The 30th Day of January, 1803. The following communication was given to JOANNA, in answer to three ladies, and four gentlemen, who came to persuade her that no prophecies could be given to a woman for the fulfilment of the bible. And they said, they thought that the happiness of man would never be completed here on earth.. These words were given to me "Let them answer the following questions The earth was formed, and man was made in the likeness of his Maker, to be lord of the creation; the woman was taken from the man to complete his happiness; as I said, it was not good for the man to be alone, and made the woman for his helpmate; and by her casting the fault on the serpent, his curse was pronounced to be above every living creature. Now let the learned answer this question, How is this to be done? The tree of know edge was of good and evil,The knowledge of God, and the knowledge of the Devil. Now, if they say the woman brought them to the knowledge of the devil, which is the evil, and never brings them to the knowledge of the GOOD, which is the Lord; let them tell, how it was not good for the man to be alone? or how I came to do the will of Gon, if I do not make the woman what my Father designed her for? Will they answer, it was done by my Mother's bringing ME into the world? Then tell me how that happiness was completed, and prove it is done? Let them tell what the prophet meant by the barren womb being made a joyful mother of chil dren; and what I meant by saying, the time nations, the fever in America, the rebellion in Ireland, the deceit of Holland, the conquest of Italy by the French, every bad harvest foretold the year before they came, and every leading event which has happened for eleven years past; the conduct of the shepherds (or clergy) foretold, and the threatenings pronounced against them. If I had not known what was in them, how could I say, I well might weep, to see my sheep such careless shepherds have, if I had not known they would be weighed in the balance, and would be found wanting? Now, let them tell, who knoweth the heart of man, but he that made and formed it ?" The Methodists, and all the self-righteous, I was foretold, would act perfectly like the selfrighteous Jews; and they have acted exactly as foretold. "The Jews said they were the seed of Abraham, and there they trusted for their salvation; the self-righteous say they are saved by being in CHRIST, without having my Spirit. This I foretold thee; and this is now fulfilled. Therefore, I said I would choose their reprobates, to judge thy written hand; and that sentence is now passed by them on the Jury. So let them that boast of wisdom now shew their wisdom, and answer all these scriptures, which I have mentioned; and tell what Spirit foretold thee all the truths in thy writings, which have already come to pass; and the others they will find are hastening on. Let this be answered by the learned, and I will answer thee again and let them tell what death Adam died when he eat the forbidden fruit. For now they shall find I have a controversy with my people, and I will plead with them, in the SPIRIT, by THEE." A communication given to Joanna, June 13th, 1797, in answer to Mr. Woolland (at whose house Joanna lodged) and a Mrs. Minifie, disputing about having a peace at the end of that month; Mr. Woolland saying it would be so. "Now Joanna this I'll clear: Wondrous news may sure come here, does return. On the seas, I say, I am; I have dipt my sword in blood; I to conquer have begun : The Pope his pardon bought of man. Lewis he hath lost his crown; Holland in that state is found; Every Nation is perplex'd. Now, I'll tell thee what comes next: If I stop the raging war, See my bible and be clear; From the Gospel draw your sword; This alludes to a bargain between the Pope and the French at their entry into Rome about this time. That my CROWN may surely stand; To judge from whence thy writings were? His armour-bearer must be known; For when Taylor doth appear, |