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Come forth,

And taste the air of palaces!

BEN JONSON's Alchemist.

Come egli è pressa al luminoso tetto,

Attonito riman di maraviglia;

Che tutto d'una gemma è il muro schietto

Piu di carbonchio, lucida e virmiglia.-ARIOSTO.


THE Queen of fair Golconda is "at home;"
Her palace (its immensities must bar
Description) is of gold; the blazing dome,
Of one entire ruby, from afar *

Shines like the sun in his autumnal car
Crowning a saffron mountain; e'en the proud
Zamorim's palace is as a twinkling star

Compared with this. And now the tromp aloud Proclaims the guests are come to an admiring crowd.

*Du calice d'icelles sortoit une escarboncle grosse comme un œuf d'austruche, taillée en forme heptagone (c'est nombre fort aimé de nature) tant prodigieuse et admirable, que levants nos yeux pour la contempler peu s'en faillit que ne perdissions la vuë. Car plus flamboyant n'est le feu du soleil, ne l'esclair, que lors elle nous apparoissoit.-RABELAIS' Pant., lib. iv. c. 43.


The ceilings, crusted o'er with diamonds, blaze.
A galaxy of stars, room after room!
The lights interminable all amaze;

But far more dazzling are the fair in bloom

Of youth, whose eyes kind answering looks illume. Ah! where the muse of greater bards must fail In painting female charms, shall mine presume To try her hand? though smiles be stale, Yet she to Fancy's eye their beauties will unveil.


As delicately shaped as the gazelle;
As beautiful as is the blush of morn;
As gay as Hebe, ere, alas! she fell;
Fair as Dione in her car upborne

By little Loves, while Tritons wind the horn;
Splendid as young Zenobia in their dress

(Crowns bright as sunny beams their hair adorn)

They were. This perfect festival to bless,

Art, Beauty, Nature, Grace, combine their loveliness !


Oh Youth and Beauty! Nature's choicest
All art's adornments ye for aye outshine:
Far more attractive than the diadems
That ever glitter'd on the brow divine


Of the wise king, or, great Darius, thine!

Though time may dim your lustre, in my heart Your charms shall be enshrined, while life is mine. Yet sad experience will this truth impart

To loveliest maid on earth,—a fading thing thou art.


The Prophet has not to his faithful given
(So prodigal of what he could not give)
Such bliss refined in his Arabian heaven,

As that which they enjoy who here arrive.
Vain bliss, indeed, that through a night may live!
Let but her joys be guiltless, Mirth again

Will, when the season sweet returns, revive :
Then let to-morrow bring or bliss or pain:
All are united now by Pleasure's flowery chain!


Fair silver pillars grace the spacious halls :
The pavement is mosaic; precious stones
Enrich with intermingling hues the walls;
And emerald vines o'ercanopy the thrones,
Robed in all colours that the Pavone owns.
And music, with its magic influence, makes
The heart responsive to its tender tones:

A master-spirit now the harp awakes,

Till to its inmost core each hearer's bosom shakes!


And here and there from golden urns arise,

Impregn'd with perfumes, purple clouds, that throw
Like hues just caught from fair Ausonia's skies,
Throughout the palace an Elysian glow,—
Odorous as roses when they newly blow.
And couches, splendid as the gorgeous light
Of the declining sun, or high or low,

As suits capricious luxury, invite

To sweet repose indeed each pleasure-laden wight.




the dance, the converse soft between, As fly the hours along with rapid pace. Lo! in her chair of state Golconda's Queen Sits goddess-like; majestic is her face, Yet mild, as well becomes her pride of place. Even Fatima in pomp of beauty ne'er Received fair Montague with such a grace As this all-beauteous queen withouten glare Of rank receives her guests-how winning is her air!


Profusely gay, the exuberance of joy

All feel-all feel their spirits mounting high!
One feast of happiness, that ne'er can cloy,

Life seems to them, though death perchance be nigh.

Why should fair bosoms ever heave a sigh?
Life is with love so closely knit, what kills
Love in young breasts may dim the brightest eye.
Yet tears, that eloquently speak of ills,

Are as medicinal balm when grief the heart o'erfills.


In whirls fantastical the waters dance,

Springing from fountains jasper-paved; the noon
Of night their sparkling freshness doth enhance.
How glorious is the cupola! a moon

Of pearl shines mildly o'er the vast saloon.
Fair queen of night, shall art then imitate
Thy quiet majesty? in sooth as soon

Might the poor pageantries of regal state

On earth, heaven's matchless splendours vainly emulate!


The banquet is prepared with sumptuous cost:
Flagons of massive gold here flame around;
Amid the piles of wealth distinction 's lost;
And splendours without end the mind astound!
All that can feast the senses here abound;
Invention's highly-gifted sons unfold
(So fine their art, the like was never found,)
Peris most exquisitely wrought in gold,

And other delicate sprites in Eastern fables told!

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