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University Press: Hilliard, Metcalf, & Co.



Ihr Plätze aller meiner stillen freuden,
Euch lass' ich hinter mir auf immerdar!

So ist des geistes ruf an mich ergangen,
Mich treibt nicht eitles, irdisches verlangen.

Die Jungfrau von Orleans.

Long time against oppression have I fought,

And for the native liberty of faith

Have bled and suffer'd bonds,

Remorse, a Tragedy.

THE following Poem is intended to describe the mental conflicts, as well as outward sufferings of a Spaniard, who, flying from the religious persecutions of his own country in the 16th century, takes refuge with his child in a North American forest. The story is supposed to be related by himself amidst the wilderness which has afforded him an asylum.

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