leet, sheriff's turn, &c., iii. 315; of chancery, de- lays how to be remedied, ii. 472; of common law, growth of, ii. 494; for the borders of Scotland, sug- gestions for, ii. 143; several, of justice, one of the internal points of separation with Scotland, ii. 146; of justice, the ordinary, ii. 380; as to their jurisdic- tion, ii. 379.
Coventry seasoned by Lord Coke in his ways, ii. 501; Covering, defects of, i. 234.
Cramp, comes of contraction, ii. 133. Cranfield's, Sir Lionel, saying, i. 109. Craniology, i. 202.
Crassus, answers of his, i. 116.
Creatures, perfection of history of, i. 187; living, comparative magnitude of, ii. 117; bred of putre- faction, ii. 92.
Credulity and imposition, concurrence between, i. 172; adamant of lies, ii. 429. Critical knowledge, i. 217.
Critics, their rash judgment, i. 217; absurd mistakes of, i. 217.
Croesus, reason of for preferring peace to war, i. 115; Solon's answer to him, i. 118.
Crollius, chymical dispensatory of, ii. 136.
at Kinsale, ii. 200, 211; his abuse of the Irish, ii. 212.
D'Avila, Gomez, carries letters for Lopez and Ferrera in their plot against Queen Elizabeth, ii. 219; brings back answers from Manuel Louis, ii. 219; appre- hended at landing, ii. 219.
Deafness from sound, persons deaf from sound, ii. 28. Death, learning mitigates the fear of i. 182; motion after the instant of, ii. 59; the essay of, inserted from the remains of 1645, remarks upon it, i. 10; essay of, i. 11; essay on, i. 131; history of life and, iii. 467; porches of, iii. 508.
Debate, haste should not be used in matters of weighty, ii. 381.
Decemvirs, make the twelve tables, ii. 231; grafted the laws of Greece upon the Roman stock, ii. 234. Decorations of body, i. 205.
Decree pronounced should be speedily signed, ii. 473; breach of, ii. 480.
Decrees in chancery after judgment against the, ii. 514; special order for reading, ii. 483; not enrolled, no exemplification of, to be allowed, ii. 485; in chancery, ii. 479; drawn at the rolls, ii. 482.
Cross-row, second letter of the, ii. 460; third letter, Dedications to books, i. 169; objections to Seneca's, ii. 460; fourth letter, ii. 462.
Deer, the nature of, ii. 102. Defects, covering, i. 234.
Defence of Cuffe, ii. 365; of Earl of Essex, ii. 360. Defendant, when to be examined upon interrogatories, ii. 483.
Deformity, essay on, i. 49; deformed persons bold, in- dustrious, i. 49.
Crystal, congealing water into, ii. 54; comes of water, Delays, essay of, i. 29; mature advice should not be
Cuffe, evidence against, ii. 365.
Cuffe, Henry, enemy to all superiors, ii. 354.
Culture of the mind, i. 223.
Cunning, essay of, i. 30.
Cupid and heaven, fable of, i. 435.
Cupid, or an atom, i. 298.
Cure in some ulcers and hurts, ii. 106.
Cures worked by the imagination, ii. 136; by motion of consent, ii. 17.
Curiosity unprofitable, i. 171.
Custom and education, essay on, i. 45; cure by, ii. 17; its froward retention as froward as innovation, 1. 32; only alters nature, i. 45; the principal magistrate of man's life, i. 45; power of on meats, &c., ii, 46; cannot confirm what is unreasonable, ii. 295. Customs, statutes of, 6 R. II., 9 R. II., 13 H. IV., 1 H. V., ii. 280; statutes of, 3 Ed. I., 1. Ed. III., 14 Ed. III., 17 Ed. III., 38 Ed. III., 11 Ed. II., 47 Ed. III., ii. 279, 280; ancient commencement of, ii. 279; to the king from colonies, ii. 386. Cuttle ink, experiment touching, ii. 100. Cyclops, or ministers of terror, i. 288. Cyrus, from whom he sought supply, ii. 281.
