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Mary's Difficulty in appointing a Chancellor on the Death of Gardyner, 77. Ap-

pointment of NICHOLAS HEATH, Archbishop of York, as Chancellor, 78. His

Birth and Education, 78. His Rise, 79. Opposes Reformation, 79. His Conduct

during Protectorate of Somerset, 79. Committed to Prison, 80. Deprived of his

Bishopric, 80. On Accession of Mary, liberated and made Archbishop of York,

80. Succeeds Gardyner as Chancellor, 80. His Incompetency as a Judge, 80, A

Parliament, 81. Question of Parliamentary Privilege decided by the Chancellor,

81. Last Illness of Mary, 81, Parliament opened by the Chancellor, 81. Procla

mation against seditious Books, 82. The Lord Chancellor's Visit to the House of

Commons to press for a Subsidy, 82. The Lord Chancellor announces to the two

Houses the Death of Queen Mary, 83. Elizabeth proclaimed, 83. Chancellor's

Address to her at Hatfield, 83. Her Answer, 83. Surrender of Great Seal to her,

83. Ex-Chancellor Heath retained as Councillor, 84. Queen Elizabeth's choice of

Religion, 84, Honourable Conduct of Heath, 84. He concurs with Bishops in re-

fusing to assist at Queen's Coronation, 85. Heath's Speech in House of Lords

against the Reformed Religion, 85. Conference between Roman Catholic and

Protestant Divines, 86. Heath refuses to acknowledge Queen's Supremacy, 87.

He is deprived of his Archbishopric, 87 His retirement, 87. Is visited by Queen

Elizabeth, 87. His Death. 87. State of the Law and Conduct of Chancellors du-

ring the Reign of Queen Mary, 87.

State of Business in the Court of Chancery, 88. Great Seal delivered to Sir NICH-

OLAS BACON as Lord Keeper, 96. His previous Career, 89. His Birth, 89. Edu-

cation, 89. Subordinate Offices held by him, 90. His Plan for founding a Univer-

sity in London, 90. Brother-in-law of Cecil, 90 His Conformity to the Catholic

Religion in the Reign of Queen Mary, 90. Made Lord Keeper on recommenda-

tion of Cecil, 91. New Great Seal, 91. Lord Keeper's Speech on opening Parlia-

ment, 92. His Advice on Queen's Title, 92. Lord Keeper Moderator in Disputa-

tion between Roman Catholic and Protestant Divines, 92, His Partiality, 93.

Catholic Disputants committed to Prison, 93. Lord Keeper excellent Equity

Judge, 93, Doubts respecting his Authority as Lord Keeper, 93. Act of Parlia-

ment to declare his Authority, 94. A new Parliament, 94. Procession to West-

minster, 94. Lord Keeper's Speech to the Two Houses, 95, Lord Keeper's

Speech at the Prorogation, 95. Elizabeth's Declaration about her Marriage, 96.

Queen's Suitors, 96. Address delivered by Lord Keeper inviting Queen to marry,

96. Queen's Answer, 97. Ceremony at the Close of the Session, 97. Speech

of Speaker of House of Commons, 98. Lord Keeper's Answer, 98. Queen stops

him, and herself addresses the Commons, 98. Parliament dissolved, 98. Con-

troversy respecting Right of Succession to the Throne, 98. Pamphlet in fa-

vour of House of Suffolk, 98. Discovery that this was written by the Lord

Keeper, 98, Lord Keeper dismissed from Privy Council, and ordered to confine

himself to Business of Court of Chancery, 99. Lord Keeper restored to

Privy Council and Queen's Confidence, 99. Mary Queen of Scots, 99. Lord

Keeper a Commissioner to examine into the Charge of her having mur-

dered her Husband, 99. Queen Elizabeth goes to Parliament in a Coach, 100.

Great Seal Two Months in personal Custody of the Queen, 109. Her mode of using

it, 109. Clamour for the Appointment of a Chancellor, 110 Queen's Perplexity,

110. Sir THOMAS BROMLEY, the Solicitor General, appointed Lord Chancellor,

His Birth, 110. Bred to the Law, 110. Made Solicitor General, 110. His

Conduct on Trial of Duke of Norfolk, 111. Evidence to support the Charge, 111.

Found Guilty, and executed, 113. Grief of Mary, 113. Bromley, the Solicitor

General, sent to her, 113. His interview with her, 113. Determination to bring

Mary to the Scaffold, 114. Bromley while Solicitor General more trusted by the

Government than the Attorney General, 114. Appointed Lord Chancellor, 114.

His Speech to the Queen on his Appointment, 114. Good Equity Judge, 116. A

Parliament, 116. Death of Speaker in Vacation, 116. Chancellor's Admonitions

to new Speaker, 117. Lord Chancellor rebukes Members of the House of Com-

mons, 117. Apprehensions of Elizabeth's Ministers from the Queen of Scots being

next Heir to the Crown, 117. Suggestion of taking her off by Poison, 117. Act

of Parliament preferred, 117. Lord Chancellor's Speech on opening of Parlia-

ment, 117. Bill for Trial of Mary, 118. Joy of Elizabeth, 118. She thanks the

two Houses, 118. Just Conviction of Babington, 118. Commission for the Trial

of Mary, 118. Bromley President, 118. Commissioners meet at Fotheringay, 118.

