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3* Regard the weak and fatherless + Shiphtu-dal. * Dispatch the poor man's cause,

And raise the man in deep diftrefs
Byt just and equal Laws.
4 Defend the poor and defolate,
And rescue from the hands
Of wicked men the low eftate
Of him that help demands.

s They know not, nor will understand,

In darkness they walk on,

The earth's foundations all are

And out of order gon.

† Hatzdiku.


* Jimmetu.

6 I faid that ye were Gods, yea all

The Sons of God most high,

7. But ye shall die like men, and fall

As other Princes die.

8 Rise God, judge thou the earth in might,

This wicked earth * redress,

For thou art he who shalt by right
The Nations all poffefs.

* Shiphta.




E not thou silent now at length,
o God hold not thy peace,

Sit not thou still o God of firength,
We cry, and do not scafe.

2 For lo thy furions foes now * swell,
And * storm outrageoufly,

And they that hate thee proud and fell
Exalt their heads full high.

3 Against thy People they contrive
† Their Plots and Counsels deep,
*Them to infnare they chiefly strive,

* Jehemajun.

† Fagnarimu.


*Jithjagnatsu gnal.

* Whom thou dost hide and keep. 4 Come let us cut them off, say they, Till they no Nation be,

That Ifrael's name for ever may

Be loft in memory.

5 For they confult† with all their might,

And all as one in mind

Themselves against thee they unite,
And in firm union bind.

6 The tents of Edom, and the brood
Of scornful Ishmael,

Moab, with them of Hagar's blood,
That in the Desart dwell,

7 Gebal and Ammon there conspire,
And hateful Amalec,

The Philistims, and they of Tyre,
Whose bounds the Sea doth check.
8 With them great Afshur also bands
And doth confirm the knot,

All these have lent their armed hands
To aid the Sons of Lot.


↑ Lev jachdan,

Do to them as to Midian bold,
That wasted all the coast,
To Sifera, and as is told

Thou didst to Jabin's hoaft,

When at the brook of Kimon old
They were repuls'd and flain,
Io At Endor quite cut off, and rowl'd
As dung upon the Plain.

II As Zeb and Oreb evil sped,

So let their Princes speed,

As Zeba and Zalmunna bled,

So let their Princes bleed.

12 For they amidst their pride have said, By right now shall we seize

God's Houses, and will now invade

† Their stately Palaces.

† Neoth Elohim bears beth

13 My God, oh make them as a Wheel,

No quiet let them find,

Giddy and restless let them reel

Like stubble from the wind.

14 As when an aged wood takes fire
Which on a sudden straies,

The greedy Flame runs higher and higher
Till all the Mountains blaze,

Is So with thy whirl-wind them pursue,
And with thy tempeft chase;

16 * And till they yield thee honour due;
Lord fill with shame their face. * They seek thy
17 Amam'd, and troubl'd let them be, Name, Heb,
Troubl'd, and sham'd for ever,

Ever confounded, and so die

With shame, and scape it never..

18 Then shall they know that thou whose name

Jehovah is alone,

Art the most high, and thou the Same
O'er all the earth art one.


HOW lovely are thy dwellings fair!

O Lord of Hofts, how dear

The pleasant Tabernacles are!
Where thou dost dowell so near.
My Soul doth long and almost die
Thy Courts O Lord to fee,

My heart and flesh aloud do cry,
O living God, for thee.

3 There ev'n the Sparrow freed from wrong
Hath found a house of reft,

The Swallow there, to lay her young
Hath built her brooding nest,

Ev'n by thy Altars, Lord of Hosts,
They find their safe abode,

And home they fly from round the Coasts
Toward thee, my King, my God.
4 Happy, who in thy house reside,
Where thee they ever praise,

s Happy, whose strength in thee doth bide, And in their hearts thy ways.

6 They pass through Baca's thirstie Vale,

That dry and baren ground,

As through a fruitful watry Dale

Where Springs and Show'rs abound. 7 They journey on from strength to strength With joy and gladsom cheer,

Till all before our God at length

In Sion do appear.

8 Lord God of Hosts hear now my prayer, O Jacob's God give ear,

Theu God our shield look on the face

Of thy anointed dear.

10 For one day in thy Courts to be
Is better, and more blest,
Than in the joyes of Vanity,
A thousand days at best.
I in the Temple of my God
Had rather keep a door,
Than dwell in Tents, and rich abode,
With Sin for evermore.

11 For God the Lord both Sun and Shield Giyes grace and glory bright,

No good from them shall be with-held
Whose ways are just and right.

12 Lord God of Hoasts that raign'st on high, That man is truly blest,

Who only on thee doth relie,

And in thee only rest.


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