PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION WITH THEIR MUTUAL BEARINGS COMPREHENSIVELY CONSIDERED, AND SATISFACTORILY DETERMINED, ON CLEAR AND SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES. BY WILLIAM BROWN GALLOWAY, A.M. The temple of God in heaven was opened, and there was seen Cast ye up, cast ye up, prepare the way, take up the stum- ISAIAH lvii. 14. LONDON: SMITH, ELDER AND CO., 65, CORNHILL, BOOKSELLERS TO THEIR MAJESTIES. 1837. PREFACE. MUCH evil has resulted both to philosophy and revealed religion from the want of a proper understanding of their mutual bearings. From the study of the former, many ingenious men have been led into infidelity, and still more have had their belief injuriously affected; while, on the other hand, many religious men entertain a jealousy of philosophy, and are adverse to the free exercise of reason. Yet the professed object both |