Free Negroes in the Island of Jamaica.-Hunted by Blood-Hounds.-Mo-
tion by Mr. Grey, in the House of Commons, for an Inquiry into the
State of the Nation. -Negatived.-Farther Taxes. - For paying the In-
terest of an additional Loan. -Mortality among the Troops sent against
the French West-India Islands. - Neglect and Distresses of the Troops.
-Motion for Documents on these Subjects by Mr. Sheridan.-De-
bates thereon.-Mr. Sheridan's Motion agreed to.-Motion, in the
House of Peers, for the Production of Papers respecting a Vote of Par-
liament, in 1783, recognizing the Necessity of certain Public Reforms.
-Debates thereon. - The Motion negatived. Report of the Committee
of Supply on the Resolution for granting a Subsidy to the King of Sar-
dinia. Conversation on that Subject-Charges laid against Mi-
nistry by Mr. Grey, as Ground of Impeachment; and a Motion on that
Subject.-Negatived.-Motions, in both Houses of Parliament, against
the Continuation of the War.-Negatived. - Motion, by Mr. Wilber-
force, for the Abolition of the Slave-Trade, on a certain Day-Nega-
tived. The Session of Parliament closed by a Speech from the