Of fun, or moon, or far, throughout the year, 5 Of heart or hope; but still bear and steer up Right onward. What supports me, dost thou ask ? The conscience, Friend, to' have loft them overply'd In liberty's defence, my noble task, Of which all Europe talks from fide to fide. This thought might lead me through the world's vain mask Content though blind, had I no better guide. XXIII. On his deceafed WIFE *. Methought I saw my late efpoufed faint Brought to me like Alceftis from the grave, Whom Jove's great fon to her glad husband gave, Rescued from death by force, though pale and faint. Mine, as whom wash'd from spot of child-bed taint 5 And fuch, as yet once more I trust to have This was his fecond wife, Catharine the daughter of Captain Woodcock of Hackney, who lived with him not above a year after their marriage, and died in child-bed of a daughter. So clear, as in no face with more delight. But O as to embrace me she inclin❜d, I wak'd, fhe fled, and day brought back my night, XXIV. On occafion of the PLAGUE in LONDON. Found on a glass window at Chalfont, in Buckinghamshire, where Milton refided during the continuance of that calamity. [From Birch's Life.] Fair mirror of foul times; whofe fragile sheen To sweep the wicked and their counfels hence; 5 For the fair Hittite, when, on feraph's wings, He fent him war, or plague, or famine fore. 10 PSALMS. PSA L M S. PSALM I. Done into verse, 1653. Lefs'd is the man who hath not walk'd astray Blinds theme wicked, and i' th' way Of finners hath not stood, and in the feat And in his law he ftudies day and night, PSA L. II. Done' Aug. 8, 1653. Terzette. W HY do the Gentiles tumult, and the nations 5 10 15 Mufe a vain thing, the kings of th' earth up stand With power, and princes in their congregations. Lay deep their plots together through each land Against Against the Lord and his Meffiah dear ? Let us break off, say they, by strength of hand Their bonds, and caft from us, no more to wear, 5 Their twisted cords: He who in Heav'n doth dwell Shall laugh, the Lord shall scoff them, then severe Speak to them in his wrath, and in his fell And fierce ire trouble them; but I, faith he, On Sion my holy' hill. A firm decree 10 15 Th' Heathen, and as thy conqueft to be sway'd Earth's utmost bounds: them fhalt thou bring full low With iron scepter bruis'd, and them disperse And now be wife at length, ye Kings averse, If once his wrath take fire like fuel fere. 20 25 PSAL. III. PSAL. III. Aug. 9, 1653. When he fled from Abfalom. LORD, how many are my foes! How many those That in arms against me rise! That of my life diftruftfully thus fay, But thou, Lord, art my fhield, my glory, Th' exalter of my head I count; Aloud I cry'd Unto Jehovah, he full foon reply'd Was the Lord. Of many millions The populous rout I fear not, though incamping round about They pitch against me their pavilions. Rise, Lord; save me, my God; for thou 5 10 15 20 Haft broke the teeth. This help was from the Lord; Thy bleffing on thy people flows. PSAL. IV. |