SERMONS DELIVERED IN INDIA DURING THE COURSE OF THE PRIMARY VISITATION. BY DANIEL WILSON, D. D., BISHOP OF CALCUTTA, AND METROPOLITAN. CALCUTTA: BISHOP'S COLLEGE PRESS. MDCCCXXXVII. PREFACE. sions. THE following sermons are thrown into four diviThe first relates to the chief doctrines of Christianity-the second to the application of those doctrines to the human heart-the next to some of their effects on the Christian life and conduct-the last, to the consummation towards which Christianity is, as we trust, advancing in the conversion of the world. The connection of these divisions and of the several sermons with each other is but slight. The object in arranging them in a series, was merely to enable the author to insert some remarks, on the Tendency of Christianity to promote in the highest measure, the present and future happiness of mankind. He also had the desire of suggesting some topics for advice and consolation to those who reside at a distance from Christian society, surrounded by Heathens and Mohammedans. The several friends who have solicited the publication of different sermons during the course of the Visitation, will here find their wishes, to the best of the Author's power, attended to. b The Honorable Judges of the Supreme Court of Madras will recognize the first discourse as that which they requested might be published at a meeting of the Madras Diocesan Society for Propagating the Gospel. My Reverend Brethren of the same Presidencynow, alas, mourning with all India the death of their beloved and honored Bishop-will meet in the volume all the other sermons, I believe, which I delivered there, and which at a meeting of the Venerable Archdeacon and Clergy on the eve of my departure, they solicited me to publish-a most imperfect but affectionate memorial to the lamented Bishop Corrie is now added. I have placed also in the series the discourses delivered before the Right Honorable the Governor, the Venerable the Archdeacon, and the Clergy and Society of the Presidency of Bombay; as well as those preached at Colombo and other places in that Archdeaconry, and in the Straits of Malacca. The two discourses, likewise, which the Clergy and Gentry at the station of Meerut requested at my hands are inserted; and those delivered on occasion of the consecration of the Churches of Kurnaul and Delhi-the latter was privately printed and circulated amongst the residents of that station. Lastly, the Gentry assembled on the Hills at Simla will at once see that I have complied with their earnest solicitation. Indeed to their favorable opinion the publication as it now stands is owing. Their affectionate and unceasing kindness I can never forget. TO ALL THESE FRIENDS I more especially dedicate this little Volume. I trust it may be accepted also as a slight, but most sincere testimony of regard by my beloved and honored Brethren, generally, both Clergy and Laity throughout the Dioceses of India, whether I have been able to visit them or not. Indeed I employed with the greater pleasure, the leisure of a residence on the Hills during the last hot season, in preparing the Volume, because it would enable me to visit, as it were, by means of it, those numerous scattered stations where I might be unable personally to penetrate, and to recall to mind in others those views of the great mystery of Redemption with its blessed tendencies, which my rapid progress would not allow me sufficiently to unfold. May I also indulge the hope that such as still remember me amongst my several former flocks in England, and especially in the numerous districts in the parish of St. Mary, Islington, may accept this publication as a token of affectionate remembrance, and as a memorial of what I preached amongst them during more than thirty years preceding my appointment to my present fearful and responsible station. |