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And caus'd the Golden-treffed Sun,
All the day long his courfe to run.
For his, &c.

The horned Moon to shine by night,
Amongft her fpangled fifters bright.
For his, &c.

He with his thunder-clasping hand,
Smote the first-born of Egypt Land.
For his, &c.

And in defpight of Pharao fell,
He brought from thence his Ifrael
For his, &c.

The ruddy waves he cleft in twain,
Qf the Erythraan main.

For his, &c.

The flouds flood ftill like, Walls of Glass,, While the Hebrew Bands did pafs.

For his, &c.

But full foon they did devour

The Tawny King with all his power.

For his, &c.

His chofen people he did bless,
In the waftful Wilderness,

For his, &c.

In bloudy battel he brought down

Kings of prowess and renowu.
For his, &c.

He foil'd bold Seon and his host,

That rul'd the Amorrean coaft:
For his, &c.

And large-limb'd Og he did subdue,
With all his over-hardy crew,
For his, &c.

And to his Servant Ifrael,

He gave their Land therein to dwell,

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All living creatures he doth feed, <
And with full hand fupplies their need,

For his, &c,

Let us therefore warble forth.

His mighty Majefty and worth

For his,

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Quorum pleraque intra Annum Etatis Vigefimum Confcripfit.

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