Mary denies the Jurisdiction of the Court, 118. Mary's preliminary Interview

with Bromley and other Commissioners, 118. Bromley baffled, 119. Attempt of

Sir Christopher Hatton, 119. Mary submits to the Jurisdiction of the Court, 120.

Her Trial, 120. Lord President Bromley's Address to her, 120. Her Answer,

Her Protest entered, 120. Evidence against her, 120. Her Defence, 120.

Burghley conducts the Prosecution, 121. His dread of an Acquittal, 121, Court

adjourned to Westminster, 121. Verdict of guilty against her in her Absence, 121.

Measures for carrying Sentence into Execution, 121. Parliament assembled, 121.

Lord Chancellor's Speech to hasten Execution, 122 Lord Chancellor's second

Speech against Mary, 122 Unanimous Address of both Houses, praying for her

Execution, 122. Elizabeth's Sarcasms on the Lawyers, 123. Elizabeth signs War-

rant for Mary's Execution, 123. Great Seal affixed to it, 123 It is sent off by

the Council, 123 Mary's Execution, 123. Her Conduct in her last Moments,

123. Sudden Illness of the Lord Chancellor, 124. His Death, 124. Lamentations

over him, 124. His Character, 125. Friend to Toleration, 125. His Descend-

ants, 125.

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Skill in Dancing, 128. His Fondness for the Stage, 128. Joined in writing a

Tragedy acted before Queen, 128. Tragedy of Tancred and Gismund," 128.

Scene written by Sir Christopher Hation, 128. He captivates Queen Elizabeth,

128. Taken into her Service, 129. Queen takes Security for Money advanced to

him, 129. His rapid Promotion at Court, 129 Envy and jealousy which he ex-

cited, 130. Hatton is returned to Parliament, and becomes Leader of the House

of Commons, 130. His continued exertion to please the Queen, 131. "Ecandal of

Queen Elizabeth," 131. Hatton jealous of the Earl of Oxford, 131. Letter of

Advice to him from Edward Dyer, 132. Hatton's Letter to the Queen, justifying

himself, 133. Queen's Passion for Hatton revived by a fit of Illness, 133. Letter

of Gilbert Talbot relating the Court Scandal, 183. Hatton's Visit to Spa, 134.

His Love-letters to Elizabeth during his Absence, 134. His Return to England,

136, Queen Elizabeth's Letter to the Bishop of Ely, 136. Hatton, a Statesman

and a Privy Councillor, 136. Hatton employed to advise the Queen to have a

Tooth drawn, 137. Hatton and the Earl of Leicester correspond about the

Queen's Health, 137, Cruel Prosecution of Stubbes, 138. Hatton assists in

breaking off Elizabeth's Marriage with the Duke of Anjou, 138. Another Love-

letter from Hatton to Elizabeth, 138. Hatton in Time of Sickness sends a charm

to be worn by Elizabeth, 139, Another Love-letter from Hatton to Elizabeth, 140

Hatton quarrels with the Queen, 141. They are reconciled, 141. Appearance of

Sir Walter Raleigh at Court, 142. Queen pretends to slight Sir Walter Raleigh,

142. Hatton pleases Elizabeth by his zeal against the Queen of Scots, 142. His

Prayer in the House of Commons, 143 Sits on Trial of Babington, &c. 143.

His Examination of Nau and Curle, Mary's Secretaries, 144. His Conduct at the

Trial of Queen Mary, 145. Letter from Hatton to Elizabeth, written during the

Trial, 145. His Speech against her in the House of Commons, 146. Carries Re-

solution in the House of Commons for Execution of Mary, 146. Active in sending

off Death-warrant, 146. Pretended Anger of Elizabeth, 146. He is made Lord

Chancellor, 147. Description of the Ceremony, 147. Consternation at Westmin-

ster Hall, 147. Hatton's Incompetency, 148. Bar resolve not to practise before

him, 148. Procession on his Installation, 148. His Reception in Court of Chan-

cery, 149. His Conduct as a Judge, 150. Approach of the ARMADA, 150. Chan-

cellor attends Queen to Tilbury, 151. A Parliament, 151. Lord Chancellor's

Speech to the Two Houses, 151. He is made Knight of the Garter, 152. He de-

clines in favour, 152. He resists illegal Patent to the Earl of Leicester, 152. Sud-

den Death of Earl of Leicester, 153. Rise of young Earl of Essex, 153. Chancel-

lor slighted, 153. Sir Walter Raleigh Captain of Gentlemen Pensioners, 153.

Charles Blount, a new favourite, 153. Queen demands, Debt due to her from

Hatton, 154. His last Sickness, 154. Elizabeth visits him while ill in Bed, 154.

His Death, 154. His Funeral, 155. His Character, 155. His Decisions, 155. A

Jest by him in the Court of Chancery, 155. His Severity in the Star Chamber,

156. Suspicion of being concerned in Murder of Earl of Northumberland, 157.

His continued Love of Dancing when Chancellor, 157. Sonnet addressed to him

by Spenser, 157. Tolerant in Religion, 158. His Liaison with Elizabeth, 158.

Never Married, 158. Letter of Queen Mary to Queen Elizabeth, 158. Collared
by the Queen, 158. His Letter to the Earl of Essex, 160. His magnificent Style
of Living, 160. Entertainment by him to the Queen at Stoke Pogis, 161. His

collateral Relations, 161.

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