ON THE DEATH OF A FRIEND. But thou art fled Like some frail exhalation which the dawn Robes in its golden beams; ah, thou hast fled, The brave, the gentle, and the beautiful! THY wooded hills, Firenze *, castle-crown'd, * Firenze, al cui splendore Ogni bella cittate aspira indarno, Inclita figlia d'Arno, Che al Padre cingi d'ogni onore il crine, &c. CHIABRERA. O! what is love by poets deified, Compared with friendship in all dangers tried? A firmer friend than Henry was to me. To wood-crown'd hills, rich vales, and skies of deeepest blue. Busy Remembrance! why call up in vain FLORENCE, October 2, 1818. RECOLLECTIONS AT WRITTEN IN OCT. 1826. WILD flowers, that Fancy o'er our path has strown, Yet forms that are most beautiful remain, |