Assistance to Chancellor in Court of Chancery, 214. His Letter to Earl of Somerset,
214. Countess of Shrewsbury's Case, 215. "Case of Duels," 215. Oliver St.
John's Case on " Benevolences," 216 Lord Ellesmere invariable Supporter of
Abuses of Prerogative, 216. Court of High Commission, 216. Illegal Proclama-
tions, 217. Controversy between Lord Coke and Lord Ellesmere respecting " In-
junctions," 217. Injunction against Execution on a fraudulent Judgment. 218.
Proceedings in King's Bench, 218. Lord Ellesmere's Statement, 218, Lord Elles-
mere's Illness, 220 Appeal to the King, 220. King's Decision, 220. Lord Coke's
Obstinacy, 220. Letter from Sir Francis Bacon to the King, 221. Murder of Sir
Thomas Overbury, 221. Divorce of Countess of Essex, 221. Prosecution of
Earl and Countess of Somerset, 222. Lord Ellesmere Lord High Steward at
their Trial, 222, His Address to Countess of Somerset, 223. Measures for silen-
cing Earl of Somerset, 223. Pardon improperly granted to Somerset, 223, Blame
imputable to Lord Ellesmere, 223. Dismissal of Lord Coke from Office of Chief
Justice, 224. Question of Commendams and King's Power to stay Actions at
Law, 224. Pusillanimity of the Judges, 224. Unconstitutional Opinion of Francis
Bacon, 224. Unconstitutional Opinion of Lord Ellesmere, 224. Cowardice of the
Puisne Judges, 225. Noble Answer of Lord Coke, 225. Order for Lord Coke
to abstain from public Exercise of his Office, 226. He is dismissed, 226. Lord
Ellesmere's Speech in swearing in new Chief Justice, 226. Lord Ellesmere's
Letter to King wishing to resign, 227. King's Answer refusing Leave, 228.
Lord Ellesmere's second Letter to King, 228. Lord Ellesmere made Viscount
Brackley, 228. His Resignation, 230. Offer of an Earldom, 230. His Death,
231. Funeral, 231. Epitaph, 231. Character of Lord Ellesmere, 232. Solicitous
for Honour of Bar, 233. King's Interference with Suits, 233. Courtesy