khelat-an honorary dress; lac-one hundred bread (but especially the poor) should be made thousand; maharajah-a great king; marabout- acquainted with these truths, and brought to ina holy man; mahout-an elephant driver; mehur quire whether they do not purchase at too dear a -a gold coin, worth sixteen rupees in Bengal; musnud-a throne; nullah-a brook, or small branch of a river: nuzzar-an offering; paddyrice in the husk; pagoda-Indian temple; peishwa-sovereign; peon-messenger; pice-a small copper coin; punjaub-five rivers; rance-a princess; ryut-a peasant; sahib-lord; sacesa groom; sepoys-native troops in the British service; serai-Mussulman place of rest for travellers; serang-a master of a vessel; singh-a lion; sircar-a head man or minister; suddur adawlut, and suddar dewannee-courts of justice; subahdar-officer of the highest rank in the army; vakeel-an envoy; vedas-the hindoo scriptures; wuzeer-prime minister; zemindar--the holder of a zemindary, or province. A crore of rupees is a hundred lacs. A rupee is about two shillings. A pice is about the 12th of an anna, or the 192nd part of a rupee. WHOLESOME UNFERMENTED BREAD.-Thirty years ago Dr. Thomas Thomson, the very able professor of chemistry in Glasgow, recommended a process for making wholesome bread different from that produced by the common practice of what is called "raising it" through the means of fermentation, which only subserves the purpose of generating carbonic acid. Instead of this, the doctor showed how much better bread could be made by employing certain proportions of carbonate of soda and muriatic acid; and the advice he then gave had considerable effect upon the public. But, like too many useful things, it seems to have been lost sight of and abandoned, and old habits to have prevailed in this most essential preparation of human food. A little pamphlet, rate the privilege of indulging in the use of it. The unwise preference given so universally to white bread led to the pernicious practice of mixing alum with the flour, and this again to all sorts of adulterations and impositions; for it enabled bakers, who were so disposed, by adding more and more alum, to make bread made from the flour of an inferior grain look like the best or the most costly, and to dispose of it accordingly; at once defrauding the purchaser, and tampering with his health. It is one of the advantages of the effervescing process, that it would put an end to all such practices, as its materials and alum are incompatible. "Among the matters removed by the miller are the larger portion of the saline substances, which are indispensable to the growth of the bones and teeth, and are required, although in a less degree, for their daily repair. Brown bread should, therefore, be given to nurses, and to the young or the growing, and should be preferred by all, of whatever age, whose bones show a tendency to bend, or who have weak teeth. It is believed that brown bread will generally be found the best by all persons who have sluggish bowels, and stomachs equal to the digestion of the bran. But with some it will disagree, for the bran is too exciting to irritable bowels, and is dissolved with difficulty in some stomachs. When this happens, the bran should be removed, either wholly or in part; and by such means the bread may be adapted, with the greatest ease, to all habits and all constitutions." - Literary Gazette. PRONUNCIATION OF INDIAN PROPER NAMES. by A Physician" (Taylor and Walton), has -1. All names ending in 'an' have the accent just issued from the press, renewing the instruc- on the last syllable, and the 'an' is sounded like tions and earnestly impressing the value of the change, which we cordially approve. Among the interesting incidental matter touched upon, that which reters to brown bread seems to us to deserve the attention of every family in the empire. "It may not be out of place to observe, that mistaken notions respecting the quality of different sorts of bread have given rise to much waste in another way. The general belief is, that bread made with the finest flour is the best, and that whiteness is the proof of its quality, but both these opinions are popular errors. The whiteness may be, and generally is, communicated by alum, to the injury of the consumer; and it is known by men of science, that the bread of unrefined flour will sustain life, while that made with the refined will not. Keep a man on brown bread and water, and he will live and