| Jean Le Clerc - Bible - 1701 - 650 pages
...wicnefs : 19 Honour thy father and tty mother j and, Thou (halt love thy neighbour as thy felf. ao The young man faith unto him, All thefe things have I kept from my youth up : what lack I yet ? MARK. CHAP. X. what (hall I do that I may inherit eternal lite ? 1 8 And Jefus laid unto him, Why... | |
| Samuel Clarke - Bible - 1736 - 376 pages
...mother: and, Thou fhalt love thy neighbour as thy felf. 20 The young man faith unto him, All rhefe things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? 21 Jefus faid unto him, If thou wilt be perfeft, go and fell that thou haft, and give to the poor,... | |
| William Bell - 1766 - 370 pages
...thy father and thy mot her ; and thou Jfialt love thy neighhour as thyfeif. Still the ruler feplied, All thefe things have I kept from my youth up ; what lack I yet ? And upon JESUS'S faying, If thou wilt be p'erfeR, give thy eftate to the poor, and come and follow... | |
| 1767 - 572 pages
...mother : (d) and, Thou (halt Igve thy neighbour as thyfelf. 20 The young man faith unto bim, All thcfe things have I kept from my youth up : what lack I yet? • Ji Jefus faid unto him, If thou wilt be (e) perfedi, go and (f) fell what thou haft, and give to... | |
| Staurophilus (pseud.) - 1771 - 188 pages
...[aid unto him, If thou will enter into life keep the commandments, Matth. xix. 17. The -young man faid unto him, All thefe things have I kept from my youth up: What lack I yet? (ibid.) And Jefus beholding him loved him, and faid unto him, One -thing thou lackeji, Mark x. If thou... | |
| Martin Madan - 1781 - 454 pages
...THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS. falfe witnejs — honour thy father and thy mother — and — thou /halt love thy neighbour as thyfelf. The young man faith...have I kept from my youth up : what lack I yet? JESUS y2z/^ unto him, If thou wilt be perfeEt, fell that thou haft, and give to the poor, and thou Jhalt... | |
| Friend to Truth - 1789 - 370 pages
...plainly tells his difciples that all the commandments were to 20 be kept) the young man replied— all thefe things have I kept from my youth up : what lack I yet ? 3i Jefus anfwered if thou wilt be perfect, go and fell that thou haft, and give to the poor ; and... | |
| Albert Barnes - Bible - 1799 - 416 pages
...of his own as his first duty, ITim. v. 8, 13. Titus ii. 5. 20 The young man saith unto him, AH these things have I kept from my youth up : what lack I yet ? I have made these the rule of my life. I have endeavoured to obey them. Are there any new commandments... | |
| Beilby Porteus - Bible - 1803 - 422 pages
...fhalt not fteal, thou fhalt not bear falfe witnefs. Honour thy father and thy mother : and, thou fhalt love thy neighbour as thyfelf. The young man faith...things have I kept from my youth up, what lack I yet ? Jefus faid unto him, If thou wilt be perfsfl, go and fell that thou haft, and give to the poor, and... | |
| Thomas Thirlwall - 1803 - 324 pages
...thy mother: and, " Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up, what lack I yet ? then Jesus, beholding him, loved him, and said unto him, " One thing thou " lackest: go thy way,... | |
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