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THE present volume is the outcome of a desire expressed by the Hull Public Libraries Committee that the proceedings at the very successful Marvell Tercentenary celebration promoted by them should be placed on permanent record in a convenient and worthy form. This desire was known to be shared not only by many present at the various functions, but by others who, not so privileged, were nevertheless intensely interested in the occasion.


Thanks are herewith tendered to the Rt. Hon. Augustine Birrell and the Rt. Rev. H. Hensley Henson for their ready acquiescence in the proposal to print their memorable addresses; Mr. T. S. Eliot, Mr. Cyril Falls, Mr. Edmund Gosse, Mr. H. J. Massingham, Mr. J. C. Squire, and Mr. Edward Wright for permission to include their new studies of Marvell called forth by the celebration, and to the editors of The Times Literary Supplement, the Nineteenth Century, the Sunday Times, the Nation and Athenæum, the Observer, and the Bookman, in which those studies respectively appeared, for facilitating the arrangement. Critical estimates from the varying view-points of eight such distinguished scholars render these pages of permanent value not only to the growing number of Marvell enthusiasts but to the student of an important period.

Professor H. M. Margoliouth, of the University College of Southampton, who is preparing a new


and complete edition of Marvell's Works, has found it necessary in the course of his researches to pay visits to Hull for the purpose of collating the original letters. It is a mark of the keen interest he took in the tercentenary that the professor contributes to this volume the text of a hitherto unpublished letter of Marvell's preserved in the Bodleian Library.

The contemporary portraits of Marvell reproduced herein include (1) that preserved at the National Portrait Gallery, which was presented to the nation in 1764 by Robert Nettleton, a great nephew of the poet; (2) the Hollis portrait, so called because it belonged to Thomas Hollis the eighteenth-century collector and benefactor, and is referred to in his Memoirs [this portrait was generously presented last year to the city of Hull by Mr. F. A. Page-Turner (formerly Blaydes), a direct descendant of Andrew Marvell's sister Anne]; (3) the fine portrait by Hanneman in the possession of Col. Fairfax Rhodes; and (4) the beautiful miniature belonging to the Duke of Buccleuch. Thanks are accorded to the owners for the privilege of including illustrations of these historic portraits.

The remaining plates are from photographs taken by the Daily Mail and Hull Times Co., the Eastern Morning and Hull News Co., the Topical Press Agency, and Messrs. Turner and Drinkwater, to whom acknowledgement is now made.

March 1922.

W. H. B.

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