book-the binding of Satan, and the consequent loosing again of that arch-enemy, and the war with Gog and Magog, these parts are all explained as referring to more distant events, which are to precede the resurrection, the judgment, and the final blessedness of the redeemed. It is admitted that the first and second visions may be regarded as symbolical of the fall of Anti-christian powers, subsequent to the fall of pagan Rome; but it is maintained that the first Chris tians understood these visions as referring primarily to Jerusalem and to the power of the Cæsars, and that such was the meaning of the Divine Spirit. Papal Rome, accordingly, is not an object of special reference in the Apocalypse. GREAT BRITAIN. Memoirs of the Jacobites, by Mrs. Life of the Rt. Hon. George Canning, The miscellaneous works of Sir James Mackintosh. Edited by his son. 3 vols. Life and Speeches of Daniel O'Connell, The Eternal; or the attributes of Jeho- Thoughts on Animalcules, by G. A. Mr. Stuart has published this exposition with the manifest expectation that in not a few quarters it will prove startling and unwelcome. And, certainly, this is not the view taken of the Apocalyptic visions by the majority of expositors in America or in England. During several generations the stream of interpretation has flowed in as Roscoe, Esq. Vol. I. comprising Wil Lives of the Kings of England, by Thom liam the Conqueror. Confessions of a Pretty Woman, by Miss Pardoe. the channel marked out for it by Mede, Vitringa, But Mr. Stuart's theory, though it is not this one, on the Revelation' in Kitto's Cyclopedia, from the pen of Dr. Davidson. But it was not left to Dr. Davidson, any more than to Mr. Stuart, to be a discoverer on this ground, the same views in substance having been broached long before by Grotius, Hammond, Le Clerc, and others, as may be seen in Mr. Stuart's own Historical Sketch of the Exegesis of the Apocalypse.' America, its Realities and Resources, by The second volume of Lord Brougham's Travels of Lady Esther Stanhope. 3 vols. Montgomery. tan. Vol. V. Life and Times of Rt. Hon. Henry Grat- We hope to take up the subject of prophecy Lectures on the Pilgrim's 'Progress, and the Life Coleridge, speaking, in his Aids to Reflection, of Bunyan's Hero, has wisely said, 'The fears, the hopes, the remembrances, the anticipations, the inward and outward experience, the belief and faith of a Christian, form of themselves a philosophy and a sum of knowledge, which a life spent in the grove of Academus or the painted Porch could not have attained or collected.' But most of the who have attempted to com Marston, or the Soldier and Statesman, Industrial History of Free Nations, by Sketches of English Character, by Mrs. Philosophy of Magic, Prodigies, and Ap- Memoirs of a Femme de Chambre, by Life at the Water Cure, or a Month at Lives of Twelve Eminent Judges of the ment upon Bunyan for the edification of Chris- present century, by W. C. Townsend. tians, have made a very sorry business of it, the 2 vols. GERMANY. comment being too often as a cloud upon the text. sensibility, piety, and sagacity; and has produced a book not unworthy of its subject. This is saying very much. These lectures have attracted much attention in the United States; we shall be happy to see them become no less popular in Great Britain. Gerlach: Uber den relegiösen Zustand denen, Gliederungen ein Jahre, 1842. Evangelischen Kirche Deutchslands. : |