DAMPS in mines, which kill, ii. 127. Daniel's prophecy of the latter times, i. 191. Dark, on wood shining in the, ii. 52. Darcy's case, ii. 528, 529.
confounded with, ii. 489.
Delegates, commission of, ii. 485.
Delicate learning, and different kinds of, i. 149.
Delivery, style of, i. 214; methodical, i. 214. Deluges, bury all things in oblivion, i. 60. Demetrius, answers made to him, i. 116. Democritus, i. 198; effect of odour upon, ii. 128; opi- nion of the cause of colours, i. 89; of truth, i. 122; his doctrine respecting an atom, i. 299; his philo- sophy, i. 198, 435, 437; his saying of nature, i. 195; primitive remarks on the theory of Democritus and Leucippus, ii. 578: intermixtum and coacerva- tum, theories of, ii. 578; whether the interstellar space, or pure ether, be one entire, unbroken stream, or consist of a variety of contiguous parts, ii. 578; his theory of the universe, ii. 576. Demonax, his answer respecting his burial, i. 109. Demosthenes, ii. 435; his scorn of wars which are not preventive, ii. 204; his answer to Eschines, i. 114; to others, i. 118, 209; said action was the chief part of an orator, i. 20; his speech in many orations to the Athenians, i. 76; reprehends the people for hearkening to King Philip's condition, i. 77; answers of his, i. 116; answer to Eschines as to times of leisure, i. 166; a water-drinker, i. 228; his sayings, i. 235.
Demurrers for discharging the suit, ii. 482; not to be overruled on petition, ii. 483; defined, ii. 482 · re- ference upon, ii. 482.
Davers, Sir Charles, first confession of, ii. 368; second Dendamis, the Indian, i. 239. confession of, ii. 369.
David sought by Samuel, i. 208; saying of his respect- ing adversity, ii. 488.
David's military law, i. 185.
Davis, Sir John, confession of, ii. 368; set guard over chief justice and the lord keeper, ii. 358. D'Aquilla, D'Avila. the Spanish general, taken prisoner VOL. III.-70
Denham, Sir John, ii. 477; speech to, in the exchequer ii. 477.
Denizens, privileges and disabilities of, ii. 169. Denmark, state of, during the time of Queen Elizabeth, ii. 248; king of, incorporated to the blood of Eng- land, and engaged in the quarrel of the Palatinate, ii. 213.
Dense bodies coldest, ii. 19. Density and rarity, history of, iii. 464. Desire of memory, i. 190.
Desmond, Countess, teeth of, ii. 101.
Despatch, essay of, i. 32; its measurement, i. 32; order and distribution, its life, i. 32; proceeding upon somewhat conceived in facilitates despatch, i. 32. Despatches, for facilitating, ii. 377.
Deucalion or restitution, i. 301.
Dew of May for medicine, ii. 106.
Dews and rains, how produced, ii. 10.
Diagoras's saying of Neptune's temple, i. 211.
Divination, natural, two sorts, i. 206; artificial, of two sorts, i. 206; superstitious, i. 206; division of, 1. artificial, rational, superstitious; 2. natural, native influxion, i. 206.
Division, of learning, i. 187; of history, i. 187; of human philosophy, i. 201; of natural prudence, i. 199; of doubts, i. 200.
Divided state, i. 201.
Dodderidge made judge, ii. 498.
Dogs, know the dog-killer, ii. 134; sense of scent almost a sixth sense, ii. 92.
Dog-killer, dogs know the, ii. 134.
Diamonds, Cornish, are the exudations of stone, ii. 7. Domitian, happy reign of, i. 177. Diapason, not the true computation, ii. 25. Dice and cards, when to be used, ii. 388.
Diets, experiments touching, ii. 18; good which makes lean, ii. 469; beware of sudden change in, i. 39; importance of to the mind, i. 202.
Digestion, touching, ii. 54.
Digests of laws of England and Scotland, ii. 147; of laws of England, offer of, ii. 233. Dignity, of governors, depends on the dignity of the governed, i. 182.
