XIX. Look now on that Adventurer who hath paid And, if old judgments keep their sacred course, XX. Is there a Power that can sustain and cheer } A dungeon dark!-where he must waste the year, XXI. 1810. An! where is Palafox? Nor tongue nor pen And through all Europe cheer desponding men XXII. IN due observance of an ancient rite, The rude Biscayans, when their Children lie Attire the peaceful Corse in vestments white; In choral song; and, while the uplifted Cross The lonesome Mother cannot chuse but mourn; And joy attends upon her fortitude. XXIII. FEELINGS OF A NOBLE BISCAYAN AT ONE OF THESE FUNERALS. 1810. YET, yet Biscayans, we must meet our Foes Our ancient freedom; else 'twere worse than vain Descend on all that issues from our blood. |