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That, as he wills, pour forth around their strength, Uncircumscribed in width, or depth, or length; Equable, simultaneous, love-impell'd,

By counteractive agencies unquell'd.

The stream thus from obstructing weeds released
Flows o'er its ample bed with force increased;
Thus swelling buds in spring-time somewhat harm'd
By cold burst into leaves by summer warm'd.

As fabled trees for ever blossoming,

And rich with fruit of autumn pride and spring, There glow matured by light and heat the power And will to do, the fruitage and the flower.

Of life the ascending vista on the soul
Opens, as ages after ages roll

Away, progressing still the glorious sprite,
Into a far receding infinite!

A cloudless perspective! with which the past
Compared is nothingness, however vast!

The soul, on brightening pinions upward soaring,
Eagle-wise, still the Sun of suns adoring!
Not solitary! but, affections good

Here, to enjoy in their most perfect mood;
Uninterrupted friendship, social bliss!
What can be greater happiness than this,

To view in sweet communion with the loved

On earth, Heaven's folded counsels there evolved?




P. 273, 1. 1, 2.

As heavenly bodies through the ether move
Silently, stormful regions far above.

"The propagation of sound, however, requires a much denser medium than light or heat; its intensity diminishes as the rarity of the air increases, so that at a very small height above the surface of the earth the noise of the tempest ceases, and the thunder is heard no more in those boundless regions where the heavenly bodies accomplish their periods in eternal and sublime silence."-SOMERVILLE's Connection of the Physical Sciences, 2nd ed. p. 260.

P. 275, 1. 9.

As fabled trees for ever blossoming.

See Ariosto's description of the Garden of Logistilla, Canto x. Stanzas 62, 63. Also, Spenser's description of the "Garden of Adonis," Book iii. Canto vi. Stanza 42.





THIS is the balmy breathing-time of spring,
All Nature smiles, and Mirth is on the wing;
The sun is shining on this lovely scene,
Gladdening with light the meadow's tender green,
Studding the waters with its lustrous gems,
More brilliant than ten thousand diadems.
Beautiful Avon !-how can I pourtray

Thy varied charms, where'er thou wind'st thy way?
Now through the sunny meads,-now in the glade
Thou sleep'st, beneath the wood's o'er-arching shade
The "sedge-crown'd" Naiads, from their cool retreats,
Welcome my loved one, with their gather'd sweets.—

We cull'd these flowers at break of day,
Take, oh, take them, lady fair;
Fresh in the light of the morning ray,
They glisten on thy nut-brown hair.
Merrily, merrily in the trees,

The birds are merrily singing

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