Dilatation and swelling in boiling, ii. 118. Dioclesian, melancholy in his latter years, i. 27. Diogenes, how he would be buried, i. 109; answers of his, i. 115, 116, 120, 121, 122; sharp answer as to the morigeration of learned men, i. 169; Alexan- der's observation respecting, i. 179.
Diomedes, or zeal, i. 299.
Dionysius, or passions, i. 303.
Discontinuance of the prosecution, ii. 480. Discord to concord, sweetness of, ii. 26. Discords, which, most odious, ii. 25. Discourse, touching the safety of the queen's person, ii. 214; eseay on, i. 40; accords with a man's learning and expressed opinions, i. 45; in praise of Elizabeth, ii. 445.
Discovery, impression, i. 201; of forms, i. 197; a branch of human philosophy, i. 201.
Disease of Naples, origin of, ii. 10; origin of French, ii. 10.
Diseases, epidemical, ii. 57; appropriate exercises for, i. 55; infectious, ii. 46. Dispositions of men, i. 224.
Dissimilarity of things celestial and sublunary, in re- gard to eternity and mutability, not proved to be true, i. 415.
Dissimulation, essay of, i. 14.
Dissimulations discovered by physiognomy, i. 201. Dissolution of metals, ii. 461, 462; of bodies, ii. 115; of metals, ii. 460.
Dissolved metals, ii. 465.
Distempers of learning, i. 169.
Distribution, the life of despatch, if not too subtile, i. 32; the real use of great riches, i. 42. Divination, natural, ii. 109.
Divinity, university lectures of, advice to raise the person of, out of the Sutton estate, ii. 241; its pro- gress under James I., ii. 285; should not be all in all, but only above all, i. 98; or philosophy cannot be searched too far, i. 164; its two parts, i. 241; its four branches, i. 243.
Divine voice above the light of nature, i. 239. Divine influxion, i. 206.
Domitian's dream, i. 43; dream before his death, ii. 233.
Doubts, division of, particular total, i. 200; evils of, i. 200; registry of, i. 200; manner of registering, i. 201.
Drake's expedition to the West Indies, ii. 208; his expedition in 1587 showed the weakness of the Spaniards, ii. 208; his terming it the singeing of the King of Spain's beard, ii. 208; his and Sir John Hawkins's voyage to the West Indies, unfor- tunate, ii. 212; his death, ii. 212. Draining, land improved by, ii. 384. Dreams, exposition of, i. 201; to be despised, but the spreading of them is mischievous, i. 43.
Drink, dissipation of melancholy by, ii. 9; ripening of before the time, ii. 89; a restorative, ii. 467. Drinks in Turkey, ii. 94; maturation of, ii. 47. Drowned mineral works, speech for the recoveries of, ii. 463.
Drowning of metals, ii. 457.
Droughts, great ones in summer, ii. 109. Drums, sound in, ii. 30.
Drunkenness, pleasures of, ii. 92; causes and effects of, ii. 97; experiments in, ii. 97.
Druse in Normandy, valour of the English at, ii. 212. Drury House, consultation and resolutions taken at, ii. 355.
Dyer, Mr., his opinion of customs, ii. 279. Dionysius the tyrant, answer of his, i. 112. Dionysius the elder's answer to his son, i. 115. Dudley and Empson, the people's curses rather than any law brought their overthrow, ii. 236; wicked in- struments of Henry, i. 374.
Dudley made Speaker of the House of Commons, i. 376.
Duels, French law of, ii. 297; causes of, ii. 296; Turkish emperor's censure of, ii. 298; despised even by barbarous nations, ii. 298; nature and great- ness of the offence of, ii. 296; decree of Star Cham- ber against, ii. 300; edict against by Charles IX. of France, ii. 297; accessaries before, punishable, ii. 299; charge against, ii. 295; the practice not among Greeks or Romans, ii. 298; remedies for, ii. 296; English law of, ii. 297.
Duelling, a presumptuous offence, ii. 300; weakness, and conscience of small value, ii. 302; a breaking of the law, ii. 302.
Dulcorating of fruit by ancients, ii. 65. Dust, how it helpeth the growth of plants, ii. 88. Dutch, the perpetual duellist of Spain, ii. 213; the in- crease of their power since 1588, ii. 213.
