INDEX. ABEL and Cain, contemplation and action figured by, 55. Accidents, their influence upon the mind, 294. Action and Contemplation, 224, 227. of words, 198. necessary union between, 50. figured in Cain and Abel, 55. Adam, his employment in Paradise, 55. Adoration, highest honour attainable among the Heathens, 62. Adrian, a learned prince, 66. Advancement in life, 269 to 292. Affectation, deformity of, 258. Affections, subdued to reason by eloquence, 211. duties of, 237. enquiry respecting, 245. government of, a principal part of Ethics, 246. poets and historians, the best doctors in the knowledge of, 246. Alchemy, 147. assistance derived by science from, 43. Alexander, an example of the union of learning and power in arms, 15. his education, 71. his love of Homer, 71. his preference of learning over empire, 71. his shrewd speeches, 72. his answer to Diogenes, 72. to Calisthenes, 73. his distinction between love of Alexander and love of the king, 74. his answer to Parmenio, 74. Allusive poetry, 121. Ambiguity of terms, cautions against, 189. Anatomy, deficience in, 163. Ancients, interpretation of their fables, 44, 63. honours rendered to eminent men among, 62. inventors consecrated by, 178. treasured up valuable observations in aphorisms or fables, 266. Annals, component of history, 113. Anthropomorphites, heresy of, 191. Antipater, Alexander's knowledge of, 86. Antiquity, overweening affection for, 46. Antiquities, part of History, 107. Antoninus Pius, a learned prince, 67. Apophegms of Cæsar, 118. Aphorisms, a kind of methodical delivery, 203. FF Aphorisms, excellence of, 204. of Solomon, the wisdom and policy of, 260. specimens of, 261 to 265. the ancients treasured up valuable observations in, 266. Argument, invention of, 183. Aristippus, his answer to one reproving him for servility, 33. Aristotle, his sparing use of feigned matter, 43. errour of, in mingling philosophy and logic, 49. his errour in undervaluing antiquity, 132. his derision of the Sophists, 183. defects in his labours, 213. Art, duty of, to exalt nature, 179. Arts and methods, errour of, in reducing knowledge into, 48. Arts intellectual, division of, 176. Arts liberal, when they most flourish, 169. Arts military, when they most flourish, 169. Astrology, 147, 171. assistance derived by science from, 43. Astronomy, exemplified in the book of Job, 57. predictions of, 171. Atheism, superficial knowledge inclines to, 13. Atlas, exposition of the fable of, 187. Atticus, an example against irresolution, 19. Æsculapius and Circe, exposition of the fable of, 160. Basilisk, fable of, 281. Behaviour, tendency of learned men to despise, 259. Being, without well-being, a curse, 292. Biography, most valuable species of history, 108. deficiency in, 112. Bird-witted minds, mathematics the proper study for, 144. Body, knowledge of, action of the mind on, 156. good of, in what it consists, 158. Books, new editions of, 215. Borgia (Alexander), his saying of the French, 149. a branch of civil knowledge, 259. habits of the Romans in respect of, 260. wisdom and policy of the aphorisms of Solomon for, 260. Cain and Abel, contemplation and action figured by, 55. Callendar of existing inventions, 148. of things not invented, 148. of supposed impossibilities, 148. of doubts and popular errours, 149, 150. Carneades, conceit of Cato respecting the eloquence of, 14. his writings, 76. his shrewd speeches, 77. his noble answer to Metellus, 78. Celestial Hierarchy, supposed rank of, 54. Ceremonial Law, its ordinances respecting meats, &c. 156. Character, knowledge of, part of moral learning, 245. how influenced by accidents of life, 244. Christianity, preservation of ancient learning owing to, 60. Chronicles, division of history, 108. Church, government of, 315. Church-militant, history of, 116. Cicero, errour of, in his pursuit of science, 49. his complaint against Socrates for separating Philosophy and Rhetoric, Ciphers, 199. 