splendour, but the other the mysterious knowledge of all things created in the six dayes work.'-[From pp. 19, 20 of the Post-script to 'An Extract by Mr. Bushell of his late Abridgment of the Lord Chancellor Bacon's Philosophical Theory in Mineral Prosecutions. London, 1660.] NOTE (I.) P. 186. THE 127th aphorism of the Novum Organum, cited in the text, abundantly proves that whatever may be the opinion of some learned writers, lord Bacon himself considered that the precepts which he laid down for conducting us aright in our search after knowledge, were not confined to physics, but alike applicable to the phenomena of the human mind-indeed to all science. If the inductive method cannot be properly applied to psychological science, how is it, we would ask, that we have become acquainted with the laws and constitution of the mind? Our knowledge of these subjects is not instinctive-we do not imbibe it with our breath; but slowly and with difficulty obtain it. 'The mind,' says lord Brougham, in his late discourse of Natural Theology, 'equally with matter, is the proper subject of observation, by means of consciousness, which enables us to arrest and examine our own thoughts: it is even the subject of experiment, by the power which we have, through the efforts of abstraction and attention, of turning those thoughts into courses not natural to them, not spontaneous, and watching the results.' How much the science of Natural Theology would suffer, if these were not undeniable truths, the readers of this profound Discourse will be best able to judge. NOTE (J.) P. 307. MOST, if not all, of lord Bacon's biographers positively assert that he died childless. Aubrey, however, who had good opportunities of informing himself on this head, both from the time in which he lived and his position in society, expressly says that he left a daughter, who married her gentleman usher, sir Thomas Underhill, and was living after the beheading of King Charles I. Lord Bacon's wife, one of the daughters of Benedict Barnham, alderman of London, survived her illustrious husband upwards of twenty years: she died on the 29th June, 1650, and was buried in the chancel of Eyeworth Church, Bedfordshire. (Montagu's Life, note Н.Н.Н.) Anthony, lord Bacon's only uterine brother, died in his lifetime; he was a gentleman, says sir Henry Wotton, of impotent feet, but a nimble head; and being of a provident nature, contrary to his brother the lord Viscount St. Albans, amassed a considerable fortune-not, if sir Henry was rightly informed, by the most creditable means. Reliquia Wottoniana, p. 168; and see ante, p. 30. INDEX. A. Advancement of Learning, Ba- Air, decreased gravity of, its ef- Airy, Professor, his experiments Appeal from Chancery, origin Aristotle, his dictum De omni et Aubrey, his anecdotes, 99, note. B. Babbage, Professor, anecdote of, Bacon, Friar, persecution of, Bacon, sir Nicholas, his charac- ter, 3, note-his death, 9, note. Bacon, lord, his birth and early promise, 4-his sensibility to |