Divine philosophy, no deficience in but excess, i. Duty, i. 74; of a king, i. 222.
Divine providence, i. 198.
Divine proofs of the advantages of learning, i. 174. Divines, objections of, to learning answered, i. 162. Divines, objections to learning by, i. 162.
EARTH, differences between sand and, ii. 7; increase of weight in, ii. 100; mode of strengthening, ii. 464; not necessary to the sprouting of plants, ii. 85; veins of medicinal. ii. 94; the cosmographers who first
discovered the roundness of the earth censured by the church, 1. 97; how turned, ii. 462; whether it is perishable, ii. 581; rotation of, an extravagant notion, iii. 526; whether the diurnal motion is con- fined within the region of heaven, iii. 526; the idea that it is a magnet a light imagination, iii. 528; in- ward parts of, cannot resemble any substance which the eye of man hath seen, iii. 528. Earthquakes bury all things in oblivion, i. 60. Earths, differences of, ii. 87.
Ecbatana, the summer parlour of the Kings of Persia, ii. 228.
Ecclesiastical reform, ii. 421; estate, Lord Coke an enemy to, ii. 500.
Echo, concerning the nature of, ii. 30; phenomenon of, iii. 541; the representative of vain paradox, i. 292. Echoes, different sorts of, ii. 40; superreflection of, ii. 107.
Economy, political, ii. 112.
Edgar, King, collected the laws, ii. 231, 235. Edible, flesh not, ii. 118.
Edict of Julianus against Christians, i. 176. Editor's notes, i. 244.
Education, of youth, considerations on, i. 104; essay on custom and, i. 45; is custom in young years, i. 46; of priests, ii. 417; for preaching, ii. 427; ad- vantages of, i. 167; of Alexander, i. 179. Edward I., the first lawgiver amongst us, ii. 169; crossed the pope's jurisdiction, ii. 390.
Edward II., cruel conduct to him, and his saying thereon, i. 114.
Edward III., his reign visited with three mortalities,
Edward IV., of high spirit, yet beautiful, i. 49. Egerton, cause in which the chancellor accepted a bribe, ii. 522.
Egg, white of, its use, ii. 134; with spirits of wine, ii. 465; turned into stone, ii. 463.
Eggs, yolk of, very nourishing, ii. 15; their clarifying quality, ii. 8.
Egypt, its excellent situation, ii. 228; the most ancient monarchy, ii. 228; two mighty returns of fortune therein, ii. 228.
Egyptians, idols, i. 208, 212. Elenches, i. 210.
Elephants, gestation of, ii. 102. Elizabeth, Queen, her learning without a parallel, i. 179, 283; an instance of advantage of learned princes, i. 166, 179; beauty of, ii. 449; alters the religion, ii. 445; her clemency, ii. 446; her learning, ii. 446; her tranquillity, ii. 445; her beneficence, ii. 446; her ex- penses, ii. 447; her piety, i. 398; prayers composed by, i. 398; her fondness for the works of St. Augus- tine, i. 398; her daily search of the Scriptures, i. 398; dislike of a pompous epitaph, i. 398; her im- provement of buildings, ii. 447; her conduct to con- spirators, ii. 445; disunion in praise of, ii. 445; re- port of treasonable designs of Dr. Lopez against, ii. 216; blessings of the people under, ii. 246; her conduct to Philip of Spain, ii. 258; attempts on life, by whom made, ii. 390; apophthegms, and anecdotes of and respecting, i. 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 120,123. Ellesmere's, Chancellor, letter to the King touching Lord Coke, ii. 499; objections to parts of Lord Coke's reports, ii. 505.
Elocution, not to be neglected in philosophy, i. 170. Eloquence, savouring of affectation or imitation unbe- coming a king, i. 161; of accident, ii. 337; discre- tion of speech more than eloquence, i. 40. Ely, case of the isle of, ii. 528; questions and an- swers ii. 529.
