Courteous in camps as Sydney, perfect knight, Terrific as a lion in the fight! Unconquerable spirit! that would dare Hope against hope, where heroes might despair. Insult to common sense, that with parade Repnine, with gross debaucheries o'erstain'd *The three Pulawskis. Such pranks they play! these masters of the world, Till from their heights by death o'ermastering, hurl'd, Then for a day,—but charity let fall The curtain, Heaven knows we are sinners all. What now avails, Potemkin, thy o'ergrown Again the North urged o'er the land her brood Great Catherine, greater Frederick, if great Had they but interposed, with strength renew'd Freedom had started up, her foes subdued,— Girt with a moral power had driven back, Quailing beneath her frown, the ravenous pack. Sarmatia fell with all her chivalry; Had but from France the fiat gone, Be free- Ready as wills their Despot-Lord for ill, Most to be dreaded when they seem to yield, Of moderation that their acts disown, With arts deceptive they confound the weak, Russia, the very wrongs she deprecates, So cunning is her policy, creates ; N Protectress of the Sultan, how protect? A debt for what, 'gainst Mehmet Russian aid! Till o'er Stamboul her shout of triumph swells, NOTES TO "POLAND." P. 171, 1. 1. Luxury, with her paralysing mace, &c. "Mais si nous jetons les yeux sur cette assemblée, nous verrons avec étonnement que malgré trente années de mauvais choix, malgré cette longue et trompeuse tranquillité qui avait laissé dans toutes les grandes charges des hommes vieillis dans le luxe et dans toutes les commodités de la vie, la Pologne avait encore un sénat: tant la liberté, même dans ses abus, peut encore former de grandes âmes, tant elle soutient encore long-temps les hommes contre le manège des cours, contre tous les maux du luxe, et de la corruption des mœurs ! "Heureuse cette république si la crainte des armes étrangères avait pu, au milieu de ses divisions, y devenir, comme chez les anciens Romains, le noeud de la concorde intérieure."-Histoire de l'Anarchie de Pologne, par Rulhière, tome ii. p. 43. P. 172, 1. 1. "Be on my head the blood of Poland, mine The blame," exclaim'd the frontless Catherine. On the subject of the projected partition of Poland it appears that Frederick, in his correspondence with Catherine, urged, perhaps sincerely, his apprehension of general censure. Catherine answered, “I take all the blame upon myself.” "Catherine," as the Edinburgh Reviewer observes, "was the great criminal. She had for eight years oppressed, betrayed, and ravaged Poland-imposed a king on that country-prevented all reformation of the government--fomented divisions among the nobility-and, in one word, created and maintained that anarchy which she at length used |