Sämmtliche Schriften, Volume 10 |
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Aehnlichkeit Agrippine ägyptischen Ahnenbilder Allegorie alten Alterthums Amor antiquarische ausdrücklich Bacchus Berm beyde Beyspiele Bilder Bildsäulen bloß Boissard Caylus cera Chabrias chen Cicero Denkmahl dergleichen dern deſſen Dichter dieſes Dioskorides eben einander einzige Enkaustik ersten Fackel fich Figuren find Gemälde Genius Gerippe gewiß giebt glaube Gott Größe Grund håtte heißt Herrn imagines imago indeß iſt Juvenal Karyatiden Kloß könnte Kopf Körper krummen Füße Kunst Kunstwerke Laokoon laſſen läßt lich machen macht Malerey Marmor Meynung Milton Montfaucon muß müſſen nehmlich nothwendig Pausanias Philostrat Phryne Pignorius Plinius Poesie Polybius Praxiteles quae quod Rlog ſagt scheint schen Schlaf ſchon Schönheit Schr ſehr ſeinen ſelbſt seyn ſich ſie ſind Skelet sollen ſondern Statue Stelle beym Tafel Theil Ueber unsere Vermuthung vers verschiedene viel vielleicht Vitruv Vorstellung vultus wåre weiß wels wenig Werke Wesen willkührlichen wohl Worte zwey zweyten δε ἐν ἐπι κατα
Popular passages
Page 74 - Hear, all ye angels, progeny of light, Thrones, dominations, princedoms, virtues, powers; Hear my decree, which unrevoked shall stand; This day I have begot whom I declare My only Son, and on this holy hill Him have anointed, whom ye now behold At my right hand; your head I him appoint; And by myself have sworn, to him shall bow All knees in heaven, and shall confess him Lord.
Page 62 - tis to cast one's eyes so low ! The crows and choughs that wing the midway air Show scarce so gross as beetles. Half way down Hangs one that gathers samphire, dreadful trade ! Methinks he seems no bigger than his head. The fishermen that walk upon the beach Appear like mice ; and yond tall anchoring bark Diminish'd to her cock ; her cock a buoy Almost too small for sight.
Page 71 - Who to the fraudulent importer foul In his uprightnefs anfwer thus return'd. Fair Angel, thy defire, which tends to know The works of God, thereby to glorify...
Page 252 - Soe fagt: On voit encore au Palais Farnefe Un morceau de peinture antique, trouvé dans la vigne de l'Empereur Adrien à Tivoli &c. Unb ScUoci: Clntrodu£l.
Page 204 - ... vetere Latina lingua reperio Lemurem dictitatum. Ex hisce ergo Lemuribus, qui posterorum suorum curam sortitus, pacato et quieto numine domum possidet, Lar dicitur familiaris. Qui vero propter adversa vitae merita, nullis bonis sedibus incerta vagatione, ceu quodam exilio punitur, inane terriculamentum bonis hominibus, caeterum noxium malis, hunc plerique Larvam perhibent. Cum vero incertum est quae cuique sortitio evenerit, utrum Lar sit an Larva, nomine Manium deum nuncupant, et honoris gratia...