Empson and Dudley, the people's curses rather than any law brought their overthrow, ii. 236. Enclosure of common, ii. 284. Endymion, or the favourite, i. 294. England, tracts relating to, ii. 222; proposition con- cerning amendment of laws of, ii. 229; offer of di- gest of laws of, ii. 233; comparison of England and Spain in the year 1588, ii. 212; an overmatch for France, why, i. 38.
England and Scotland, union of, ii. 452, 454. Englefield, his cause, letter from Buckingham to the Lord Chancellor Bacon, touching ii. 524. English language more rich for being mixed, ii. 230, 235; English least taxed of any nation in Europe, ii. 253.
Enrolment, injunctions require, ii. 484. Envy, essay of, i. 17; the canker of honour, i. 57; how best extinguished, i. 57; accustom men to in- i. 73. cline unto those that are least in their way, Epaminondas, a great scholar and general, i. 164; an swer of his to Pelopidas, i. 119; to a long speech of the Lacedæmonians after their defeat at Leuctra, i. 119.
Epictetus, his saying, i. 233; reflections of, on death i. 182; his saying what was the worst state of man i. 76; saying of his, i. 121.
Epicures say that virtue is bonum theatrale, i. 73. Epicurus, a poor saying of his, i. 18; his device of the start of Attemus, i. 71; his opinion of the gods, i. 91. Epidemical diseases, ii. 57.
Epimenides, his delight in solitude, i. 34. Equinoctial, temperate heat under, ii. 59. Ericthonius, or imposture, i. 301. Ernest, Archduke of Austria, advice to treat with upon the law of nations, as to the queen's subjects refug ing in his dominions conspiring against her person,
Errors in church controversy, ii. 414; calendar of popular, i. 200; of times past a source of hope for the future, i. 433; of learned men, i. 166. See Learned Men.
Eryngium roots, their use, ii. 467. Escheators and feodaries repressed, ii. 276. Escurial, scarce a very fair room in it, i. 150. Espes, Don Guerres of, the King of Spain's ambassa- dor in England, discovered to be a chief instrument in the rebellion of the north, ii. 260. Essays, epistle dedicatory of the first edition to Mr. Anthony Bacon, i. 2; next edition, 1606, letter to Henry, Prince of Wales, with the third edition, i. 3 ; dedication of the third edition, 1612, to Sir John Constable, knight, i. 3; next edition, 1613, i. 4; next edition, 1625, i. 4; foreign editions of, i. 6; dedication of to the Duke of Buckingham, i. 1. Essex, Earl of, apology for the, ii. 333; papers relat- ing to the, ii. 333; highly valued by Lord Bacon, ii. 334; his liberality to Lord Bacon, ii. 334; ac- knowledged as a great friend, ii. 334; ruin foretold
in journey to Ireland, ii. 335; terms on which Ba- con accepts the gift of a piece of land worth £1800, ii. 334; Mr. Bacon wishes not to be engaged against, ii. 339; queen's conversation concerning, with Mr. Bacon, ii. 340; invasion of Spain under, ii. 210; his treaty with the Irish rebels, ii. 211; the proceed- ings of the, ii. 342; gave queen displeasure by leaving Ireland without her leave, ii. 342; matters laid to his charge, ii. 343; queen's letter to, ii. 346; declarations of treasons of, ii. 348; queen's favour- ite, ii. 348; a rebellious spirit, ii. 349; rebellious plot of, ii. 356; makes himself friendly with Catho- lics and Puritans, ii. 354; his pretext of attempts on his life, ii. 357; wanting in courage and foresight in his enterprises, ii. 358; goes forth with his troop into the city, ii. 358; refreshes himself at sheriff Smith's house, ii. 358; yields up his sword to the lord lieutenant, ii. 359; his defence, ii. 360; manner of his death, ii. 363; private execution of, ii. 363; abstract of his confession, under his own hand, ii. 374; his confession to three ministers, ii.
Essex House, nobles collect at, ii. 357; riot at, ii. 357. Ethelwold, Bishop of Winchester, his conduct in a famine, i. 114.
