O firft-created Beam, and thou great Word, Let there be light, and light was over all; Why am I thus bereav'd thy prime decree ? 'The fun to me is dark And filent as the moon, 85 When she deferts the night Hid in her vacant interlunar cave. 90 And almoft life itself, if it be true That light is in the foul, She all in every part; why was the fight So obvious and fo eafy to be quench'd? And not, as feeling, through all parts diffus'd, 95 That she might look at will through every pore? Then had I not been thus exil'd from light, By privilege of death and burial From worft of other evils, pains and wrongs, But made hereby obnoxious more To all the miseries of life, Life in captivity Among inhuman foes. But who are these? for with joint pace I hear Perhaps my enemies who come to stare 100 105 110 At my affliction, and perhaps t' infult, O change beyond report, thought, or belief! As one past hope, abandon'd, 115 120 And by himself given over; In flavish habit, ill fitted weeds O'er-worn and foil'd; Or do my eyes misrepresent? Can this be he, That heroic, that renown'd, Irrefiftible Samfon? whom unarm'd 125 No ftrength of man, or fierceft wild beast could withstand; Who tore the lion, as the lion tears the kid, Ran on imbattel'd armies clad in iron, And weaponless himself, Made arms ridiculous, useless the forgery Of brazen fhield and spear, the hammer'd cuirass, Adamantean proof; But fafeft he who stood aloof, When infupportably his foot advanc'd, In fcorn of their proud arms and warlike tools, 130 135 Spurn'd them to death by troops. The bold Afcalonite Fled from his lion ramp, old warriors turn'd Their plated backs under his heel; Or grov'ling foil'd their crefted helmets in the duft. Then with what trivial weapon came to hand, 140 The The jaw of a dead afs, his fword of bone, A thousand fore-fkins fell, the flower of Palestine, 1 145 Then by main force pull'd up, and on his shoulders bore The gates of Azza, post, and maffy bar, Up to the hill by Hebron, seat of giants old, No journey of a fabbath-day, and loaded fo; Like whom the Gentiles feign to bear up Heaven. 150 Which fhall I first bewail, Thy bondage or loft fight, Prifon within prifon Infeparably dark? Thou art become (O worst imprisonment!) The dungeon of thyfelf; thy foul 155 (Which men enjoying fight oft without cause complain) By how much from the top of wondrous glory, Strongest of mortal men, To lowest pitch of abject fortune thou art fall'n. For him I reckon not in high estate 170 Whom long descent of birth Or the sphere of fortune raises; But But thee whofe ftrength, while virtue was her mate, Univerfally crown'd with highest praises. 175 SAMS. I hear the found of words, their sense the air ere it reach my ear. Diffolves unjointed CHO. He fpeaks, let us draw nigh. Matchless in The glory late of Ifrael, now the grief; [might, We come thy friends and neighbours not unknown 180 From Efhtaol and Zora's fruitful vale, To vifit or bewail thee, or if better, Counfel or confolation we may bring, Salve to thy fores; apt words have pow'r to fwage The tumors of a troubled mind, And are as balm to fester'd wounds. 185 [learn 190 SAMS. Your coming, Friends, revives me, for I Yet that which was the worft now leaft afflicts me, 195 200 Am Am I not fung and proverb'd for a fool CHO. Tax not divine disposal; wisest men 205 210 215 220 At least of thy own nation, and as noble. 225 That fpecious monster, my accomplish'd fnare. 230 Ifrael's |