153. uses of, and wherein consists their excellence, 200. Civil Knowledge, 256 to 297. hath three parts, conversation, negotiation, and govern- ment, 257. Diagoras, his reply on being shewn the offerings to Neptune, 190. Diet, its importance to the Mind, 156. Diogenes, his answer to a scoffing question, respecting learned men, 33. answer of Alexander respecting, 72. his opinion as to true health of mind, 227. Discovery and impression, parts of human philosophy, 154. Diseases, many ignorantly pronounced incurable, 165. Dispositions of men, 241, 243. Dissimulation, nature and policy of, 284. Distempers of learning, 34. Divination, 171. Divination, artificial and natural, 171. Duty, 233. of a king, 235. of professions, 236. of affections, 237. cases of doubt respecting, 238. Ecclesiastical history, 116. Education, importance of, 26. Elenches, doctrine of, 188. used by Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, 188. Elizabeth, (Queen), an instance of, in favour of learned princes, 23, eulogy upon the learning of, 69. Eloquence, the affections subdued to reason by, 211. when injurious to the possessor, 220. Emblem and prenotion, memory built upon, 195. Empirics, why sometimes more successful than physicians, 166. England, deficiency in history of, 110. and Scotland, blessed union of, 111. Epaminondas, an example of excellence in learning and arms, 15, Epictetus, his reflection on death, 81. errour in the philosophy of, 226. Epicureans, their doctrine concerning good, 226. Errours of learned men. See Learned Men. Evil, knowledge of, necessary to protection of virtue, 237. Examples, tendency of, to mislead, 278. Experientia literata, 182. Experiments, want of, in universities, 95. Fables of the ancients, exposition of, 122. valuable observations treasured up by the ancients in, 266. Fall of man, kind of knowledge which induced, 55. Falsehood, a disease of learning, 41. Fascination, 172. Fathers of the church, their learning, 59. Final causes, inquiry into, a part of metaphisique, 140. Flattery of great men by philosophers, 32. nature of, 236. Forms, discovery of, 186. Fortune of learned men, discredit to learning from, 23. impolicy of denying its share in our successes, 268. advancement of, 267 to 292. fixedness in pursuit of, 288. precepts for improving, 289. not to be too much wooed, 292. Friars, observation of Machiavel respecting, 24. Friends, choice of, 277. Friendship, laws of, 238. conduct in, 289. Frivolous learning, 34. Games of recreation, 169. most prosperous under learned governours, 17. wisdom of, learned men will acquit themselves in, 259. Governours, dignity of, depends on dignity of the governed, 83. should be candid to the governed, 234. Grammar, 198. Gratitude, laws of, 238. Græcia, the best princes of, were the most learned, 6. Gregory I. (Pope), censure against, for obliterating the memory of heathen authors, 60. Habit and custom, 249. Happiness, theories as to what it depends on, 225. Health, 158. Heresy, produced by misdirected aims at knowledge, 12. Hieroglyphics and gestures, 197. Hippius, his dispute with Socrates, 104. Hippocrates, his custom of narrating special cases, 163. History, its relation to memory, 100. division of, 101. deficiencies in, 109. appendices to, 118. Homer, Alexander's love of, 71. Honours among the ancients, human, heroical, and divine, 62. Hope, the portion of great men, 75. Human philosophy, 153. division of, 158. Humanity. See "Human philosophy." Husband and wife, duties of, 237. Idols of the mind, 191. makes men churlish and mutinous, 21. Ignorance, our Saviour's first excuse of power in subduing, 59. Ill nature or malignity, 243. Imagination, confederation of the sciences with, 43. poesy referable to, 100. fascination an art of, 172. raising and fortifying of, 173. the commandment of reason over, 174. and reason, office of rhetoric to unite, 209. Immortality insured by knowledge, 86. Imposture and credulity, connection between, 42. Induction, in logic, errours of, 179. Intellectualists, errours of, 49. Interpretatio naturæ, 182. Interrogating, art of, 185. Invention, 176. of arts and sciences, deficient, 176. Inventors, how honoured by the ancients, 178. Ixion, the fable of, an example against imaginativeness, 19. Jesuits, service rendered to learning by, 60, Job, book of, pregnant with natural philosophy, 57. Journals. See "Annals." Judgment, art of, 186. |