OF MR. A. COWLEY; IN TWO VOLUMES: With a PREFACE and NOTES by the Editor. JUVENEM HOC EGREGIUM PRESTANTI MUNERE DONAT Virg Drawn Zengrave by John Hall from an Original Picture painter "Forgot his Epic, nay Pindaric art; "But ftill we love the language of his heart." POFE, LONDON: Printed for T. CADELL, IN THE STRAND. PREFACE. T would be ufing moft writers of name very ill, to treat them with that freedom, which I have prefumed to take with Mr. Cowley. But every thing he wrote, is either fo good or fo bad, that, in all reafon, a feparation fhould be made; left the latter, which unhappily, is the greater part, fhould, in the end, ftifle and overlay the former. THE reafon of this ftriking difference in the compofitions of the fame man, whofe genius and learn |