Ether, three regions of-region of air, of planetary heaven, of starry heaven, ii. 579; the outer body of, not certain that it is diaphonous, firm, and immuta- ble, ii. 532; the opinion that it is the vehicle in which the stars are carried, ii. 585.
Eternity of the sun, objected to, that innumerable changes take place on its surface, and not in heaven answered, ii. 584.
Eulogium on the king, ii. 266.
Eunuchs, voices of, ii. 33.
Euripides, saying of his, i. 115.
Europe, state of, i. 282, 388. Evacuation of the spirits, ii. 92.
Evaporation, use of to windy spirits, ii. 10. Evidence, the effect of, given at the several arraign- ments of the Earls of Essex, Southampton, the Lord Steward, Sir C. Blunt, and Sir C. Davers, ii. 359; the lantern of justice, ii. 321. Evil, colours of good and, i. 72.
Evils, in extreme ones, there are degrees, ii. 311. Examination, the middle part of business, i. 32; for
holy orders, ii. 427; of the credit of witnesses, ii. 483, 484.
Examples, power of, ii. 435; of Antitheta, i. 217; of Sophisma, i. 217; of Redargutio, i. 217; of Rhe- toric, i. 216.
Excellence of knowledge, and propagation of know- ledge, i. 162.
Excommunicated, kings may be murdered if, ii. 314; kings, Suarez's doctrine as to murdering, ii. 389, 390.
Excommunication of Queen Elizabeth, bill of, pub- lished in London, ii. 254; consequences of it, ii.
Excommunication, abuse of, ii. 428. Excrescences of trees, ii. 81; of plants, &c., ii. 76. Excusations, waste of time, i. 32. Execution of the Earl of Essex, ii. 363. Exercise, no body, natural or politic, healthy without, 1. 38; a just war the true exercise to a kingdom, i. 38; the prevailing help for the intellectual powers, i. 106; five poins of exercise, i. 106; of the body, ii. 46.
Exile and abjuration, cases of, ii. 165, Exility of the voice, or other sounds, ii. 31. Exossation of fruits.ii. 117.
Expense, essay on, i. 35; extraordinary, to be limited by the occasion, ordinary, by a man's estate, i. 35; ought to be but half his receipts, i. 36; a man should be wary in beginning a charge which will continue, but in matters that return not may be magnificent, i. 36.
Expenses of Elizabeth, ii. 447. Experimental History, preparation for a Natural and, iii. 426; history, iii. 434. Experiments, want of in universities, i. 185; not to be tried in states without urgent necessity or evident utility, i. 182; in percolation, ii. 7; about weight in air and water, ii. 463; on glass, ii. 457; for profit, being some sudden thoughts of Lord Bacon, ii. 464.
Exports, impositions on, vi. 45. Extracting metals, ii. 460. Exudation of plants, ii. 76.
Eye hath recovered sight after having been knocked out, ii. 59.
Eyes, the Medes painted the, ii. 99; what comforts the, ii. 132; experiments touching the, ii. 119. FABIUS, Lord Coke compared to, ii. 487. Fable of Golden Chain, i. 195; of Cassandra, i. 287; of Typhon, i. 287; of Cyclops, or terror, i. 288; of Narcissus, or of self-love, i. 288; of Styx, or leagues, i. 289; of Pan, or nature, i. 289; of Cu- pid and Pan, i. 292; of Pan and Ceres, i. 292; of Pan and Apollo, i. 292; of Pan and Echo, i. 292; of Perseus, or war, i. 292; of Medusa, i. 292; of the Grem, or treasons, i. 293; of Endymion, i. 294; of the sister of the Giants, or fame, i. 294; of Acteon and Pentheus, i. 294; of Orpheus, or philosophy, i. 295; of Cœlum, i. 296; of Proteus, or matter, i. 297; of Memnon, i. 297; of Tithonus, i. 298; of Juno's Suitor, i. 298; of Cupid, i. 298; of Diomedes, i. 299; of Dedalus, i. 300; of Eric- thonius, i. 301; of Deucalion, i. 301; of Nemesis, i. 302; of Achelous, i. 302; of Dionysius, i. 303; of Jupiter and Semele, i. 303; of Atalanta, i. 304; of Scylla, i. 309; of Sphynx, i. 309; of Proser- pina, i. 310; of Theseus, i. 310, 311; of Metis, i. 312; of the Sirens, i. 312.
