PRINTED BY BROOK AND LANCASHIRE, FOR B. CROSBY AND CO. STATIONERS' COURT, PATERNOSTER-ROw, LONDON. Price Five Shillings in Boards. 1805. CN. a THE general utility of judicious SELECTION of the most admired Productions of our best AUTHORS, and the flattering reception with which MELMOTH'S BEAUTIES OF BRITISH POETRY has been honoured by the Public, have induced the Compiler to add this Volume as a Companion to it; in which, he hath endeavoured to unite amusement with instruction, and spared no pains to render it an acceptable treat to the admirers of elegant composition, and a source of A 3 The BEAUTIES OF BRITISH PROSE have been carefully selected, and, it is presumed, will be read with pleasure, and contribute to the entertainment and improvement of leisure hours, no Pieces having been admitted into this MISCELLANY, but such as are calculated to improve the mind, rectify the judgment, and mould the heart to virtue. |