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And celeftial vigour arm'd,

Their Armories and Magazins contemns,
Renders them ufelefs, while

With winged expedition,

Swift as the light'ning glance, he executes H
His errand on the wicked, who furpriz'd
Lose their defence distracted and amaz❜d.
But patience is more oft the exercise
Of Saints, the trial of their fortitude,
Making them each his own Deliverer,
And Victor over all

That tyranny or fortune can inflict.

Either of these is in thy lot,

Samfon, with might endu'd

Above the Sons of men; but fight bereav'd
May chance to number thee with thofe

Whom Patience finally muft crown.

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This Idol's day hath been to thee no day of reft,

Labouring thy mind

More than the working day thy hands.

And yet perhaps more trouble is behind, 1300 For I defcry this way

Some other tending, in his hand

A Scepter or quaint Staff he bears,
Comes on amain, fpeed in his look,
By his habit I difcern him now

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A Publick Officer, and now at hand,
His meffage will be short and voluble.
Off. Hebrews the Pris'ner Samfon here I feek.
Chor. His manacles remark him, there he fits,

Off. Samfon, to thee our Lords thus bid me say; This day to Dagon is a folemn Feaft, 1311 With Sacrifices, Triumph, Pomp and Games; Thy ftrength they know furpaffing human race, And now fome publick proof thereof require To honour this great Feaft, and great Affembly; 1315 Rife therefore with all speed and come along, Where I will fee thee heartn'd and fresh clad To appear as fits before th'illuftrious Lords.

Samf. Thou know'ft I am an Hebrew, therefore tell Our Law forbids at their Religious Rites [them My prefence; for that cause I cannot come. 1320 Off. This answer,be affur'd, will not content them. Samf. Have they not Sword-players, and ev'ry fort Of Gymnick Artifts, Wrestlers, Riders, Runners, Juglers and Dancers, Anticks, Mummers, Mimirs, 1324 But they must pick me out with fhackles tit'd, And over-labour'd at their publick Mill, To make them fport with blind activity? Do they not seek occafion of new quarrels On my refufal to diftrefs me more,

Or make a game of my calamities?


Return the way thou cam'ft, I will not come.
Off. Regard thy felf, this will offend them highly.
Samf. My felf? my confcience and internal peace.
Can they think me fo broken; fo debas'd

With corporal fervitude, that my mind ever
Will condefcend to fuch abfurd commands?


Although their drudge, to be their fool or jefter, And in my midst of forrow and heart-grief

To fhew them feats, and play before their god, 1340
The worst of all indignities, yet on me
Join'd with extreme contempt? I will not come.
Off. My meffage was impos'd on me with speed,
Brooks no delay: is this thy refolution?


Samf. So take it with what speed thy message needs. off. I am forry what this ftoutness will produce. Sam.Perhaps thou shalt have cause to forrow indeed. Chor. Confider, Samfon; matters now are ftrain'd Up to the heighth, whether to hold or break; He's gone, and who knows how he may report 13.5 Thy words by adding fuel to the flame? Expect another message more imperious, More Lordly thund'ring than thou well wilt bear. Samf. Shall I abuse this Confecrated gift Of ftrength, again returning with my hair After my great tranfgreffion, so requite Favour renew'd, and add a greater fin By proftituting holy things to Idols; A Nazarite in place abominable


Vaunting my ftrength in honour to their Dagon? 1360
Befides how vile, contemptible, ridiculous,
What aft more execrably unclean, prophane?

Chor. Yet with this ftrength thou ferv'ft the PhiIdolatrous, uncircumcis'd, unclean.


[liftins, Samf. Not in their Idol-worship, but by labour << Honeft and lawful to deferve my food

Of those who have me in their civil pow'r.


ch.Where the heart joins not,outw'rd acts defile not.

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Samf. Where outward force conftrains, the fentence
But who conftrains me to the Temple of Dagon, Lholds
Not dragging the Philiftian Lords command. 1371-
Commands are no constraints. If 1 obey them,
I do it freely, vent'ring to displease
God for the fear of Man, and Man prefer,
Set God behind: which in his jealousie
Shall never, unrepented, find forgiveness.
Yet that he may dispense with me or thee
Prefent in Temples at Idolatrous Rites
For fome important caufe, thou need'ft not doubt
Cher. How thou wilt here come off furmounts my
Samf. Be of good courage, I begin to feel [reach.
Some rouzing motions in me which dispose
To-fomething extraordinary my thoughts.
1 with this Meffenger will go along,
Nothing to do, be fure, that may dishonour 1385
Our Law, or ftain my vow of Nazarite.

If there be ought of prefage in the mind,
This day will be remarkable in my life

By fome great act, or of my days the last.


Chor. In time thou haft refolv'd, the man returns.
Off. Samfon, this fecond meffage from our Lords
To thee I am bid fay. Art thou our Slave,
Our Captive, at the publick Mill our drudge,
And dar't thou at our fending and command
Difpute thy coming come without delay; 1395
Or we shall find fuch Engines to affail

And hamper thee, as thou shalt come of forces-
Though thou art firmlier faftn'd than a Rock.


Samf. I could be well content to try their Art, Which to no, few of them would prove pernicious. Yet knowing their advantages too many, 1401 Because they shall not trail me through their streets Like a wild Beast, I am content to go. i J. Masters commands come with a power refiftlefs To fuch as owe them abfolute fubjection; 1405 And for a life who will not change his purposet (So mutable are all the ways of men) Yet this be fure, in nothing to comply Scandalous or forbidden in our Law.

Off. I praise thy resolution, doff these links: 1419 By this compliance thou wilt win the Lords To favour, and perhaps to fet thee free.

Samf. Brethren farewell, your company along I will not wish, left it perhaps offend them To fee me girt with Friends; and how the fight 1415 Of me as of a common Enemy,

So dreaded once, may now exasperate them

I know not: Lords are Lordlieft in their wine s
And the well-feafted Priest then fooneft fir'd
With zeal, if aught Religion feein concern'd: 1429.
No less the People on their Holy-days

Impetuous, infolent, unquenchable;

Happ'n what may, of me expect to hear

Nothing dishonourable, impure, unworthy

Our God, our Law; my Nation or my felf, 1425

The laft of me or no I cannot warrant.

Chor. Go, and the Holy One

Of Ifrael be thy guide

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