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P. 224, 1. 7.

Cloud-compelling Parr.

Dr. Parr loved his pipe-no man was more happy than he was with

"His calumet of peace and cup of joy."

I had the pleasure for many years of an intimate acquaintance with the late Dr. Parr, who was as distinguished for his benevolence and hospitality, as for his great talents and extraordinary erudition. What Lord Grey, in his fine classical language, said of Windham, may be applied to Parr:-" He was a man of a great, original, and commanding genius, with a mind cultivated with the richest stores of intellectual wealth, and a fancy winged to the highest flights of a most captivating imagery." And here may be added, as applicable to Parr, the concluding part of Lord Grey's eulogium on the same distinguished statesman. "He had indeed his faults; but they served, like the skilful disposition of shade in works of art, to make the impression of his virtues more striking, and give additional grandeur to the great outline of his character."-See "Life of Windham," prefixed to his Speeches, vol. i. page 160; and Hansard's Debates, June 6, 1810.

Parr was no great admirer of modern poetry, but he always spoke with enthusiasm of Lord Byron's poetical genius, and when his name was mentioned often exclaimed,—

"Irritat, mulcet, falsis terroribus implet,

Ut magus, et modò me Thebis, modò ponit Athenis."

Dryden was a great favourite with Parr, who used to quote with delight the paraphrase of the 29th Ode of the third Book of Horace, so admirably executed by Dryden as, in the opinion of such a scholar as Parr, to be equal to the original. High praise indeed!

Dr. Parr's opinion of Warburton is well known: he particularly admired that celebrated writer's character of Bayle; but thought that in delineating Bayle's, he drew the character of Bishop Warburton!

His favourites among our English divines were, Butler, Jeremy Taylor, and Paley. He rather underrated Horsley, who, he said, was indebted for the great theological erudition displayed in his controversy with Priestley, to Bishop Bull.

P. 224, 1. 15.

His feasts were sumptuous on his natal day.

Dr. Parr never appeared to such advantage as when he was presiding, in all the pride of honest hospitality, at his own table in his parsonagehouse at Hatton; he overflowed with kindness towards all around him. At that table have I met Magee, and Maltby, and Basil Montagu, and several of the most distinguished wits and scholars of the present day. The most substantial fare was added to

"The feast of reason and the flow of soul."

Then our host


"Vehemens et liquidus, puroque simillimus amni,
Fundet opes, Latiumque beabit divite linguâ."

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Parr literally chuckled with delight, when one of the select, whom he had never, to use his own phrase, "banished to Siberia," said a good thing." He was was then the "apricus senex" of Persius, or the "Bon Vieillard of Béranger; and when we consider the great events that have taken place in this country and elsewhere since his death, he might have exclaimed in the spirit of prophecy, like the Bon Vieillard,

"La liberté va rajeunir le monde :

Sur mon tombeau brilleront d'heureux jours."


The character of Parr is finely drawn by Archdeacon Butler, in his funeral sermon on that great scholar and benevolent man. Butler did not "daub" the memory of his friend "with undiscerning praise;" but while he did ample justice to his numerous virtues and various attainments, hesitated not to point out his faults. I know by experience that Dr. Parr was a warm friend, a good neighbour, a most instructive and delightful companion :

"His saltem accumulem donis, et fungar inani

P. 225, 1. 3.

Then went the grace-cup round.

"When in the old man's hall,

Old friends were gathered all,

And thou with mirth didst light grave features up,
On days of high festivity,

And family solemnity,

As each to each passed on the happy cup

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ANSTER'S Translation of Faust, p. 49.



Come forth,

And taste the air of palaces!

BEN JONSON's Alchemist.

Come egli è pressa al luminoso tetto,

Attonito riman di maraviglia;

Che tutto d'una gemma è il muro schietto

Piu di carbonchio, lucida e virmiglia.-ARIOSTO.


THE Queen of fair Golconda is "at home;"
Her palace (its immensities must bar
Description) is of gold; the blazing dome,
Of one entire ruby, from afar *

Shines like the sun in his autumnal car
Crowning a saffron mountain; e'en the proud
Zamorim's palace is as a twinkling star

Compared with this. And now the tromp aloud Proclaims the guests are come to an admiring crowd.

* Du calice d'icelles sortoit une escarboncle grosse comme un œuf d'austruche, taillée en forme heptagone (c'est nombre fort aimé de nature) tant prodigieuse et admirable, que levants nos yeux pour la contempler peu s'en faillit que ne perdissions la vue. Car plus flamboyant n'est le feu du soleil, ne l'esclair, que lors elle nous apparoissoit.-RABELAIS' Pant., lib. iv. c. 43.


The ceilings, crusted o'er with diamonds, blaze.
A galaxy of stars, room after room!

The lights interminable all amaze ;

But far more dazzling are the fair in bloom

Of youth, whose eyes kind answering looks illume. Ah! where the muse of greater bards must fail In painting female charms, shall mine presume To try her hand? though smiles be stale, Yet she to Fancy's eye their beauties will unveil.


As delicately shaped as the gazelle ;
As beautiful as is the blush of morn;
As gay as Hebe, ere, alas! she fell;
Fair as Dione in her car upborne

By little Loves, while Tritons wind the horn;
Splendid as young Zenobia in their dress

(Crowns bright as sunny beams their hair adorn)

They were. This perfect festival to bless,

Art, Beauty, Nature, Grace, combine their loveliness!


Oh Youth and Beauty! Nature's choicest gems,

All art's adornments ye for aye outshine :
Far more attractive than the diadems

That ever glitter'd on the brow divine

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