ROSAMOND, A FRAGMENT*. "Talche si potè dire Alboino vinse l' Italia, et una Femina vinse Alboino."-Del Regno d'Italia Epitome. "He would despise me as a thing that bears Their vaunting spirits-forced to such a sight?- This pleasant triumph too may sadly end; Trust not, fool-hardy prince, the seeming friend! Her person is encaged, her heart is free; *For the story to which this fragment relates, see Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." Quarto edit. vol. iv. page 430. Or if not free, another doth possess That royal monster whose untender zeal Thus spoke the lofty dame, while passions strove Yet such as cheer'd her at her utmost need. BRUTUS. "When the uncorrupted part of the senate had, by the death of Cæsar, made one great effort to restore their former state and liberty, the success did not answer their hopes; but that whole assembly was so sunk in its authority, that those patriots were forced to fly and give way to the madness of the people, who, by their own disposition, stirred up with the harangues of their orators, were now wholly bent upon single and despotic slavery." "-SWIFT. WHEN Liberty, triumphing over her foes, * The genius of Rome had aroused him too late- *See an admirable defence of the exclamation of Brutus in his dying moments, in the Dictionnaire de Bayle, article Brutus," tome i. page 677. Come all and watch one night about my hearse; Bring each a mournful story and a tear, To offer at it when I go to earth." The Maid's Tragedy, by BEAUMONT and FLETCHER. A HEART full of feeling, poor Rosa, was thine, But beauty and tenderness frequently shine Some pitiless hypocrite tainted thy youth, Thy spirit, that sported in yesterday's light, Like the Garland of Chloe * that wither'd at night, * See Prior's Garland. Rejected of man, the poor sufferer sought That mercy denied her on earth, From Him, in whose eyes our best virtues are nought, If haughtiness pampers their worth. She loved-was betray'd—is misfortune a crime? Ah no! that I ne'er can believe; The seducer may thrive in his guilt for a time, Fair mourner! thy agony soon will be o'er, That pang-'tis the price of forgiveness-no more, |