Lectures on Slavonic Law: Being the Ilchester Lectures for the Year 1900 |
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Lectures on Slavonic Law: Being the Ilchester Lectures for the Year 1900 ... Feodor Sigel No preview available - 2015 |
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ancient appeared aristocracy assembly Bohemian kingdom Bohemian law Bulgaria Byzantine canonical law Casimir changes charters chivalry Church cities classes clergy codification commission criminal law Croatian customary law Diet Doushan dynasty edition eighteenth century enactments enormous fifteenth century foreign fourteenth century functionaries German grand-dukes high court ideas important independent influence judges juridical practice king kingly power knights law procedure law-courts legal customs legal documents legal rules legislative literature Lithuanian Lithuanian Statute lords Masovian monuments Moravia Moscow nobility obligatory old customs organization of justice peasants Petersb Poland Polish law Prague Pravda preserved princes principally private and criminal private law privileges Prof provinces Pskov published record-office reforms relations Roman Catholic Roman law Russian law Russkaya Pravda self-government sixteenth Slavonic law Slavs so-called society sources statute law Statutes of Nieszawa tenth century Teutonic knights therein thirteenth century tion tribes tsar Ulozhenie Veprinac Vinodol whole Wislica