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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

answerable, 228.

antecedent, 91.

appear, 380.
Apple, 378.

apple-butter, 378.
apple-john, 378.
apple-slump, 378.

approve, 380.
apt, 92, 97.
Aristotle, 356.

arm, 380.

armory, 132.

article, 143.

artist, 93.

as, 136.

Ascham's "Schoolmaster," 344

as well, 184.

ate, 143.

authoress, 204.

auxiliary verbs, 310..

available, 227.

aviary, 132.

awful, 162, 185.

Alp, 90.

a-making, 343.

amenities, 33.

American English, 8, 44.

American style, 47.

anchorable, 225.

axed, 17.


Bad, 242.

bade, 120.


[blocks in formation]

Big words for small thoughts, 28. casualty, 229.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

distrust, 380.

divine, 106.

do, 120.

dock, 107.

donate, 205, 229.
donation, 229.
done, 120.

done gone, 350.
Don Quixote, 348.
downward, 211.
drank, 121.

dress, 107.

drive, 192.

drunk, 121.


Ecphractick, 382.

editorial, 109.

effectuate, 141.

eg, 242.

eggs, 17.

ego, 242.

either, 261.

either and neither, 261.

electropathy, 212.

en, 239, 240.

enceinte, 177.

enclose, 206.

endorse, 206.

endure, 115.

L'état, c'est moi, 250.
etymology, 7, 279, 367, 390.

evacuate, 109.

eventuate, 141.

ever, 379.

ever-acting, 379.

evergreens, 216.
ever-living, 379.
ever-running, 379.

every, 110.
ewer, 83.
example, 112.

excellent, 112.

except, 112, 216.

executed, III.

exemplary, 112.

exist, 306, 353.

expect, 112.
experience, 112.

experienced, 113.

experiment, 113.

experimentalize, 214.

exponential, 217.

extend, 115.

extraordinary, 279.

eyren, 17.


Fall, 369.

fashionable, 223.

father, 62.

English, composite character

of, 393.

English Dictionaries, 364.

English, pure, 19.

English sentence, 280.

enquire, 206.

enthused, 207.

epigram, 233.

epigraph, 233.
esquire, 109.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hall, Bishop,340.

have, 35, 117.
Hawthorne, 46.
head, 376.
heart, 376.

help, 125, 126.
help-meet, 126.

her, 246.
hers, 246.

herself, 251.

himself, 247, 249.

his-self, 249.

Hob, 230.

honorable, 152.

horse, 376.

humane, 127.

humanitarian, 127.

hydropathy, 212.

I, 242, 243.


I am going to town to-morrow,


I go to town to-morrow, 305.
ice-cream, 127.

ice-water, 127.

Grammar, English and Latin, ich, 242.

gown, 108.

gram, 234.

[blocks in formation]
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