enjoy good health; give him white bread and water only, and he will gradually sicken and die. The meal of which the first is made contains all the ingredients essential to the composit on or nourishment of the various structures composing our bodies. Some of these ingrediens are removed by the miller in his efforts to please the public; so that fine flour, instead of being better than the meal, is the least nourishing; and, to make the case worse, it is also the most difficult of digestion. The loss is, therefore, in all respects, a waste; and it seems desirable that the admirers of white the Scotch ah, or nearly aw, thus Moultan is pro nounced Multawn. The same remark applies to words terminating in 'ab'-thus the river Chenab is sounded Chunawb with the first syllable rapidly uttered, and the full weight of the sound on the aub. Punjawb' is another illustration. 2. Compounds of the words Feroze have the accent on the syllable 'oze,' not on 'poor' or 'shah' as one often hears it. Ferozepoor must be uttered in three syllables. 3. I' has the sound of ee - Sikh is pronounced Seek,' not Sheek nor Syke. INCREASING STRENGTH OF THE BRITISH NAVY. - According to the late official returns, it appears there are upwards of 100 ships of war now building at our different arsenals, among which are no less than 35 steam frigates and other war steamers; four 36 gun frigates; ten 50 gun frigates; ten ships of the line, averaging from 80 to 84 guns each-viz., the Agamemnon, the Colossus, the Irresistible, the Majestic, the Meeanee, the Brunswick, the Cressy, the Lion, the Mars, and the San Pariel; six ships of the line of 90 guns each-viz the Aboukir, the Exmouth, the Princess Royal, the Algiers, the Hannibal, and the St Jean d'Acre; six ships of the line, first-rates, of 110 guns each-viz, the Marlborough, the Royal Fr derick, the Victoria, the Prince of Wales, the Royal Sovereign, and the Windsor Castle; and lastly, the Royal Albert, of 120 guns. DETACHED THOUGHTS; FROM JEAN PAUL performed even one, can never be wholly despiRICHTER-A true comforter must often take cable. away from the mourner all ordinary topics of consolation, and lead him where only the highest can be of any avail. A perpetual calm would hinder the fructification of flowers. Let this console us under suffering. The involuntary sanctification in our minds of the dead-wherefore? whence? Not from a life-long absence merely; for then a voyage to America would produce it. It is rather the idea of the change in the departed, the putting off of his body, his novel circumstances, his new relations, whence he looks down upon all here as earthly. Memory is the highest gift; we do not feel it to be so, because we only partially lose it, and generally retain it in great things; but let a man every moment forget others, and then see what he would be. We are the creatures of the past, therefore, of memory. To deprive us of memory, would be to thrust us naked, destitute, into the mere present, only the moment after to strip us of memory again. A good action shines out upon us in the deceased-it is the precious stone which the Mexi It is our eyes, and not the microscope, that deceives us. It could not create or show what is not. The earth may be infinitely greater. Let a man be ever so much upon his guard against a flatterer, there are still a few points at which he is accessible. A man, in the enjoyment of any pleasure, may have only a delight of the senses; but he who beholds that man's enjoyment with a sympathizing eye, has a heart-delight. He who has about ten things a single original unhackneyed thought, has many such about a hundred things. It is one in the contradictions of man's na cans place amid the ashes of the dead, that it may ture, his knowledge that he has these contradic represent the heart. a tions. of the soul, the element-spirit of the other other time can become infinite or totalized. Not He who is not growing wiser has never been There are persons who, endowed with higher sense, but with weaker powers than active talent, rec ive in their soul the great world-spirit, whether in outward life, or in the inner life of fiction and of thought, who remain true and faith- wise. ful to it, as the tender wife to the strong man, but who, when they would express their love, can only utter broken sounds, or speak otherwise than they wish. If the man of talent may be called the merry imitative ape of genius, these are the silent, serious, upright woodmen, to