0 THE WORKS OF JOSEPH ADDISON. COMPLETE IN THREE VOLUMES. EMBRACING THE WHOLE OF THE "SPECTATOR," &c. VOL. I. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY HARPER & BROTHERS, NO. 82 CLIFF-STREET. 1842. 47 Theory of the Passion of Laughter 48 Spectator's Letter to the Ugly Club- 49 Character at the Coffee-House-Eu- 50 Remarks on the English, by the Italian ployments a Clergyman Opera Dresses Steele mant, and Harriot Ugly Club extensive Commerce 69 Visit to the Royal Exchange-Benefit of Addison 66 Letters on fashionable Education Hughes 68 On Friendship ! 130 Interview of the Spectator and Sir Ro- 131 Opinions entertained of the Spectator in the Country-Letter from Will of a Friend Fan 71 Love Love Letter of James to Betty Steele 72 Account of the Everlasting Club Addison 73 Passion for Fame and Praise-Charac- ter of the Idols 74 Continuation of the Critique on Chevy- 75 Idea of a fine Gentleman-Character of Vocifer and Ignotus Steele 76 Memoirs of the private Life of Phara- mond 77 Absence of Mind-Bruyere's Charac- Budgell 78 Claim of Cambridge to the Origin of the Ugly Club-Petition of Who and Which Steele 79 Letter from a Coquette-from B. D. on formal Devotion 80 History of Phillis and Brunetta-the Remonstrance of That 81 Female Party Spirit discovered by Patches 82 The Misery of being in Debt Addison Steele 83 Dream of a Picture Gallery Addison 84 Private Life of Pharamond-Story of Spinnamont Steele 85 Fate of Writings-Ballad of the Chil- dren in the Wood 86 On Physiognomy Addison 134 Letter from a Splenetic cured-Letter and Petition on the Exercise of the 87 On Beauties-Letter from a Beauty Steele Letter on Idols 88 Manners of Servants- Mischief of Board-Wages Eusden 135 Blessing of being born an Englishman -The English Tongue Steele rage 89 Lovers-Demurrage-Folly of Demur- 90 Punishment of a voluptuous Man after Addison 136 Letter from a Liar 137 Condition of Servants-Letters from Ralph Valet and Patience Giddy 138 Frivolous Disputants-Exercise of the Addison Steele Death-Adventure of M. Pontigna Snuff-box 91 Loves of Honoria and Flavia Hughes 139 The Love of Glory-Character of Pe- 92 Books for a Lady's Library Addison ter the Great 93 Proper Methods of employing Time 140 Letters on Love, Wit, Drinking, Gam- 94 Subject continued-Pursuit of Know- ing, &c. ledge Letter from Parthenia Miss Shepherd 95 Letter on Demonstrations of Grief- 141 Improprieties on the Stage Steele Female Reading Steele Lancashire Witches Hughes 96 Adventures of a Servant 142 Love-letters to Andromache Steele 97 Pharamond and Eucrate on Duels 143 Complaints of Sickness-A cheerful 98 Ladies' Head-dresses Addison Temper 99 The chief Point of Honour in Men and 144 Female Beauty-Characters of various Women-Duelling Beauties 100 Complaints of Sickness-Characters of 145 Letters on Wagerers, Whistlers, rude Harry Tersett and Varilas Steele old Bachelor-Male Dress 101 Uncertainty of Fame-Specimen of a 146 Passages from Cicero and Burnet History of the Reign of Anne I. Addison 147 On reading the Church Service 102 Exercise of the Fan 148 On Impertinents-Whisperers-Let- 103 Compliments-Extracts on Sincerity 104 Decency of Behaviour Steele ters to them Letter on a Female Equestrian Hughes 149 Letter from a Widow with two Lovers, 105 Will Honeycomb's Knowledge of the 150 Inconveniences of Poverty-Affecta- World-Various Kinds of Pedants Addison tion of Slovenliness Budgell 106 Spectator's Visit to Sir R. de Cover- 151 Character of a Man of Wit and Plea- ley's country Seat-the Knight's do- mestic Establishment Steele sure 152 Military Courage 107 Sir Roger's Conduct to his Servants 108 Character of Will Wimble Steele 153 Folly of Wishing to be Young Steele 109 Sir Roger's Ancestors 110 On Ghosts and Apparitions 111 Immateriality of the Soul 112 A Sunday in the Country-Sir Roger's Behaviour at Church 113 His Account of his Disappointment in Love 114 On the Shame and Fear of Poverty- Characters of Laertes and Irus 115 Labour and Exercise 116 A hunting Scene with Sir Roger 117 On Witchcraft-Story of Moll White 118 Sir Roger's Reflections on the Widow -Love Scene 119 Rural Manners-Politeness Addison 154 Letter of Apology for a Man of Wit and Pleasure Addison 155 Impertinent Conversation to Women Steele in Business 156 Character of Women's Men 157 Improper Method of educating youth 158 Letters censuring the Spectator-On Women's Men-Good-breeding 159 The Vision of Mirza 160 On great and natural Geniuses Addison 161 Letter and Reflections on rustic Amuse- ments Addison Budgell Budgell Addison 162 On Inconstancy and Irresolution Addison 163 Disappointment in Love-Letter from Miss Shepherd Addison Steele Addison Leonora Consolation 178 Celinda's Letter on Female Jealousy 179 Various Dispositions of Readers-Ac- 238 On the Love of Flattery-Translation 239 Various Ways of Managing a Debate Addison 240 Grateful Letter on heroic Virtue- Country Breeding-Behaviour of a 198 Character of the Salamanders-Story of a Castilian and his Wife 199 Letter on the mercenary Practices of Men in the Choice of Wives 200 Political Arithmetic-Rules for Popu- lation 201 Devotion-Enthusiasm Addison Stage-Coach-Story of a Lottery Ticket-from the Guardian of two Nieces Steele Steele 243 On the Beauty and loveliness of Virtue Addison 244 Letters on Raphael's Cartoons-on Fe- male Apes Mr. H. Martyn Addison 245 Simplicity of Character-Letters on in- nocent Diversions-Absent Lovers- from a Trojan 202 Folly of the Pride of Birth or Fortune -Letters from Servants 203 On Seducers and their illicit Progeny -Letter from a natural Son 204 Letters from Belinda to the Sothades -D. to his Coquette Mistress-to a Husband Steele Children 246 Mischief of Mothers not nursing their 247 Different Classes of Female Orators 248 On Beneficence, with Examples Complaint of Starers Addison 206 Modesty, Diffidence, Self-denial 205 Description of a Female Pander-af- fected Method of Psalm-singing- Erratum in the Paper on Drinking Steele 219 Laughter and Ridicule 250 On the eyes Addison Steele ters on Visiting-Seduction-from a Lover 207 Notions of the Heathens on Devotion Addison 208 Depraved Taste on the Theatre-Let- Steele 251 Letter on the Cries of London 252 Letters on the eye-Cure for a bad Husband Female Oratory 253 On Detraction among bad Poets- Pope's Essay on Criticism Steele Addison Steele Addison Steele Addison Golding Steele Addison Steele Hughes Addison : |