| John Black - Dialect drama, Scottish - 1806 - 260 pages
...hiftory difgufts us with a familiar and conftant fimilitude of things, poetry relieves us by unexpe£ted turns and changes ; and thus not only delights, but inculcates morality and noblenefs of foul : Whence it may juftly be efteemed of a divine nature, as it raifes the mind, by... | |
| John Black - Dialect drama, Scottish - 1806 - 254 pages
...hiftory difgufts us with a familiar and conftant fimilitude of things, poetry relieves us by unexpefted turns and changes ; and thus not only delights, but inculcates morality and noblenefs of foul : Whence it may juftly be efteemed of a divine nature, as it raifes the mind, by... | |
| John Colin Dunlop - Fiction - 1814 - 446 pages
...real history gives us not the success of things according to the deserts of vice and virtue, Fiction corrects it, and presents us with the fates and fortunes...with a familiar and constant similitude of things, Fiction relieves us by unexpected turns and changes, and thus not only delights, but inculcates morality... | |
| Tobias Smollett - Books - 1814 - 718 pages
...the deserts of vice and virtue, fiction corrects it, and presents us with the fates and, for tunes of persons, rewarded or punished., according to merit....with a familiar and constant similitude of things, fiction relieves us by unexpected turns and changes ; and, thus, not only delights., but inculcates,... | |
| Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - 1820 - 570 pages
...corrects it, and displays to us the fates and fortunes of persons rewarded or punished according to their merit ; — and, as real history disgusts us with a familiar and constant similitude of things, fiction relieves us by unexpected turns and changes, and thus not only delights but at the same time... | |
| Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - 1820 - 570 pages
...corrects it, and displays to us the fates and fortunes of persons rewarded or punished according to their merit; — and, as real history disgusts us with a familiar and constant similitude of things, fiction relieves us by unexpected turns and changes, and thus not only delights but at the same time... | |
| 1821 - 732 pages
...real history," says he, " disgusts us with a familiar and constant similitude of " th ings, Jict ion relieves us by unexpected turns and changes ; " and...thus not only delights, but inculcates morality and noble" ness of soul." — " It raises the mind," says he, "• by accommodat" ing the images of things... | |
| William Harper - Slavery - 1836 - 42 pages
...real history gives us not the success of things according to the deserts of virtue and vice, poetry corrects it, and presents us with the fates and fortunes...things, poetry relieves us by unexpected turns and changea, and thus not only delights, but inculcates morality and nobleness of soul. Whence it may justly... | |
| Charles Frederick Briggs - American fiction - 1843 - 394 pages
...perfect order, a more beautiful variety, than can anywhere be found in nature is pleasing to the mind. As real history disgusts us with a familiar and constant similitude of things, fiction relieves us by unexampled turns and changes and thus not only delights, but inculcates morality... | |
| John Colin Dunlop - Fiction - 1845 - 492 pages
...to merit. And as real history disgusts us with a familiar and constant similitude of things, Fiction relieves us by unexpected turns and changes, and thus not only delights, hut inculcates morality and nobleness of soul. It raises the mind by accommodating the images of things... | |
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