whom fate has denied the power of speech. If, as the Indians think, the animals are the dumb of the earth, these are the dumb of heaven. The spirit is as invisible as its speech, but what does there not lie of all that is lofty, all that is life, in a single word? Is it lost when the air on which it has been wafted has passed away? We speak of life being taken, when it is only years that are taken. There is something so great in a single good action, that the man who, in his whole life, has perfects, as far as in him lies, all duty and all He who in his sphere, however circumscribed, self-denial, not merely in doing, but in abstaining, needs for his growth in virtue no extraordinary circumstance, no unusual occasion; should such arrive, it finds his already grown. He who has not courage enough to be a fool in his own way, will scarcely have sufficient to be wise in his own way. -by lovely scenery-by the sound of music-by How pensive we are made by a beautiful night reflection on the infinite-by the shadowy-tinted cliffs of the future' The greatest sorrow is the loss of the beloved by a death not preceded by illness, or, which is one and the same thing, by death taking place while at a distance from us. SELECT LIST OF RECENT PUBLICATIONS. Germany. F. A. Wolf's Encyclopädie der Philologie, Herausgegeben von S. M. Stockman. Zweite, mit einer Uebersicht der Literatur bis zum Jahr 1845 versehne Ausgabe. Leipz. 1845. gr. 8. Kleine Schriften von F. G. Welcker, 2 Thl. zur griechischen Literaturgeschichte. Bonn, 1845. gr. 8. Aristophanis Comœdiæ, Recensuit et Annotatione instruxit Fr. H. Bothe. Edit. II. vol. 2. (Vespæ. Pax. Aves,) Lips. 1845. gr. 8. 1845. Prolegomena ad Platonis Rempublicam, scrips. Geo. Fr. Rettig, Bernæ. gr. 8. Suidæ Lexicon Græce et Latine. Post Th. Gaisfordum recensuit et annotatione critica instruxit Godefr. Bernhardy, Tome II. fasc. VII. Halle. 1845. gr. 4. Die Mythologie der Greichen und Romer, von Dr. W. M. Heffter. 2 und 3 Heft. Brandenburg. 1845. gr. 8. Beiträge zur griechischen Monatskunde von Thd. Bergk. Giessen. 1845. gr. 8. Portæ Syrici Græci, ed. Thd. Bergk. Lips. 1843. gr. 8 Scriptores Poeticæ Historiæ Græci, ed. Antonius Westermann. Brunsvigæ. 1:43. gr.8. Oskische Studien, v. Dr. Thd. MonunBerlin. 1845. 8. sen. Democriti Abderita Operum Fragmenta, collegit, recensuit, vertit, explicuit, etc. Frid. Guil. Aug. Mullachius Berolini. 1843. 8. THEOLOGY. Die Christliche Lehre der Sünde, dargestellt von Julius Müller. 8. 2 vols. 1844. Commentar über die Psalmen von E. W. Hengstenberg, 4 Bd. I Abthl. Berlin, 1845. gr. 8. Die Lehre von Christi Person und Werke in populären Vorlesungen vorgetragen, von E. Sartorius. 5 Auflage. Hamburg. 8. De Spe immortalitatis sub veteri Testamento gradatim excultar, Diss. quam scripsit H. Aug. Hahn. 1845. Die Glaubenslehre der Evangelisch-reformirten Kirche, aus der Quellen belegt von Dr. Alex. Schweizer. 2 Bd. 1 Abthi. Zurich. 1845. sive Concordia. Recensuit Car. Aug. Hase, Edit. III. Lips. 1846. Patrum Apostolicorum Opera, Textum ex editionibus præstantissimis repetit, recognov. etc. C. J. Hefele, edit altera. gr. 8. Tübingen. 1842. Gregor. I. der Grosse, nach seinem Leben und seiner Lehre geschildert von Geo. Joh. Th. Law. Leipz. 1845. gr. 8. Geschichte der Waldenser von ihrem Zeit v. Cph. Ursprunge an bis auf unsere Strabonis Geographica. Recensuit Gustav. Kramer. Vol. I. Berol. 1844. August Matthiæ in seinem Leben und Wirken zum Theil nach seiner eigenen Erzählung dargestellt von seinem Sohne Konstantin. Nebst einem lebensgeschichtlichen Abriss seines Bruders Fr. Chr. Matthiæ, Quedlinburg. 1845. gr. 8. Memoirs and Essays on Art, by Mrs. Jameson. Lectures on Painting and Design, by R. B. Haydon. 2 vols. The Debutante, by Mrs. Gore. 3 vols. Third volume of Mrs. Thomson's Memoirs of the Jacobites. Second volume of H. H. Wilson's History of British India. Letters of the Kings of England, by J. O. Hallwell, Esq. 2 vols. Scenery and Poetry of the English Lakes, by Charles Mackay. Lives of Twelve Eminent Judges, by W. C. Townsend Esq. 2 vols. A Year and a Day in the East, by Mrs. Eliot Montauban. Murray's Handbook of North Italy. Horæ Apostolicæ, by Rev. W. Shepherd B. D. Mohan Lal's Life of Amir Dost Mohammed Khan. 2 vols. Anecdotes of Dogs, by Edward Jesse. Constantine Fischendorf's Travels in the East. The Book of Costume, or Annals of Fashion in all Countries, from the earliest Libri Symbolici Ecclesiæ Evangelicæ period to the present time. |