Fables, i. 272; concerning poesy, i. 193; respecting monarchy, i. 193; expounded by Machiavel, i. 193; considered by Chrysippus, i. 193; of the Earth, mother of Fame, i. 193; Bacon's opinion of, i. 272. Fabricius, his answer to Pyrrhus, desiring him to re- volt, i. 119.
Faces but pictures where there is no love, i. 34. Fascination, the art of imagination, i. 206. Faction, essay on, i. 55; subdivided when the oppo- site faction is extinguished, i. 55. Faith, confession of, ii. 407. Fallacies of man's mind, i. 211. Fall of man, induced by desire of perfect knowledge, i. 175.
Falsehood, a disease of learning, i. 171. Fame like a river, i. 56; flows from servants, i. 57; the marshaling of honour, i. 58; fragment of essay on, i. 62; the poet's account of it, i. 62; its force, i. 62; may be only causa impulsiva, and not causa constituens of virtue, i. 73; like antiquity, head muffled, i. 189.
Fantastical learning, i. 169.
Fat, marrow more nourishing than, ii. 14; diffused in flesh, ii. 89.
Fathers of the church, the learning of the, i. 176; power over children, ii. 169; suspicion of their children unfortunate, i. 27.
Favourites, the best remedy against ambitious men, i. 44; of kings chosen for their simplicity, i. 294. Fear of death mitigated by learning, i. 182; cause of the effect of, ii. 14; its use, i. 68; the civilian's de- finition of a legal fear, ii. 203; instances of wars on account of the fear of the growing greatness of nations, ii. 203.
Fears, Virgil's opinion of the causes and conquests of all fears, i. 182.
Feathers, experiment touching the producing of, ii. 22; colours of, Aristotle's opinion on the, ii. 7; what causes in birds, ii. 7; altering the colour of, ii. 116. Features, helps towards good in youth, ii. 11.
| Flammock, Thomas, excites an insurrection in Corn- wall, i. 360; defeated and executed, i. 363. Flattery of great men by philosophers, i. 169; none like a man's self, i. 35, 56. Flatterers, description of, i. 56; the greatest enemies of kings, i. 63.
Fleas, how destroyed, ii. 92.
Flemings, commercial treaty with, i. 360. Flesh, venomous quality of man's, ii. 10; fat diffused in, ii. 89; edible and not edible, ii. 118. Flies get a durable sepulchre in amber, ii. 24. Flowers, experiment touching compound, ii. 66: sweeter in the air than hand, i. 51; account of them, i. 51.
Fees, reformation of, ii. 275; exacted put down, ii. Fly on the wheel, Æsop's fable of the, ii. 269. 276; of lawyers, ii. 474.
Felicity breeds confidence and reputation, i. 46. Felicities, of Elizabeth, by Bacon, i. 284. Felons, employment proposed for, ii. 463.
Felony, cases of, ii. 163; the punishment, trial, and proceedings in, ii. 164; ditto of felonia de se, ii. 164. Female and male, differences between, ii. 117. Feodaries, vexations of people by, ii. 275. Ferrera, Stephano de Gama, a Portuguese adherent to Don Antonio, secretly won to the service of the King of Spain, ii. 218; Louis Tinoco appointed to confer with him on the reward to be given to Lopez to poison Queen Elizabeth, ii. 218; Lopez commu- nicates with him, signs Lopez, letters to the Count de Fuentes, writes several other letters, ii. 219; dis- covered to have intelligence with the enemy, ii. 219; committed to prison, ii. 219; his note to Lopez in- tercepted, ii. 220; his confession, ii. 220; confronts Lopez, ii. 220.
Ferrers, Lord, his attainder, i. 318.
Fœtus, nourishment of, ii. 22.
Flying in the air, ii. 122; of unequal bodies in the air, ii. 107.
Fluxes stayed by astringents, ii. 467.
