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Richard Cumberland buried, May 14.

Lady Mary Coke, daughter of the Duke of Argyll and Greenwich, buried.

Captain Stewart died.

Perceval died.

Last Installation of Knights of the Bath in the Abbey.
Granville Sharpe died.

Wyatt buried, Sept. 28.

E. H. Delaval buried.

Burney died.

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Fire in the Triforium.

Tierney died.

Rennell buried, April 6.

Coronation of William IV. and Queen Adelaide, Sept. 8.

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Coronation of Queen Victoria, June 28.

Lord Holland died.

Dean Ireland buried, Sept. 8.

Thomas Turton, Dean.

Southey died.

Campbell buried, July 3.
Henry Cary buried, Aug. 21.
Sir Fowell Buxton died.

Samuel Wilberforce, Dean.

Sir William Follett died.

William Buckland, Dean.

Consecration of three Australian Bishops, and of R. Gray,

Bishop of Cape Town.

Charles Buller died.

Sir R. Wilson buried, May 15.

Consecration of Fulford, Bishop of Montreal.

Wordsworth died.

Peel died.

Transference of the Remains of Lyndwood to the Abbey, March 6.
Convocation revived, Nov. 12.

Bishop Monk buried, June 14.

R. C. Trench, Dean.

Consecration of G. L. Cotton, Bishop of Calcutta.

Transference of the Remains of John Hunter to the Abbey,
March 28.

Consecration of Bishops of Columbia, Brisbane, and St. Helena,

and of the Bishop of Bangor.

Stephenson buried, Oct. 21.

Lord Macaulay buried, Jan. 9.

Sir Charles Barry buried, May 22.

Lord Dundonald buried, Nov. 14.

Celebration of Tercentenary of Westminster School, Nov. 17.
Elizabeth Woodfall buried.

Earl Canning buried, June 21.

Sir James Outram buried, March 25.

Lord Clyde buried, Aug. 22.

Sir G. Cornewall Lewis died.

Thackeray, died.





Consecration of first Missionary Bishop to Central Africa,
Orange River State.

Arthur P. Stanley, Dean.

Consecration of the Bishop of Ely.

Acts of Parliament removed from the Parliament Office to the
Victoria Tower.

Lord Palmerston buried, Oct. 27.

Celebration of 800th anniversary of the Foundation of the
Abbey, December 28.

Restoration of Chapter House undertaken.



Monument to Cobden.



Restoration of Altar Screen in Marble.

Royal Commission on Ritual in Jerusalem Chamber.
Consecration of the Bishop of Hereford.

Discovery of the Grave of James I.

Consecration of the Bishops of Lincoln, Grafton, and Armidale,
and Mauritius, Feb. 24.

Consecration of the Bishops of Auckland, Bathurst, and Labuan,
June 29.

Consecration of the Bishop of Montreal, Aug. 1.

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Dimensions of the Isle of Thorns, 470 yards long, 370 yards broad,

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118 and 119, notes and ', for Jeremy Taylor's Sermon on Death' read 'Rules of Holy Dying,' vol. iv. 344.

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