural Magic, true sense of, 131.

assistance derived by science from, 44.

Natural Philosophy, 131.

division-physique and metaphysique, 132.

Mechanical history, a principal support of, 105.

advantages resulting to, from registry of doubts to, 142.

Natural Prudence, the operative part of natural philosophy, 145.

Natural Religion, 128.

Natural Theology-See Divine Philosophy.

Negotiation, a part of civil knowledge, 259 to 268.

Wisdom of the ap

aphorisms of Solomon for, 260.

Neptune, reply of Diagoras respecting the offerings to, 190.

Nerva, a learned prince, 65.

Novelty, overweening affection for, 46.

Objects of pursuit, 253.

Occasions, policy of yielding to, 283.

Orations, appendices to history, 118.

Orpheus, the fable of, illustrative of the effect of learning, 63.

Others, knowledge of, 271 to 276.

Ourselves, knowledge of, 276, 278.

Parables, valuable observations treasured up by the ancients in, 266.

Parabolical Poetry, 122.

Paracelsus, his School of natural magic, 172.

Paris, judgment of, 88.

Passive Good, 229.

Patience, 169.

Peccant humours of learning, 46.

Pedantical Knowledge, 216.

Perfect History, 107.

Philosophia prima, 48, 124.

deficient, 127.

parent of sciences, 128.

not the same as metaphysique, 134.

Philosophers, not the best law authors, 295.

Philosophers' heaven, 222.

Philosophy, or divinity cannot be pursued too far, 13.

Philosophy, superficial knowledge of, inclines to atheism, 1.3.

and arms, examples of concurrence in, 15, 17, 64.
applicable to reason, 101.

division of rational and moral, 124.

advantages resulting to, from registry of doubts, 149.

difference between moral and civil, 256.

See also Divine philosophy.

Human philosophy.

Moral philosophy.

Phocion, an example against obstinacy, 19.
Physique, 135.

Physicians, judged by events, 160.

addict themselves to studies, out of their profession, 161.

duty of, to mitigate pains of death, 165.

why at times less successful than emperics, 166.

predictions of, 171.

Physiognomy, 155.

worthy of trust, 272.

Pius Quintus, a learned pope, 17.

Platform of good, 221.

Plato, his opinion of knowledge, 4.

his pertinent answer respecting Socrates, 31.

errour of, in mixing philosophy with theology, 49.

his metaphysics, 136.

his fiction of the cave, 192.

his erroneous hostility to rhetoric, 210.

Pleasures of the affections and the senses, 85.

those of knowledge the greatest, 85.

Poesy, referrable to the imagination, 100.

nature and object of, 119.

division of, 120.

no deficience in, 123.

Poets, best doctors in the knowledge of the affections, 216.

Politicians, disgraces to learning received from, 14.

judged by events, 160.

predictions of, 171.

Popes, the most learned the most ascendant, 17.

Popular errours, 150.

Power and Wisdom, difference between, exemplified in the creation, 54.

Predicaments, cautions against ambiguity of speech, 189.

Pre-notion and emblem, memory built upon, 195.

Private good, 228 to 232.

Professions, universities too exclusively dedicated to, 92.

supplied from philosophy and universality, 93.

duties of, 236.

policy in election of, 277.

Proofs, different kinds of, 193.

deficiency in, 194.

Prophecy, history of, 117.

Providence, history of, 117.

Public good, 226.

Putrefaction, more contagious before maturity than after, 57.
Pusillanimity, 288.

Pygmalions Phrenzy, an emblem of vanity in learning, 37.
Ramus, in what his merit consisted, 207.
Rayunmdus Lullius, errour of his art, 208.

Reason, philosophy applicable to, 101.

its authority over the imagination, 174,
the key of arts, 176.

and imagination, office of rhetoric to unite, 209.


[blocks in formation]

Saviour, (the) his first exemplification of power, 59.
St. Paul, and his admonition against vain philosophy, 10.

application of his learning, 59.

Science, its confederation with the imagination, 43.

authors in, should be consuls not dictators, 44.
errour of reducing it to arts and methods, 48.

growth of, checked by dedication of colleges to professions, 93.

Scotland, obliquity in history of, 110.

Scriptures, their exhortations to study the works of God, 61.

revelation contained in, 306.

interpretation of, 306 to 311.

no deficience in exposition of, 312.

Scylla, fable of, an emblem of contentious learning, 40.

Self-advancement, 267 to 292.

Self-declaration, 284.

Self-interest, wisdom of, 267.

Self-knowledge, 276 to 278.

Self-love, limits of, 29.

has triple desires, 230.

Self-preservation, and multiplication, laws of nature, 228.

Self-revelation, 278.

Seneca, his companion between false logic and juggling, 188.

Senses, reporters to the mind of man, 9.

Sextus Quintus, a learned pope, 17.

Sinew of wisdom is slowness of belief, 325.

Socrates, accusation of Anytus, against, 15.

accusation against, under the basest of tyrants, 22.

Solomon, exemplification of wisdom in, 58.

wisdom and policy of his aphorisms, 260.

specimens of his precepts, 261, 265.

Sophisms, specimens of, 213.

Sophists, Aristotles derision of, 183.

Soul knowledge, concerning, 170.

Speculative men, incompetent to write on practical matters, 254.

Speculative natural philosophy, 131.

Speech, invention of, 183.

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