Foliambe, Mr. F. his case, letter concerning, from Buckingham to Lord C. Bacon, ii. 524. Foliatanes, order of, put down by the pope, ii. 14. Followers and friends, essay on, i. 53. Fomentation or bath receipt, ii. 469.
Food, experiments touching the mest nourishing meats and drinks, ii. 14.
Forcing plants, mode of, ii. 464. Foreign merchandise, ii. 385. Foreign states, embassies to, ii. 382. Foreign wars, badness of, ii. 383. Forfeitures of the Star Chamber, ii. 388. Forma pauperis, defending in, ii. 485. Formalists, their shifts to make superfices seem bulk, i. 33.
Formation of features in youth, ii. 11.
Forms the true object of knowledge, i. 197; of induc- tion in logic defective, i. 208.
Fiat, Marquis, Lord Bacon's letter to him, with copy Fortitude, the virtue of adversity, i. 14. of essays, edit. 1625, i. 5, n.
Figs impoisoned on the tree by Livia, ii. 322. Figures, experiment touching the figures of plants, ii. 78.
Filum labyrinthi, i. 96; a rudiment of the advance- ment of learning, i. 8; also of the Novum Organum, i. 96.
Filum medicinale, experiment touching, ii. 17. Finances and receipts, one of the internal points of separation with Scotland, ii. 146; considerations touching them, ii. 148.
Fining metals, different modes of, ii. 460.
Fire, heat of, will vivify, ii. 93; invention of attributed to Prometheus, i. 306; different heats of, ii. 90; and time, differing operation of, ii. 45. Fire-arms, cause of motion in, i. 414. Fires, subterrany, ii. 54. Firmament, theory of, i. 416.
Fish, pulp of, more nourishing than their flesh, ii. 14; touching shell-fish, ii. 120; the cold nature of, ii. 102; from the sea put into fresh waters, ii. 94. Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium, a book of good worth, but not of the nature of an institution, ii. 232. Fitz Morrice, an Irish rebel, armed and sent to Ireland by Philip of Spain in 1579, ii. 260. Fixation of bodies, experiment on the, ii. 108; and volatility of metals, ii. 461, 462. Flame, rise of water by means of, ii. 122; touching the continuance of, ii. 55; commixture of with air, ii. 11; secret nature of, ii. 12; force of in midst and sides, ii. 12; Vulcan compared with, ii. 12; differ- ence between terrestrial and celestial, ii. 569; expan- sion of the body of, may be estimated by probable conjecture, ii. 570.
Fortune, faber quisque fortunæ suæ, censure of that saying, i. 104; rising in, seldom amends the mind, i. 104; essay on, i. 46; the two fortunate proper- ties, to have but little of the fool and not too much of the honest, i. 46; fortune to be honoured, i. 46; of learned men, discredit to learning from, i. 166. Fourteenth year a kind of majority, ii. 489. Founders of states, first in honour, i. 58. Fox, trusted by Henry VII. i. 29; inferior, i. 54; a sure friend better help than a man's own wit, i. 75; Bishop of Exeter, i. 319.
Fragile and tough bodies, ii. 114.
France, state of, under Charles VIII., i. 326; divisions of, in the time of Queen Elizabeth, ii. 247. Francis I., his opinion of a lie, ii. 298; used to walk disguised, i. 112.
Freedoms, several, an internal point of separation with Scotland, ii. 146; considerations touching them, ii. 148.
French wiser than they seem, i. 33; their peasants do not make good soldiers, i. 37; disease, origin of, ii. 107; law of duels, ii. 297.
Friar Bacon's head, ii. 338. Friars, observation of Machiavel on the poverty of, i. 166.
Friend, how valued by honest minds, ii. 333; danger of a false, ii. 376; all great men want a true, ii. 486. Friends, Comus's saying of perfidious friends, i. 14. Friendship, Essay on, i. 33; without friends the world is a wilderness, i. 33; principal fruit of, the discnarge of the heart, i. 33; no receipt openeth tue heart but a true friend, i. 33; communication to a friend redoubles joys and halves griefs, i. 31; healthful for
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