Dramatic Narrative: Racine's RécitsWhat is the purpose of narrative in drama? Can narrative have a truly dramatic function, distinct from narrative in fiction? Dramatic Narrative: Racine's Récits explores these and related issues, taking as its starting point a definition of minimal narrative. This raises the general problem of the status of narrative in dramatic discourse. Racine's récits, tragic and comic alike, provide a rich corpus for the analysis of the various functions of narrative in drama, its structure, context, and mode of communication. |
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Acomat addressee Agrippine Agrippine's Alexandre Andromaque Atalide Athalie Bajazet Bérénice Britannicus Burrhus c'est Chicanneau chronological coeur comedy comic context Créon d'une death denouement récit diegesis diegetic direct discourse Dom Juan dramatic narrative enfin Esther Euripedes events recounted example exposition récit fait Hamm Hamm's Hermione Hermione's Hippolyte Hippolyte's historic present I-S I-A I-S P-S I,ii I,iii I,iv II,i II,ii II,V III,iii informative interruption intradramatic Iphigénie IV,i J'ai J'attendais Jean Racine jour L'Ecole des femmes L'Illusion comique Le Malade imaginaire lines Temporal Function main character minimal Mithridate Monime Nagg Narratology narrator's Néron occurred Oenone onstage Oreste Paris passage performative function performative récits Phèdre Plaideurs play predramatic past Pyrrhus qu'il Racine Racine's theater ramène récit de Théramène récits in Racine's role Roxane scene Narr.-Add Seigneur Seuil spectator axis stage axis tells Temporal Function Junctures temporal junctures temps tense théâtre Thébaïde Thésée tion tout tragedy tragic V,iii V,vi verbs voix yeux